My Super God QQ

Chapter 208: I'm scared of Li Qing

This news is terrible!

You should know that Murong's family is also a big family in Kyoto.

Compared with Wang family, the power is also between Bozhong.

In this way, the innate strongmen in the family have been destroyed?

So how terrifying should the person who wiped out the Murong family's innate strong?

"Isn't it possible, homeowner? The old black of Murong's family, once had a bit of personal grievance and dealt with me, how can he deal with it with his strength? Especially his ability to control fire is magical..." An old man He said, his face was full of suspicious things: "Have we sent someone to verify this matter in the past?"

"This is my eyeliner coming directly from the family, don't doubt it!" The owner glared at him, and said sullenly: "The old black you said, was directly penetrated by the sword through the eyebrow, and died. Another , It was cut with two cuts, extremely miserable, and finally a survivor survived, but almost died in that man's hand..."


Inside, there was another shock that was shocked.

"Homeowner, I just came out of retreat and it's a little unclear, who is that person?"

An old man asked a little bit bewildered. He had been retreating in a closed house, but this time he was suddenly called out. It was very unknown.

"It’s a young boy from another province named Li Qing. Last time, Ah Sheng was humiliated by him and complained. He sent Xiaoqi’s uncle to kill him. Instead, he was killed. Perhaps his own old man Uncle was killed. Today Xiaoqi took Lao Li to seek revenge again. He wanted to take away his girlfriend, and he was also brutally attacked..."

"Ah! The two old guys who could kill Murong's family, or a teenager, is it impossible?"

"Do you think I will tell lies and trick you to play?" The homeowner said angrily.

The old man coughed twice, said nothing more, and sat back in his chair.

"Homeowner, I think we have to deal with this matter seriously. If that person is very young, then it is definitely a very serious matter!" An old man didn't stand up, his face was solemn.

"Well! If you are young, you are already a congenital strongman. If you don't mention it, this qualification is almost unprecedented, and there is no comer. No, if this young man allows him to grow up again, it will be a serious problem for our Wang family!" An old man said.

As soon as he said this, many people nodded in agreement.

So young, you can kill the Murong family in Kyoto by yourself. This is definitely a very terrifying guy.

Now, there are only two ways to go before them.

The point is to admit mistakes, pray for forgiveness, and make friends with them.

The point is to kill him completely before he can reach an unmanageable level.

"Homeowner, what do you mean?"

A middle-aged man came out and said.

"Hey, if you knew it earlier, you shouldn't grumble with him. Uncle, you are really true, but you got a little angry. Is it necessary to ask Xiaoqi's uncle to kill him? What can I do with a fierce kid!"

A middle-aged man whispered softly.

"Yes! Uncle, your temper is too big, people just provoke you, and you want to call someone to kill him in one breath, this temper is really not good. If our people go out to provoke disasters everywhere, let people find Coming from home, our Wang family has a great cause, so I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

A middle-aged woman heard and complained.

After knowing the details of this matter, many of them have a fear. On the one hand, they worried that the young man named "A Qing" would kill the Wang family without a word. On the other hand, they also complained about their third uncle. If it were not for him, the Wang family would not face this matter.

Being able to break into the Murong family alone and kill two congenital powerhouses, and then retreat all over the body, this is a terrible opponent that I dare not imagine!

After the complaints of these two people, many people also complained, causing the senior officials of the Ministry of Commerce to look very ugly, with black faces as if dripping ink.

Almost no one spoke for him, all blaming him for provoke Li Qing.

But he also suffocated!

Why did he get into Li Qing? Don't you think about suspension technology and want to benefit the family?

Until a few minutes later, the house owner watched these people change from complaining to blaming, and finally stood up and roared: "Shut up!"

In the room, it was quiet again.

"Isn't it all your business? Hang up high?! If that's the case, then what's the use of this family? Ah? Didn't you use the power of the family? Didn't you use it? The name of the family frightened the opponent...ah? Whenever there is a difficulty, they shirk their responsibilities and complain to each other. This makes the Wang family want to keep it for long. I said that it is better to separate from each other and leave each other! Cough cough... …” Whenever the head of the Wang family talked about anger, he barked back, and at the end, he coughed angrily and rolled his eyes, almost not fainting.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, bowed their heads, and dared not to respond.


Everyone here is from the royal family.

They used the fame and influence of the family, not knowing how many people robbed their business and how many people were hurt.

If there were royal families, could they?

If the Wang family really disappears, I am afraid that their opponents will all scramble to come to them to settle their accounts, asking for their old lives? !

"Cough cough......The reason why the Wang family can have a place in Kyoto is because our Wang family has gathered all of our strength, and the strength that our ancestors have left behind for generations!" : "If all of you are not together, can the power of this royal family still be there? If our royal family is dispersed, then the royal family is really over! So, don't complain, now, still think of ways to deal with that Li Green!"

"What do you mean by that owner?"

"Why did I let you come over for a family meeting? Just to listen to your opinions, otherwise, I'll tell you what to do!" The Wang family hummed angrily.

"In my opinion, this young man can't compete with him, shall we still deal with him? If he has a grudge because we have robbed his girlfriend, we can lose money!" A middle-aged man stood up.

"Well, Xiaoqi and his old uncle let this young man kill. In fact, he still took advantage of it. We won't pursue it."

"I also feel that the complaints should be settled rather than resolved."

These people were all scared by Li Qing's strength and Murong's misfortune.

Of course, some people are not afraid of death, or that they did not take Li Qing into their eyes.

Like the old man of the Ministry of Commerce.

"Homeowner, I think it's safer to kill him! Moreover, we have two people in the Wang family planted in his hands. We haven't recovered the scene. If this is spread, what is the face of our Wang family?" he said. Yizheng is authentic.

"Yes, I think I killed him too! Not everyone in our Wang family can bully him. The reason why the two congenital strongmen of Murong family were killed, I suspect that it was their carelessness, as long as we were careful, Take it seriously, and you should not be afraid of him. After all, I heard from you that the kid is still young, even if he came out of his mother’s womb and started to practice, I am afraid that at this time, he will have just entered the congenital!"

"I agree to kill him!"


The owner looked at the person divided into two parts and hesitated, saying, "Then raise your hand to vote now? Look at your opinions, and I will talk about my opinions again!"

There are thirteen people in the room!

After voting, the head of the Wang family saw that six people wanted to have a good discussion with Li Qing, and seven people directly wanted to kill Li Qing.

Master Wang thought about it and finally said, "Originally, according to my thoughts, I wanted to talk to him well. After all, he can become a congenital strong man so young, and there must be a great master behind him. Simply, we Let’s salute first, lose money or something. If he agrees, then the matter will be settled. If he doesn’t agree, then we will kill him!”

"But Xiaoqi is my grandson!" An old man stood up, his eyes flushed.

"Family is important!" The Wang family owner said solemnly and solemnly: "Do you think I don't want to kill that kid to avenge Xiaoqi? But, what if the small one is killed and the old one is attracted? What do you do? Come to block? Anyway, you can't lose big because of small, everything is for the benefit of the family!"

When it comes to the interests of the family, there is nothing to say about the decision of the head of the family.


Born in the family, when they were born to be sensible, they were almost instilled with the idea that family is everything.

When it comes to the family, their personal problems become extremely small.

Since the homeowners have said this, what other opinions can they refute?

And they also realized the truth of what the house owner said. A young man is so terrible, so how terrifying will the master behind him be?

I dare not imagine it!

Think about is enough for them to panic!


After the Wang family held the meeting, the Feng family in Kyoto also received news.

After they learned that the top power of Murong's family was almost wiped out, it was also an uproar for the whole family.

The Feng family was the force that sent people to kill Li Qing later.

As soon as the Murong family was destroyed and the Wang family ate, they couldn't stand up. They had to discuss with each other, and their family also started a noisy meeting.

They are also afraid...

He could break into Murong's house by himself, kill two congenital strongmen of the other party, and retreat. Can kill the Wang family, but also make the Wang family dare not say anything, this young man is almost against the sky!

The most important thing is that the state machine did not respond to this, and it was not seen by default.

So, after their fierce argument, it was up to the family owner to decide, and they were ready to have a good talk with Li Qing...

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