My Super God QQ

Chapter 164: Finally researched it out!

"It's so young, I like it. I didn't expect to have such a small fresh meat this time!"

"Awesome, I thought there would be a pervert~ This time, the company's arrangement is really good!"

"Look, he seems to be blushing, oh my god, so cute, hahaha..."

The mysterious parts of the three females are present enough to make people see the blood of the animal boiling, but instead of being shy, they use words to tease Li Qinglai.

"That, this sister..." Li Qing wanted to ask what was going on. He came to find Xia Mo Can Yue, but he didn't come to enjoy the big health care.

"Come on, you measure their measurements, and then study their body shape, which style is suitable!" The elder sister has already taken a cloth ruler from the table behind the three girls and handed it to Li Qing.

The three women walked slowly in front of Li Qing, charming and charming.

This situation...

Li Qing only felt that the whole body's blood rushed to the head, and the nose was a little itchy. It seemed that he would bleed from the inside.


"No, this sister, I came to Xia Mo Can Yue, why did she ask me to do this?" Li Qing puzzled.

"Ah!" The sister realized that something was wrong and covered her mouth in surprise: "My God! Are you not a designer who applied online, and then applied again? You just called me and said you would enter the door, I'm waiting for you there..."

Li Qing only understood what happened.

"That person is applying, there are no photos?" Li Qing said with a wry smile: "Don't you admit the wrong person? As for the phone call, Xia Mo Can Yue also called me and said that someone would pick me up in the lobby..."


This was too coincidental. Both parties had made an appointment in the lobby, and the result was that they were in the wrong position, which led to the situation in front of them.

"Because this is the first time applying, we have only studied his professional knowledge, so there are no photos..." The elder sister said with a look of shame.

And the three women seemed to understand something, screaming, covering each of them above and below.

If they are facing designers, they can be right, because of professional reasons, but ordinary people make them a little embarrassed and shy, no longer just want to tease Li Qing.

"Well, it seems that we have misunderstood, I continue to find Xia Mo Can Yue, you go to pick up the designer?" Li Qing suggested.

"It can only be like this~ Hey~"

The elder sister laughed and said that anyway, the three models were seen, but not herself. As for whether the three models will blame themselves, she is not worried. Because their remuneration is paid by themselves, they dare not have opinions.

Li Qing nodded and turned to leave. When he opened the door, he couldn't help but ask, "What kind of underwear did you design for?"

He thought that this career is simply what Wang Lin dreamed of! Curious, just ask one more question.

"Sex underwear, because this is designed for men, male designers are the most suitable."


Li Qing thinks that they are not wearing clothes, they must have nosebleeds, if they put on **** underwear again...Don't even think about it, the chicken is stiff!

Back in the lobby on the first floor, he saw a girl wearing a uniform like a secretary, walking around constantly.

"Are you Li Qing?"

She looked at Li Qing expectantly.


"Where did you go! I just couldn't find you everywhere, well, come on, our chairman is already waiting for you."


Xia Mo's office is full of black decoration. The sofas, tables and chairs are all black, and the display is very popular. There is no decoration that a beautiful woman should like.

"Hello, haha, really trouble you, let you come in person."

"it is good!"

The two shake hands.

This made Li Qing think that the other party shook hands with himself last time, and also scratched his palm.

When Li Qing shook his hand, his eyes were lost, and Xia Mo Can Yue seemed to remember something, so a flash of teasing flashed in his beautiful eyes, scratching his palm again with his nails.

Li Qing was blushing and backed away.

She giggled, and only found it extremely fun.


It's so cute, this younger brother is just like Xiaozhengtai, very innocent and shy.

"Uh, I don't know what Miss Xia Mo, do you have anything to do with me?"

Seeing her laugh unbridled uncontrollably, with a trembling smile, the beautiful little white suit in front of her was swaying up and down, and quickly started the topic a little awkwardly.

"Don't call it Miss, just outside, you call me Xia, or Miss Sister?" She still smiled.

"That's good, Sister Xia."

The younger sister is dedicated to Murong Fengrou. Li Qing will naturally not use it on others.

"Sister Xia came to you this time to ask you to help me solve a problem. One of the medicines does not seem to work. Can you help me to see it?" Xia Mo Can Yue motioned him to sit down, and he sat down.

The little secretary brought hot hot tea.


Li Qing hesitated.

Seriously, the other party seems overbearing! If you want to copy your own goods, just let yourself be the leader, what's the matter? !

But think about it, you haven't thought about making money with this, the other party has been smiling happily, reaching out to not make people laugh, Li Qing is a little tangled!

"At the birthday feast, you promised me, you won't talk, don't count? Also, as long as you can help me, after the success of this medicine, I will give you 10% of each bottle sold How profitable?" She looked pitifully with pleading in her eyes.


Li Qing, who was sold by her face, agreed to come down.

"Really! Thank you so much!" Xia Mo Can Yue stood up happily and jumped up like a little girl.

This made Xia Mo Can Yue feel relieved. Now, the research institute of their company has produced a semi-finished cosmetic liquid, which is a medicine prepared by chemical testing. But the medicine effect is more than ten times worse than the tonic liquid, and one of the medicines seems to be not suitable, but it will make the medicine liquid have a bad effect.

She thought to invite Li Qing. Originally, she never thought that Li Qing would promise.

Now, Li Qing agreed, she was certainly delighted.

Maybe she realized that she was a little girl, and she stopped excitement again and vomited mischievously: "I am a bit forgetful, sorry! Then let's go to the research institution now?"

"No hurry!" Li Qing said.

"Are you tired, or should you rest first?" She puzzled.

Li Qing told her everything she wanted to do and what Lin Chengxing introduced.

"What, suspension technology motorcycles, do not use gasoline and pollution-free products?" Upon hearing this, she almost thought Li Qing was crazy and could research the ground tonic, which had surprised her.

Suspension technology, that's the technology she couldn't even imagine!


"Are you sure you're not kidding? Your sister Xia and I are a little girl, but don't be scared~" She patted her chest, indicating that she was timid, but this shot was to make the pair of beauties rumble again and see Li Qing His eyes are straight.

"No! I have brought a semi-finished product! Put it outside!"

Li Qing pretended to go outside, and when he came back, he already took out a box from the storage space of the qq hard disk.

In front of her, Li Qing opened the box, and a silver disc suddenly floated from it.


Even if Xia Mo Can Yue was a little bit psychologically prepared, seeing this, she was still surprised to take two steps backwards, directly hit the chair and sat down.

It really feels like hell!

Assuming this is in ancient times, if you show them to your mobile phone, they will look like hell.

At this time, Xia Mo Can Yue is so!

She wanted to break her head, but she couldn't figure out how this thing floated. If Li Qing didn't take it out, but by chance, she would surely turn around and run away, suspecting that there was a ghost holding it flying.

Li Qing picked up the tea and drank slowly, letting her calm down.

The stunned woman also felt that she needed to be calm, did not speak, and looked at the object with her eyes straight.

Until ten minutes later, she was very excited to make a decision: "I cooperate with you, Jieshi Group does not know the goods, let go of your lucky cat, I will definitely not let go!"

Her excited voice was very high.


Li Qing seemed calm and nodded.


"What's the matter, Sister Xia Mo?" Li Qing looked a little strange looking at her.

"Good brother, you...can you also give your sister a 30% score, and you are seven or three, okay?" She said embarrassedly, coquettishly.

"it is good!"

Li Qing agreed to come down.

I have to say that the person introduced by Lin Chengxing is really good. Xia Mo Can Yue looks in his early twenties, but he has great control over her company.

There was no car company in her group, but within three days, she bought one, and even invited all the technicians.

What about security?

She must have a red background. After acquiring an automobile manufacturing company, she summoned a team of 50 people.

Listen to her These are the forced veterans of the special forces, they are very willing to come over.

Everything is ready, Li Qing is again investing in research and development.

After half a month...

In the research room of the affiliated automobile company, a motorcycle without wheels and full of futuristic technology was built.

The body is bright silver, large z-shaped, and there is a boat-shaped curvature behind it, which is very high-end.

The future style can kill everyone's eyes.


Li Qing starts and sits up!

There is no fireworks, it rises from the ground to one meter high in the air.

Turning the accelerator, like the throttle of a motorcycle, howling sounded, and blue light seemed to be sprayed from behind.

Suspension motorcycles move suddenly, flying forward like an arrow out of string.


The speed is as fast as silver light, and it is like lightning flying, dancing, unusually handsome.


"Pull the wind!"

"A cool comparison! If you drive it out, it will definitely be more attractive than a sports car!"

"Cross times will start to change because of its appearance!"

"The world will look at it for this reason, God, will we become a world-famous company?"

The engineers who participated in the design and manufacture couldn't help but let out the most natural exclamation and exclamation in their hearts.

Li Qing called immediately and asked Xia Mo Can Yue to come over.

During this time, the cooperation between the two was very tacit and very pleasant.

The workers below are also very easy to use!

Now that he has finally researched this leapfrog motorcycle across the ages, then maybe he should discuss with Xia Mo Can Yue when to let it appear in the eyes of all people in the world.

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