My Super God QQ

Chapter 170: Press the young man

If you want to know the whereabouts of the younger sister, then finding the young man, Wu Yifan, is definitely the fastest way.

Attorney Ying knows the young man, then through the attorney, you can also find the young man.

"I will go back as soon as I go!"

Li Qing didn't have time to explain. After throwing such a sentence, he rushed over like lightning.

Jing Hong was stunned. Attorney Wing was sitting in the car. He had to be fast, or he had to chase it down.

It was a traffic light, and their car stopped, but when Li Qing was about to catch up, the green light was on, and the car rushed out again.

"Boy, you are dead!"

Li Qing was too fast to care about anything else, and was almost hit by a car. Fortunately, he responded quickly and flashed past.

He ran in traffic!

The car kept flashing, making the horns around the car loud and messy.


Keep accelerating!

Li Qing finally caught up with this car.

"How do I stop them?" Li Qing was a little overwhelmed just after catching up with the car, how to stop him.


He certainly won't agree.


I'm afraid I will be killed directly!

Li Qing really doesn't want to give up this opportunity!

Finally, he gritted his teeth fiercely, three steps into two steps, his right foot jumped hard, the floor left a crack of thirty centimeters, and the person jumped high like a rocket and stepped on the car. Above, there was a loud bang.



"what happened!"

There was a scream in the car. Before the driver stepped on the brakes, Li Qing quickly got down, grabbed the window edge of the car window, and drilled in.

When it was said that it was too fast, he was so fast that when he got into the window, he kicked away the person sitting on the far side and sat inside.

Don't look just now, he is so powerful, in fact, his heart is a little nervous, when he was sitting in the car, his palms were already pinched with cold sweat.

"It's you!"

Attorney Ying saw Li Qing and was so shocked that his face changed, and his eyes were full of panic.

The person beside him, who just kicked away, waved his fist and wanted to hit Li Qing.

The fist hasn't been swung out yet, and has been knocked out by Li Qing's hand knife.

"It's me! Yeah?" Li Qing took a few breaths and said a little tiredly, the most important thing was nervous just now.

"Lao, hurry up and call the police!" He jumped and cried like a cat stepped on his tail.

"If I were you, I wouldn't make such a silly thing as an alarm!" Li Qing took out the silver chain, and the sharp edge of the blade flashed in front of them.

The driver immediately stopped when he was afraid to speak.

"Keep driving!"

Li Qing shouted.

The driver shuddered and continued to drive forward, so Li Qing could sit down and talk to Lawyer Ying.

"What do you want to do?"

He looked at Li Qing with a wary, horrified look, as if the little girl about to be attacked looked at a big, grinning man.

At the beginning of his battle with the young man, Lawyer Wing saw it clearly. He was beaten and hospitalized for half a month.

In his mind, Li Qing is a terrorist object that he cannot provoke, and has a psychological shadow.

"Where is the young man?"

"Master is not with me! Are you looking for the wrong person?" Attorney Win was relieved.

"Hurry up, where's the young man! If you don't say it, I'll throw you out of this car!" Li Qing said fiercely, grabbing his collar.

Attorney Ying looked at the car outside and drove by. If it was thrown out and it was nothing, it just happened to be run over. Then he would really die without a corpse.

"I don't know where he is~" He hurriedly cried, begging for mercy.

"Then you just ask, if you have something to find him! Immediately, immediately!"


He called quickly, and the little man over there answered the phone, seeming a little impatient. However, he clearly asked the location of the young man, Canglan Hotel.

"Take me to this place!"

Li Qing said in a deep voice.

The driver of the car dared not disagree, so he turned to the Canglan Hotel.

"Well, can you let me go! Now, you know where the lord is, it's none of my business!"

"Let you go, when I'm stupid, what will you do when he informs him?" Li Qingbai gave him a glance.

Winner's mouth twitched for a while, and he was guessed and thought, and he dared not say anything.

Canglan Hotel, located on the third floor, is a six-star luxury hotel.

Let's not talk about how magnificent the decoration is, just the floors, Li Qing can't count how many floors at a glance.

"This is the tallest building in Beijing, our little one's house." Lawyer Ying is proud.

Li Qing sneered, too lazy to say anything.

Entering the hotel, Attorney Ying saw the security guard and turned her eyes a few times, eventually giving up the idea of ​​letting them catch Li Qing.

This guy is abnormal, but these ordinary security guards can't solve it. It is called to ask for trouble, or it is better to temporarily protect the body.

Go all the way to the 32nd floor, enter the presidential suite here, listening to lawyer Law said, the little man is here.

Li Qing knocked on the door.


"I!" Attorney Ying responded with the understanding of Li Qing.

The door was opened and it was a bodyguard whom Li Qing had seen.

Seeing Li Qing, he was a little confused, and the next second, he was directly cut into his throat by Li Qing and fell to the ground.

This sudden change caused the other three bodyguards in the house to yell and rush over.

However, Li Qing's current strength is many times stronger than before, and it is easy to put them down after three, five and two.


Li Qing scanned the living room and saw no trace of Wu Yifan. When he was about to ask Lawyer Ying, he heard a "huh huh" voice.

This sound seems to be doing a shameful thing!

That's right, the young man actually went to bed with others in the room.

Li Qing smiled and walked over to knock on the door.

What he likes most to disturb is the good things of other people, not to mention this nasty guy, this kind of thing is only interesting to do.

"Who! Really, don't you say, can't you bother me?" There was a voice of little anger in the room.

"Open the door, check the water meter!" Li Qing smiled, he just wanted to do things.

"Open, open you... ah!"

The young man seems to have heard who this voice is, but it is very deep in his heart. If his uncle made him not allowed to trouble Li Qing, Murong Fengrou threatened him not to make trouble, he was afraid People have long gone to kill Li Qing.

Now, he was not afraid, and he came to the door!

He was shocked and angry!

Needless to say, the bodyguard did not stop him, it must have been killed!

"Help, yes, help!"

He pulled out the enoki mushrooms that were dripping with water, kicked the woman off the bed quickly, kicked the woman who was just talking sweetly, kicked the woman out of bed, rushed into the toilet and called.

The woman was stunned, first her body was empty and then beaten, what happened!

She didn't understand how she was just fine, she coaxed herself to be good, to cooperate, how suddenly her temper burst, kicked herself away, and immediately grieved her eyes flushed and cried.

"Open the door!"

Li Qing saw that he would not open the door for a long time, and vigorously knocked on it.

Not yet open!

Li Qing directly screwed the lock and pushed it in.

As soon as I came in, I saw a well-dressed, pretty woman who was lying naked beside the bed crying.

Not to mention, her figure is still very good, but Li Qing suspects that she is a money-laden woman, too lazy to pay attention to it. This kind of woman is not different from pork in front of him.

"Ah-you go out!"

She screamed when Li Qing walked in.

But Li Qing would not care about this kind of money-laden woman, glanced at her contemptuously, and scanned the trace of the young man everywhere.

There was no room, and the field of vision swept to the window. This was the 32nd floor. He would not dare to jump down.

Then it's in the toilet!

Li Qing twisted the lock of the toilet again. Sure enough, the young man looked at himself with a shocked and angry look on his face.

"I didn't trouble you, did you actually come to the door?!"

He shouted, his voice lingering.

"come out!"

Li Qing looked at him glaringly, and there was a enoki mushroom hanging down, frowning as he moved.

The young man also felt a little embarrassed, so he quickly put on the bath towel and came out.

"Don't worry, I won't hit you! Today, I only come to one thing, that is, I want to know where Murong Fengrou is?"

"She's home!" The young man said indifferently.

"Where does she live?"


"Scratch!" Li Qing looked at him like this, slaps towards his head.

The young man wanted to hide, but it used to be good. Now Li Qing's movements are faster, so he not only did not hide, but was turned over by a fan, very embarrassed.


He slammed into the bedside table all of a sudden, breathing in pain.

"Yifan, who is he?"

The woman didn't know why, and it took a long time to see Li Qing dare to beat the young man.

"It's none of your business, get out!" The young man scolded mercilessly, so he looked at Li Qing bitterly and bitterly, "You... Your strength seems to have improved! "

"Yeah, haha, so what?"

"You?!" The woman stared at the young man in disbelief, waiting to ask again, but ushered in the word "roll" again.

She just felt the world collapsed in front of her eyes, cried and picked up her clothes and ran out the door.

Neither of them cares about this woman, continue...

"You shouldn't come to me!"

"Oh, I'm not looking for you. How can I know where my sister is?"

"Haha, you want to find her, do you have that qualification? It's not what I said, even if you know the place, you can't enter the gate! Hum!"

"You don't have to worry about this!"

"Okay, then I will give you the address, they are in the Northeast..." He said a series of addresses.

Li Qing was a little surprised, even in the mountains.

"Did you lie to me?"

"What's wrong with you is the bastard!"

" Then I'm gone!"

"Don't rush, you should make it clear. What confidence do you have to see my sister Feng Rou?" he asked curiously.

Li Qing saw that he was beaten, not only not angry, but also wanted to talk to himself, he felt something was wrong.

Could it be that this guy was stupid?

However, he was not afraid, and said frankly: "I will tell you the truth. My strength is not as simple as you see. From beginning to end, why don't you think about it, if it is simple, you can be Am I playing twice?"

Fight twice!

Speaking of which, the young man was even more angry, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

However, he could not bear it any more, squeezing his hands tightly, squeezing his fists quickly.

"You wait, wait for me to let you kill you!" He grinned sinisterly in his heart.

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