My Super God QQ

Chapter 1103: Really an ancestor! time Machine!

No matter which person suddenly met a man and said it was his ancestor, he was afraid that it would be the MMP in his heart, thinking that the other party was provoking himself and panicked.

But at this moment, none of the Li clan even swear out, all look dull.

Because, Li Qing made a circle, and a picture appeared, which was a fragment of his life with Zhang Min. That's all. Li Qing nodded, and his face kept changing. He was old, and then he turned into the ancestor they worshipped.

"Today, I came here, it doesn't look like some scammers, it's here to cheat for benefits!"

Li Qing spoke, his voice echoed, with a magnificent atmosphere, making them a little bit revived from the shock.

"It's just, I didn't expect that my children and grandchildren will live like this now. I heard Li Kun say that some of them even live in the shack area in the slum area..."

Speaking of which, several families in very worn clothes lowered their heads a little embarrassedly.

"Although it is said that some people do not work hard and deserve it, others are sick and dragged down by the disease, but there is no way, who will let me be your ancestor?! Li Leshui, Li Zengqi, Li Xiu, Li Gaoli, Li Chuan... Come here. In addition, Li Chuan you should change your name, because your name coincides with your ancestors, my father's name is Li Chuan..."

Li Qing has a headache.

It's such a coincidence that I can still meet the name of the same name, which is also MMP. Even if his cheap father has no place in Li Qing's heart, but his mother admits that he has to recognize it.

"Li Chuan, are you willing to change your name?"

" no, unwilling."

Even if Li Qingfei got up, it was similar to a god-man, but the middle-aged man in front of him dared to speak out and was not willing to change it.

To be honest, it is still a bit difficult to recognize a person as an ancestor, not to mention my own name, which is already ingrained.

"Do you want to?"

Li Qing turned over easily, and a pile of federal currency appeared in the hand, millions of them.

"I, I, I don't want to!" Even if he looked at the money for millions, the person's breathing was quick and he shook his head.

This made Li Qing very gratified, at least not the kind who would sell his ancestors for money.

"Okay, this one million is for you. Think about it for yourself. If it's not your ancestor, who will give you one million..." Li Qing threw one million at him.

After he received it, he still felt a little bit foggy in the cloud, and his face was dazed.

However, Li Qing's last sentence made many people jump into their hearts. They thought of what they meant, assuming that the other party was not their ancestor, who would give one million to themselves. Not to mention the relatives, even if they are relatives, they may not give one million.

"Besides, your legs seem to be disabled... This only makes your family environment bad all the time. It's okay. Since I came here by chance, I won't let your children offspring~" said Li Qing waving. Xian Li covered his leg.

A dazzling golden light flashed, wrapping his legs.

In less than ten seconds, Li Chuan's face changed from shock to ecstasy, and he found his legs were intact and regained strength.

What's happening here? !

God? Fairy?

No, this is my living ancestor!

That's how he got it, a string in his mind was completely broken, and in the mumble of "bang", he fell to his knees directly, and the tears could not stop flowing out, and howled.

This leg not only made his life very miserable, but also affected his wife and daughter. Now, even if Li Qing is not his ancestor, he also shares his parents.

"Next, Li Gaoli, are you suffering from leukemia... nothing, I will cure you."

"Li Leshui, early gastric cancer..."

If at first, people of the Li clan did not believe in Li Qing, they thought Li Qing was a swindler, even if Li Qing became his ancestor, he would not believe it. Well, now, they have believed that their ancestors appeared.


No one behind was shocked and knelt on the ground.

One by one, they also knelt down to the ground.

As for Li Kun, I will take a look at the portrait of the ancestors during the worship, and then I will take a look at Li Qing and kneel at the same time, including the little girl.

This is not what the ancestor manifested? !

Not an ancestor, who will treat you, who is not an ancestor, who will give you money?

Not to mention, Li Qing can fly, and looks exactly like his ancestors?

He was totally selflessly devoted, even the Li Peng couldn't make sense, thinking about anything, his face was pale and his body was crumbling.


He thought that the other party was really his ancestor manifesting spirit, he was the rebellious descendant, and actually cursed his ancestor.

Healing several people's illness just made everyone's emotions high, and Li Qing's next step was to regenerate a clan and regenerate his arms, which completely set off the climax of this clan association.


Even the ancestors showed their spirits, they could not believe that they could have such a powerful ability.

In front of me, it is clear that miracles can only be described.


Li Peng slammed his face hard with his palm, and fell to his knees, crying and crying.

He knelt in front of Li Qing and prayed for forgiveness, including those who were going to shoot at Li Qing and those who sneered at Li Qing, all fell to his knees.

As for whether they really pay tribute to their ancestors or fear them, it is not known.

"Get up, I don't have your unfilial children like you!"

Li Qing had no good feelings for Li Peng. Relying on his own financial situation, he didn't care about his clansman. Sometimes he fell into the rocks and made a fortune.

As an ancestor, he has the qualifications to deny such unfilial children.

"No, old ancestor, I am also your descendant. I was just blindfolded by the dog for a while, and I am still your descendant!" Li Peng panicked and did not know what to panic.

"Get off! Li Kun, expel this kind of person from the Li clan, and make an ancestry!"

"Yes, ancestors!" Li Kun hurriedly took note of this.

Many clan members in the pro-society are all glaring at Li Peng, some people have long been accustomed to it, and some people sincerely thank this ancestor.

Send money!


Li Qing grabbed the hearts of all Li family members all at once, even if they felt weird in their thinking, but just thought about this kind of reinvention, not the ancestors were also ancestors, and sincere kneeling was more sincere.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a middle-aged man in a casual suit walked in with a stern voice, with several policemen armed with guns behind him.

Upon entering, these policemen surrounded Li Qing.

"Son, you..."

Looking at his son like this, Li Peng was horrified.

"Dad, I suspect that he is a man with abilities. He is deceiving you with illusions... in the system, I know there is such a person in this world."


Listening to this, many people present are a bit ignorant, and it is impossible, all this is a dream, is it fake?

Especially those who are sick and have just been cured, and their faces are struggling with pain.

Even if this is a dream, they are willing to do it!

"Hehe...what kind of illusion is there such a person on earth, but I am not!" Li Qing smiled lightly.

"No matter who you are, squat down with your head now, everything will follow me back to the police station!"

This middle-aged man still looked at Li Qing with utter murder.

"For your sake, you are my grandchildren, let's go!"

"Come here, tie it up!" The middle-aged man was angry with Thunder. How could anyone allow him to say that he was his descendant? This touched his fury.

Li Qing watched the policemen coming and kicked off three or two times.

The latter was shot out, pointing at Li Qing.

"Don't dare to attack the police, and give you another chance to squat with your head closed, otherwise we will shoot!"

"open it!"

Li Qingdao.

"Okay, then blame us for being welcome, shoot!"

The middle-aged people narrowed their eyes, flashed their frustrations, waved their hands, and suddenly the guns in their hands opened fire.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

The huge gunshots shocked the entire stadium and echoed continuously.

But in the end, they found Li Qing was okay, not only okay, he extended his hand, the bullets were all in his Hold it, and then spread his palms, Li Qing squeezed all these bullets into sand, from the fingers There was a leak in the crack.


Li Qing said again, their faces changed greatly, their eyes were full of fear, and they turned and ran.

Soon, the clan meeting was over, and Li Qing watched these children and grandchildren happily receive the money, or his illness improved, and he was ready to leave.

He was gone, flying away from his kneeling children...

Since then, no grandchildren dare not respect their elders, and Li Qing’s portraits have even replaced the Buddha statues in their families and become the spiritual pillars in their hearts.


Li Qing returned to his future island. His consciousness is still paying attention to his descendants. The focus is still on the "Li Jun" in the Academy of Sciences.

He was thinking, when would he go to the universe to find those civilized worlds, get some aura and come to the earth, the air of this earth is really bad.

In order to make himself more comfortable, he took out a lot of fairy stones to decorate the island, and finally, the future island was arranged like a wonderful fairyland.

And in China...

The story of Li Qing was passed up and listed as the top secret. Even if they continued to explore where Li Qing went, they did not have such great strength. They got news from the Chase family.

Time goes by, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle...

In the blink of an eye, two decades have passed.

Twenty years later, Li Jun was promoted to become the deputy minister of the future science and technology research and development department. At the same time, he had the authority to go to the research department of the Federal Institute of Science and Technology.

And in the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Research, it is the place where the scientific and technological forces of all countries in the world are integrated. After he came here, he discovered the time machine.

So, taking advantage of his position, Li Jun wanted to try a time machine...

Tear-off monthly ticket recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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