My Super God QQ

Chapter 229: God's mercenary

After sending the frightened Tang Yanyan out, Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and he immediately went in to contact Jin Yi.

"Deputy Minister!"

"Well, you found it too. Last night, we discovered a little clue. Someone is going to engage in a terrorist operation against our country. Now, we have ruled out the time bomb that was basically set in secret, but, suppose There are also people who are mixed in and enter, and the consequences are unbearable." Scale Yi solemnly said seriously.

"what do you mean?"

"I'm worried that there are human bombs and weapons. If they are allowed to succeed this time, I am afraid that our country will be in great trouble, and your company..." He did not go on. He thought that Li Qing should have understood his meaning.

"Then what should we do?"

"Monitor first, I have pulled all the power that can be used in the ministry!"

"it is good!"

Li Qing nodded and glanced at the lively audience. He also felt a little helpless.

There are too many people, there is no way to check it! If someone is really involved in it, and wants to engage in a terrorist attack, then Li Qing seems to be only able to see the tricks, and the water will flood!

He returned to the stage, as close as possible to Xia Mo Can Yue.

Xia Mo Can Yue sensitively noticed that something was wrong, but Li Qing dared not tell her that she was afraid of her expression. Li Qing is ready. After Xia Mo's work is finished, he will take Xia Mo's left with this place!



Perhaps when it comes to the development of suspension technology, the guests on the seats all gave out warm applause like the sea.

Occasionally, a reporter stands up and asks questions about technology, and the technician will answer them at his discretion.

The atmosphere is very good, very harmonious!

Seeing this conference, if it could be ended like this, it would definitely achieve great results. Suddenly, Li Qing's eyes narrowed, and he saw a man standing up suddenly and waving a denim jacket.


He felt a sense of crisis!

Then he saw a black copper tube sticking out of the denim jacket.

A blonde woman on the right did not know where to take an oval... grenade!

This is a howitzer!

Li Qing wondered whether he should shout caution, and when he was in a dilemma, the grenade had already been fired and directly exploded in the direction of Xia Mo Can Yue.

The grenade flew fast in the void...

Most of the audience did not notice this, even if some of them noticed it, they did not expect that.


Li Qing's eyes were splitting, and he shouted in secret, rushing to the crown in anger...

In front of him, he could only use his flesh to block the gun.

He used all the exercises he knew!

The Thorns Yijin Sutra, the five-body self-sensing Sutra, the Xuanwu Zhenjing...

Maybe it is really destiny. Li Qing discovered that most of the exercises he learned were very defensive!

The next second, Li Qing stood in front of the stage, facing the nuclear bomb, and lifted his chest without care, blocking the front of Xia Mo.

His whole body exudes a dim light, which is like a shield, magnifying infinitely!

At the same time, the scale sitting below also shot!

Maybe he thought that he could not catch up with the grenade, and he jumped directly to the front of the auditorium.

This time...

Finally, someone in front of the auditorium recognized the grenade, his face suddenly changed in horror, and became pale as paper.


The grenade exploded directly in front of Li Qing, and the endless flame spread out in all directions except Li Qing's direction.

Inside the pavilion, this explosion exploded and deafened everyone's ears.

The flames swept towards the audience!

Seeing that the audience is about to be engulfed in flames, the scales are spread out in the same way with both hands, and a yellow shield is directly generated in his hands, pressing hard against the flame.


With the first horrified scream in the exhibition hall.

Numerous screams followed, and the whole scene was in chaos.


All viewers are like animals, and the natural reaction is to escape!

Some don’t even know which way to go, but they instinctively know that they are leaving their original location.

As a result, under the frustration, some even ran to the booth.

"Little brother--"

Xia Mo Can Yue watched Li Qing being engulfed in flames, then stunned in shock. Then, like the cuckoo's sobbing blood, from the bottom of the throat, a cry of sorrow was extremely extreme.

In an instant, her tears could not stop flowing out.

She rushed towards Li Qing ecstatically, and regarded the flame as nothing. At this time, the only thought in her mind was to see Li Qing.

The flame was very vigorous, raising the temperature of the entire venue by more than a dozen degrees. She didn't run a few steps, and she smelled her long hair being burnt and disgusting. However, she still turned her back, like a moth puffing at the flame.

"do not come!"

Suddenly, a sound came from the flames.

Xia Mo Can Yue was very familiar with this voice, so she was shocked and looked at Li Qing slowly out of the flame.

Scale 1 also saw this scene.

Even in the remote monitoring of tens of miles away, Claw III also saw this scene, all opened his mouth, and forgot to close.

Li Qing walked out of the flame, and his whole body was wrapped with infinite flame, but as his hands swept to the left and right, the flame suddenly dissipated, showing his figure.

At this time, he was a little embarrassed, his hair was burned a lot, his jacket was also burned directly, and his skin was black.

But it doesn't look like it was just blown up by a grenade!

Doesn't that mean that howitzers can't kill Li Qing?

Is he a monster?

Or a fairy?

Everyone just thought it was a hell, otherwise how could you see such an incredible and magical scene!

In the dark, several strange and sneaky people also saw this scene. Originally, they were still ecstatic, even if all the bombs today failed, they could kill the host and the suspension technology. The creator, by then, China will naturally become the laughing stock of all countries.

Now they are all stunned.

"Deputy, they all committed suicide!" At this time, Scale 8 came over and said with a very solemn tone.

"Which country are you from?"

"Looking at the situation, there are Middle East and Shaou, they are less like a country sent, it seems to be an organization. In addition, we have three teammates injured, one died, the dead brother's throat was Cut, it seems to have encountered an unpredictable sneak attack."

"Sister Xia Mo, I will send you out!"

Seeing that there were lurking killers and terrorists in it, Li Qing no longer dared to neglect, quickly hugged Xia Mo's broken moon and ran out.

At this time, the door was blocked by the panicked crowd, and Li Qing held her directly from the crowd's shoulders and jumped out.

It is a pity that at this time, everyone is full of thoughts and panic. If it is not changed before, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Xia Mo Can Yue was sent outside until she got in the car, Li Qing wanted to return.

"Brother, be careful!"

Far away, there was a call of her fear behind.

Li Qing responded, rushing into the noisy and chaotic door again.

Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed in his eyes, and Li Qing almost closed his eyes.

Fortunately, without closing his eyes, a knife similar to that used by the Fuso people cut into Li Qing's neck.

So fast!

Li Qing heard the whistle, and the sound seemed louder than the noisy noise.

"What a terrible knife!"

Li Qing felt an intrepid knife, and his heart was awkward, so he had no time to block his arm in front.


Li Qing's arm made a straight cut, and the blood spattered out.

"Your uncle!"

Li Qing looked at his arm. Fortunately, he was not severed, but he was also injured to the bone. The pain hit his heart so badly that he took a breath.

In fact, what Li Qing didn't notice was that his bones were hard, and he didn't break them. However, even though he didn't break them, the bone was cut straight by the knife, which was so painful.

This is a strong man Li Qing has never encountered!

Its attack is fast and fierce, even stronger than that of the Wang family's strong sword!


It seems that Li Qing can still block this A figure appeared in front of Li Qing, an old man with pale hair and pale face, about 70 years old.

The whole body is also snow-white as frost. In addition to the eyes and the knife, the other facial features are snow-white.


His knife was black, shiny black, and standing there gave him a very strange feeling.

"Chinaman, you're good!"

He praised it, and said, the wrinkles on his face wriggled, and his voice was hoarse.

"Fusango's? Is it that this horror plan is planned by Fusuo?" Li Qing took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that this guy was a very strong man in front of him and he absolutely needed to be calm.

"No, no, although I am here to kill, I will not throw the black pot to my country! I am from the mercenary of God!"

"God mercenary?!"

"Yes, you may not have heard of it, but your leader should have heard it!" He pointed to the side.

Li Qing looked in the direction of his finger and his face changed greatly. I saw that Scale 1 was now besieged by two old men. The danger was still alive. These two old men were a blond old man and one was obviously like a Thai.

Scale eight is also under siege, and at the same time, several places have been fighting.

Li Qing rushed to help scale one, but the old man was slashed in front of Li Qing, trying to stop it.

He wants to block Li Qing!

At this moment, Li Qing gave a sneer of evil spirits. Just as his knife was slashing in front of Li Qing, Li Qing's face turned to him, and a silver rushed out, striking the old man's eyebrows with unparalleled speed. .

"Dead!" Li Qing narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

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