My Super God QQ

Chapter 202: No white, no black!

The deputy director almost hammered himself out of the hammer.

Now, he dared not fight Li Qing anymore, and glanced at Li Qing with his unsure eyes.

"Li Shao mighty! Hahahaha!"

Zhang Sangou shouted excitedly, and if his hands were not handcuffed, he could almost dance.

"Oh, after I go out this time, I will pass on this trick to you!" Li Qing remembered the matter of imparting ability to them, and immediately mentioned it.


Zhang Sangou froze, ecstatic.

"Oh, when did I lie to you~" Li Qing smiled: "I am Li Qing, and I never treat my brothers badly!"

"Uh huh!"

Zhang Sangou immediately nodded like a chicken to peck rice.

"Damn! I can't cure you anymore! Believe it or not, Laozi fell to you with a shot!"

Watching them wantonly laugh here, the deputy director only felt that his skin was trampled to the ground by others, scolding angrily.

He pulled out his gun and compared it to Li Qing's chest.

He wanted to see the panic and fear in Li Qing's eyes, it was better to kneel down and beg for mercy, however, he was disappointed, Li Qing was still a sneer, calm and calm. This situation, as if he were at home, not in the police station, was not like facing the police, but facing some chickens and kittens.

It really is!

In the case of guns, Li Qing is really not afraid now. The people in front of him are really not much worse than chicks and kittens.

"Specially! Don't you want to teach him? Well, I can't beat you, I'll beat you!" Suddenly, the deputy director's eyes rolled, and he found the amount of information from Zhang Sangou's words.

So, they were ready to start working on Zhang Sangou.


Li Qing is also depressed, so negligent, how about Zhang Sangou?


too young!

Or is it that he has practiced his sword for the past two years and has stiffened his brain?

Li Qing hated him. He took this as a lesson in his heart and vowed not to commit it again, so he glared at the three people in front of him.

"If you dare to move him with a single hair, you will be dead, and no one can save you!" Li Qing's cold words sprang from the teeth, like a spooky **** out of hell.

Inexplicably, the three of them were cold, and they seemed really scared.


The deputy director growled.


He punched Zhang Sangou in the chest. Although he didn't want to embarrass Li Shao, Zhang Sangou couldn't help crying out.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

As for the three punches, Zhang Sangou vomited bleeding and passed out.

Li Qing was so angry that his stomach was full of flames, and he wished to spit out fire to burn them.

Of course, Li Qing will not do this.

This time, as long as he can go out, these three guys must be killed!

That's right, since it is Murong's minions, it must be broken, otherwise, they will make a comeback and cause trouble indefinitely.

Zhang Sangou passed out, but they couldn't help Li Qing again!

So, the deputy director had no choice but to squint with his subordinates. With the intervention of the lawyer outside, he had to take them out.

The lawyer is here!

This was the last time Jin Yangxian invited him. Li Qing remembered as if he was still a gold lawyer.

After seeing Zhang Sangou fainting, he immediately said that he would sue something, but when he saw that Li Qing was still intact, he was relieved.

"I'm not afraid to sue~"

The deputy director laughed and looked at the lawyer with the look of the clown.

Their Murong family is not only in the police force, but even there are people on the side of the court, he is not afraid at all.

As soon as the words came out, the lawyer was almost angry and he didn't vomit blood.

Li Qing looked at him, his eyes narrowed coldly, thinking about when the news would come down.

Just thinking about this, there was a brake sound outside the door.

Then, a middle-aged man with a big belly pooped in.

Seeing that Li Qing was okay, he was relieved and opened his mouth to let people go.

"Secretary, they can't let it go. The order was issued above. If you let it go, you can't afford it!" The deputy director walked up to the director and stood up without fear.

He doesn't dare to do this at ordinary times, after all, he is just a deputy. Now, however, he has the above support, and his tone of courage has grown many times.

"Let me take the feather feather as a arrow in front of me and get out!" The Chief Secretary said angrily, his face turned red and a little purple.

"Secretary, you have to think about it~ If there is something wrong, then blame it, don't blame me for your position..." The deputy director smiled yin and yang, "Hehe, then, I will be disrespectful. What~"

When the Secretary heard this, he was stunned. Then, he went crazy, jumped up and raised his hand, just slap hard!

If Wang Lin is here, he will surely praise, this jump, how twisted the waist is, how ecstatic, how wonderful...


"Grass Nima!"

The palm was so hard that he almost didn't fan him directly to the ground.

Fanned the deputy director directly and looked at the director as if he had never seen it before.

Maybe it took three seconds, maybe five seconds before he reacted, and was killed by the whole family. He screamed steadily: "You dare to hit me! Do you know that this is the order from the province! You sit down It's over, do you know? It's over—"

Behind, this sound is even similar to the scream of the girl when she is about to be sharpened.

He lost his face, and in the eyes of the whole police station, he was fanned off with such a slap, and he was angry!

But before he could react, the director had already shouted, and the following people shouted, controlling the deputy director who was going crazy.

So, he bent over to Li Qing: "I'm sorry, Li Shao, it's our fault, please forgive me..."

Li Shao!

The secretary also called him Li Shao?

All policemen were stunned.

The deputy director shouted loudly: "What is Li Shao, he knows who is in the province?"

"Oh~" Faced with his questioning, the director sneered: "I don't know the provincial level. I only know that this is a direct order from Kyoto. It must be executed unconditionally, apologize!"

ten minutes later……

All of Li Qing's men were released!

Li Qing also handed over the video to Director Zheng, hoping he would deal with it seriously.

Believe that the relationship between the old man, he did not dare to favoritism!

Take everyone back, let them continue to watch the scene, everyone sees Li Qing's energy again, and Li Qing's dominance is stronger. Of course, Li Qing didn't care about this, and simply brought Zhang Sangou home.

Call Zhang Sangou, Wei Huang and Wang Lin to their rooms.

Li Qing entered the qq book city and taught them all the martial arts skills on the first floor.

Of which, a total of 20 million was spent!

In the end, they all have the thorns and tendons, as well as matching attack methods.

Even, Li Qing took out the replenishing fluid and gave it to them!

one day later……

By the time they went out again, the spirit spirit had multiplied in vain.

Yes, they are no longer mortals, but the acquired ones!

"I feel that I am extremely powerful now!" Zhang Sangou is no longer thin, but strong, extremely strong, and full of confidence in his eyes.

"A punch can kill a cow, I'm sure! In the future, when you see which girl you reach for, you'll take it straight away, ha ha ha..." Don't doubt, this is what Wang Lin said.


Wei Huang was so shocked and grateful to see Li Qing's universal means.

Just when they were excited, in the northeast, a Murong family in a deep mountain old forest, immediately received the news of the failure to arrest Li Qing.

"Failed?" Murong Qingtian murmured.

As the head of the house, he sat at the top of the hall.

"Yes! It seems that using Baekdo can't help him, and I don't know where the boy's luck came from. It actually communicated to us. Our people sent back the news. There is no way. The boy gave the country great benefits. He cannot be restrained by this way!"

An elder came out and frowned.

"Can I really send you out to kill him?" Murong Qingtian hesitated.

"I have a way!"

An elder came If Li Qing stood here, he would find that this guy looks really like the young man, it seems.

"Let's talk? I think this kid, sending elders into the world, has fallen into the prestige of our family!"

"Should not be used! Patriarch, didn't you get those people's reward last time? Some of the herbs are tonic, but also poisonous... As long as you give me a plant, I can immediately let him disappear."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Listening to the news that Yifan has passed back, this kid has a mother and uses this weak point to administer medicine, hehe, fearing that he will also die."

"Oh? How did you die?"

"Express delivery, isn't express delivery hot in the world now? This reminds me of this strategy, which is also interesting. It is absolutely useful!"

"Express? Okay, try again, the white one can't use the black one, try again, if not, we will hand-cut this kid to avoid endless scourge." Murong Qingtian's eyes flashed a thick murderous intention And even regretted it.



On the same day, a messenger ran out of the Murong family and reached the northeast directly.

At a Tiantong express nearest to the mountainous area, he sent a box made of crystal to Jianjiang City by express.

Thirty-nine hours after the express delivery, he was received by the lord who lived in the hotel.

"Hehehe, this flower is so beautiful!" The young man looked at the flowers in the box and couldn't help but exclaim.

"How do you poison that guy?"

The little man muttered to himself, his head turned around, trying to come up with a very creative way.


Thanks to the "Bing" boss for his reward and promotion to the deacon level, thank you, and a chapter will be added later to thank you for your generous feeding!

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