My Super God QQ

Chapter 196: Changes in Wang Lin

"Hahaha, are you moved?" Li Qing saw him like this, and his heart was shocked, and he could almost understand his mood. But it was the brothers who deliberately teased him this way.

According to the original habit, after ridicule, Wang Lin will pretend to be an indifferent, pretentious emotion, laughing and scolding.

This time, he did not, but nodded heavily.

"Yes! If it weren't for you, I might still be in school now, peeking at the female students every day, drooling, imagining their beautiful bodies, frustrating and venting to fly planes. If it were not for you, I might still save A bottle of mineral water money, I ran back to the dormitory to get free water. If it were not for you, I had no money in my pocket, I could only play with the computer in the dormitory. If it were not for you, I might have to squeeze the bus and bear it. With the disdainful eyes of those rich girls. If it were not for you, the female anchor would not admit mistakes with me a few days ago..." Speaking of sorrow, Wang Lin made a choked voice in her throat, and she burst into tears.

He also came from the most ordinary silk level. He knows how terrible things silk is. Although there are games that are fun and there are many beautiful women in the small action movies of love, it is unreal after all and cannot bring himself. Those who bring benefits can bring benefits to themselves and parents.

Once upon a time, he also entered the room of a female anchor, eager for true love, and has been guarding the female anchor.

At that time, the female anchor told him that what she needs is true love, who can accompany her, from the beginning to the next broadcast, without the need for gifts. In the end, even if Wang Lin was with her every day, she was not happy to find Wang Lin to complain, and when she was happy, she asked Wang Lin to share her happiness, but in the end she was soaked away by a local tyrant with a gift.

What true love? When is the company?

At that time, Wang Lin felt so stupid, and his heart was broken into countless pieces like glass, which was even more sad than breaking up with his first love.

Well now, he met the female anchor the day before yesterday, and seemed to be bored by the local tyrants and came back to live broadcast. Wang Lin said eight walls to her in one breath, which means eight, which means "bye bye".

Wang Lin vaguely remembered her shocked eyes. She didn't expect the brushless gifts she remembered in her memory. She swiped 8,000 pieces of gifts in one swipe. When she realized what she was excited about, she was looking for Wang Lin to chat, and she actively called Wang Lin.

But Wang Lin pressed the phone with an index finger.

Because, Wang Lin no longer believes in this kind of woman, does not believe in love, more he believes in his own strength and money.

As long as there is money and strength, then he does not need to spend all his time with the woman to please the woman, but other women have to spend all their time to please themselves.


These were brought to him by Li Qing.

If it weren't for the occasion Li Qing brought him, I'm afraid that after learning that the female anchor had returned to live broadcast, he could only secretly glance at it, sad and helpless.

"Hey, brother, you are a bit overwhelming, extreme! Not every woman is so snobbish, er, out of ten, there is always one that is not snobbish." Li Qing pondered after listening to his statement. After a while, sighed.

"Oh, I finally understand now that there is no difference between humans and animals. Animals, mothers always look for powerful animals to protect them, and like us humans, why didn't women need powerful men to protect them. So yeah Whatever is true, love is all false, as long as you are strong, women will automatically come up."

"It can't be said like this. After all, in this society, everyone feels insecure, and girls look for security without any problems!" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

He didn't want his brother to be too extreme. In that case, it was bad for his life. It was really bad. He might suffer because of this extreme personality.


How to say, Wang Lin is now the same as getting into trouble.

The three views should be positive!

Still have to believe that the world is beautiful, otherwise, life will be very boring.

"You don’t want to persuade me anymore, brother, everyone has everyone’s way of life, everyone has everyone’s character, now I have changed, I am no longer the former Wang Lin. Later Wang Lin, stand The person I am in front of you will only focus on being strong and strong. I will one day, my Wang Lin will definitely reward you, even if it is not for you, my brother, I will also be a branch that can help you Hand!" He was very serious, almost swearing seriously, covering his chest.

"Brother needs your return, is that still called brother?" Li Qing scolded with a smile, punching him gently on the chest: "Follow me to do something, don't you want to get stronger? Will you come back later? Home, in addition to the car, I will give you another gift."

"Gift, don't use it? Brother, I have enough now. With the capital you gave me, I can already grow and become stronger." Wang Lin said seriously, suddenly this seriousness turned with his eyes, and he was thief again. Laughed: "No, I'm a little bit powerful now, you don't know, last night a girl kneeled to help me lick for a long time Become an emperor, incomparably high! Even for this feeling, I will definitely become stronger!"

Li Qing frowned, and always felt that Wang Lin seemed to be in danger, and in order to be powerful, it seemed to deviate from some human nature?

"Don’t be like this. That girl is a money-laden woman. I’m not a good woman who hurts. Hey, although I’m a little bit broken, I won’t hurt good people. That kind of money-loving woman. I buy her gifts. Give her money, she plays for me, and it's all about taking what I want, and I'm all happy that it's not..." Wang Lin frowned at the sight of Li Qing and explained quickly.

"Okay, okay, I can't stand you~" Li Qing smiled and said nothing more.

Of course, Li Qing still gave himself a question mark: "Will Wang Lin go bad because of the pursuit of strong power? Will it? Will it? Will it not? Should it be his brother, just take care of him!"

"What are we going to do?"

"Uh, I'm going to buy something, let's go, go downstairs with me, if you're fine, go with me."

Wang Lin thief laughed twice: "What can I do! I am just looking at this store for you now, thinking of some money-making tricks, bubble girl, nothing serious."

"Then let's go quickly, my daughter is afraid of waiting for a long time."

"Your daughter..." Wang Lin froze there for a long time and couldn't add to God.

"Go on and talk."

Wang Lin had to follow him down.

Seeing Li Qing driving in a sports car, Wang Lin's eyes were straight, and he turned around for two laps. Enviously, his eyes were about to fall out. He exaggeratedly shouted, "Yes! My brothers are all mixed up with such good cars. That's it, Aragon, Gee..."

"Oh, bother you~" Li Qing thanked the female minister with a smile.

He just went up and asked Xiao Guoguo to wait in the car for a while. He did not think that the female minister was very careful, and she also brought the fruit, and was playing with Xiao Guoguo.

"Boss, you laughed, this is what I should do. This child is so cute and cute. I have never seen such a spiritual child, and her eyes are really beautiful." Sincere expression.

"Haha, I think so too."

Li Qing really thought of Xiao Guoguo as his loved one. When he heard someone praise his daughter, he was full of heart and was very happy.

After all, who doesn’t like others to praise their children, Li Qing sees the kind of parents who sit together and slams at their children, especially the kind of elders, such as grandma and grandpa’s favorite. Holding his child's smart and cute.

He can't avoid It seems!

"Yes, brother, is this your daughter?"

Wang Lin finally noticed Xiao Guoer and looked at her with surprise.

This caused Xiaoguoer, who was a little afraid of outsiders, shrank, looking weakly at his father Li Qing.

"It's okay, Xiao Guoguo, he is his father's brother, called Uncle Wang." Li Qing comforted Xiao Guoguo.

"Uncle Wang~" Xiao Guoguo shouted timidly, and shouted timidly, and this lovely look caused a lot of love in the eyes of the woman minister.

"Well, Guoguo'er, ha ha ha, uncle will take you to buy delicious, fun, as long as you like it, let's buy it, okay?" Wang Lin laughed loudly and hurried back.

He has a strange sense of joy in his heart, is this his junior?

Not to mention that Xiaoguo'er is really cute, and his eyes seem to speak, making it very comfortable to look at.

It's a lovely little guy!

"Good~" Xiaoguo responded obediently.

She also seemed to understand that all the father's friends who followed her would not hurt themselves.

But the woman minister looked at her like this, and realized that Xiao Guoguo might have been hurt, and her face was full of distress.

Xiao Guoguo let Wang Lin hug, so Wang Lin has a place to sit on this sports car.

Li Qing drove away in a sports car.

The minister watched Che Ying leave, and then sighed and muttered: "What a lovely little baby, if I didn't kill it, maybe my daughter is so big. Of course, I can't give birth Spiritual children are really loving and lovely, as if the spirit of the world is all in one..."

She walked back to the bathing city in a nagging manner, still a look of loss.


Third today, beg the ticket! !

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