My Super God QQ

Chapter 185: Alluring temptations

"Sister Xia Mo, have you come back?"

"I'm back, it's in the underwear company, are you okay?"

"Well, I want to ask you something."

"Well, then you come directly, I will have a small meeting on the third floor, waiting for you here."

Li Qing hung up the phone and went directly to the underwear company.

Xia Mo Can Yue really deserves to be a strong woman, found a new station in Beijing, and immediately returned to continue to work.

Even though it is already lunchtime and lunch break, she is still in a meeting.

Enter the underwear company...

Li Qing just entered the hall and met three familiar women.

These three women were the three underwear models he met when he first came. When he saw Li Qing a little dazed, he laughed and shivered together.

"Little brother, what a coincidence!"

"Yeah, hahaha, are you here to work?"

"No, we are a model company. We are here to make extra money."

It turned out that they were not from Xia Mo Can Yue Company, but from the modeling company. They usually took some orders, such as "fashion model", "flat model" and "underwear model".

Li Qing glanced again. They were not only good in shape, but also pretty thieves. No wonder they could eat this bowl of rice.

Both sides walked into the elevator while chatting, but they did not expect them to go to the third floor.

Inquiring the staff here, Xia Mo Can Yue's office, Li Qing pushed into the door, but couldn't help but stunned.

I saw a small meeting room in the door, about 100 square meters, with a high platform, there are various lights above the high platform, and there is a row of beautiful models walking on the show.

They wear **** underwear, some have long legs, and some have very white balls. They are very charming and charming under the light. Nima, just a glance, Li Qing almost nosebleed.

"Come on, brother!"

Xia Mo Can Yue, who was under the stage, also found that Li Qing had entered the door, beckoning with no intention.

The CEO’s move attracted many people’s attention. Seeing a young man like Li Qing entering the meeting room, all the women in it were a little curious, and some of the models on the stage blushed slightly, but they continued to walk.

In such a situation, Li Qing is a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many women, but the big man can't run, it's so embarrassing. Had to bear his eyes not to squint and walked towards Xia Mo Can Yue.

Xia Mo Can Yue sat in the first row under the high platform. There was only a secretary next to him, who was recording something.

"Sister Xia Mo!"

Li Qing sat next to her, a little uncomfortable.

In this place, in this situation, when she asked her to do good deeds, she always felt something was wrong.

"Well, it's back after going to the field to do things? How are things done?" Xia Mo Can Yue asked Li Qingdao with a smile.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Qing sitting at this meeting, just underwear models, nothing.

"Fortunately~ Thank you Xia Mo for your concern."

Li Qing nodded. It was at this time that dance music changed on the stage. His eyes were naturally attracted to slip to the side, and he saw some tempting thighs and places, and he couldn't help the blood boiling.

"Well, did you go back to the factory to see?"

"I called the phone and everything went well. Only after all the technicians have learned it can immediately organize the production line and start production."

"Then I'm relieved, what do you want me to do?"

"It's just..." Li Qing scratched his head and talked in a hurry, unable to tell.

When Xia Mokan saw him like this, he seemed to guess something. He was surprised and chuckled: "You won't see these flower girls, you see your brains are messed up, lost your mind, forget what to say? Giggling~"

Li Qing really wanted to say that these goblins were too charming to dress, and made people a little unable to concentrate on God. They always wanted to peek. But he is a man, of course he cannot lose face in front of a woman.

So, he pretended to carelessly laugh: "No, no, Xia Mojie, you really love to joke, that is, I think you are busy, or, wait for you to finish, let's talk about it!"

"Alright, I recorded the names of these suitable models, then you will wait a while and it will end soon."

Xia Mo Can Yue was polite and nodded.

Li Qing was like this, so she had to accompany her and watch here.

To be honest, from watching TV model performances and reality, it is completely different feelings.

In the past, Li Qing didn't watch underwear models on TV, there were many advertisements, but really, it's far from watching TV. This is really a 5D version!

Not to mention, the angle of view of some cameras is not as convenient as where we want to look.


Li Qing just took a look for a while and took a breath. He just couldn't stand it.

Because, under the light, the bright thighs and the ball almost dazzled his eyes, and all the **** pictures were in his head.

Actually, Li Qing is not to blame!

Who made him still a standard virgin, how could the virgin resist the goblin's confusion.

On several occasions, Li Qing would secretly put his hand in his trouser pocket and adjust the position of Little Li Qing, otherwise the chicken would be stiff and really uncomfortable.

"Why, they look good, or your sister looks good to me?" Suddenly, Xia Mo Can Yue turned around and asked Li Qing with a laugh.

Li Qing quickly remembered the underwear that Xia Mo Can Yue wore, and naturally replied: "Of course my sister is pretty."

"That's it, my sister will perform for you again?" She teased with a flirtatious look in her eyes.

Li Qing didn’t know that this was Xia Mo Can Yue, who was laughing at him, he was also angry, and said: "Okay, okay, my sister's figure is so good, they will definitely feel ashamed when they come out, and they ran off the stage. ."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Mo's brain crashed.

She just wanted to make fun of her younger brother. Who knows, she was being made fun of, but this is really a disadvantage for women!

So, she secretly took note of this hatred and quickly turned her face sneeringly, ignoring Li Qing.

Li Qing fought like a battle, his anger was replaced by a smile, and his face was full of smiles.

After watching it for a while, when the three beautiful women I just met didn't know what, they also joined the model's catwalk, and they beckoned to Li Qing in a vague way~

Looking at them, Li Qing took another breath, almost failing to **** the tent below.


Just looking at them, they are still young and beautiful, wearing fashion. At this time, they are only wearing **** underwear, especially one with a hollow jacket, and there is a crescent-shaped back, and a slight groove is seen.


Li Qing almost couldn't help running out of this small meeting room.

This is simply the Pansi Cave where fairy spirits are gathered. I thought that at that time, Sun Wukong entered the place where the enchanting women refined by seven spiders were afraid.

Especially the three girls who met with Li Qing, from time to time, flirted at Li Qing, showing various **** parts to Li Qing intentionally or The expression of refusing to retreat made Li Qing a little impatient.

It turned out that when they saw Li Qing sitting next to the CEO of this company, they all believed that Li Qing was a rich and handsome man, and had an intimate relationship with the CEO. They thought they were the CEO's younger brother. No, they just wanted to seduce it. .

Li Qing was really fed up. He scratched his head embarrassedly, only feeling dry, and constantly moisturizing his slightly dry lips with his tongue.

"Specially, it's really too sexy, am I a big pervert?" Li Qing blamed herself a little, and that's it, she couldn't help but be tempted: "But it looks like I'm still normal, it's not nothing. The immortal who wants nothing, wants to become an immortal, I am afraid that it will be a long way!

Li Qing didn't know how time passed.

Seeing that there was a growing fire in the lower abdomen, which could not be extinguished, and that he had to burn the whole body, Li Qing could not bear it anymore, and left the meeting room on the pretext of going to the toilet.

"My little brother, can't bear to go and solve it by myself?" Xia Mo Can Yue watched Li Qing leave, and suddenly remembered this, giggling arrogantly, trembling with flowers.

In front of outsiders, Xia Mo Can Yue was all very cold.

But to Li Qing, she just somehow likes to tease Li Qing, which is too interesting, too fun, and has an addictive feeling.


Half an hour later, after all the underwear models left, Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue chatted together in this conference room.

When Xia Mo Can Yue let everyone leave, she smiled and said: "Brother, don't you let me perform? I will show you the show!"

With that said, she took off her coat, revealing the tight, wrapped tight sweater with tight body and tight jeans...

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