My Super God QQ

Chapter 241: Death Lotus Dance

"I ask your mother!"

Being so insulted by people, Li Qing's anger rushed towards the Heavenly Spirit Cover, shouted, put all his defense on his neck, tilted his head and flashed the flying knife, and rushed towards the old man.


In addition, two flying knives all hit Li Qing's body.

The old man was still annoyed that Li Qing actually scolded his mother, regretting to kill him like that, it was really cheap for him, but the next second, he showed an unbelievable expression.

Because, when the flying knife hit Li Qing's neck, not only did it not shoot into the skin, it even seemed to have Mars splashing, as if hitting the iron.


There was an uproar in his heart, even if these flying knives were not **** iron, they were also made of stainless steel. How could this be the case.

Thoughts were too late to run, Li Qing's figure was already like a cannonball, with anger to destroy all breath, bombarded him from a height.


He scolded, his eyes flushed.

The next second, the sharp breath of Jin Geng seemed to fill the world.

I saw his sleeve continually waving forward, actually turned into eight hands...

"The eight-armed lotus kills!"

The eight hands turned into a white lotus, and countless cold lights flew out of him continuously.

For a time, Hanmang seemed to cover the whole world!

Tohoku, Murong family...

The homeowner Murong Qingtian was roaring constantly, and the whole person was like a beast, with a fire in his nose and screaming.

"Homeowner, anger!"

The old turtle camel that Li Qing had seen saw Murong Qingtian, and actually fell, even he usually fell into his favorite antique, and he quickly persuaded.

"But, but... my eight uncles are really ridiculous, ridiculous! I have already told them as the head of the family, all those above the congenital level are not allowed to go out, he actually, hey..."

He was picking up a blue and white porcelain of the Tang Dynasty to fall. Murong Qingtian heard this advice and finally realized that this antique was one of his favorite favorites. After calming down, he sat down humbly.

"It's okay, the head of the house. I believe that there will be eight masters who will get it, it must be here!"

"Yes! Uncle Ba is very powerful, he is also a genius in our family, the strongest, but no matter how powerful, it is inevitable that he will overturn the boat in the gutter! Don't forget, that kid is not an ordinary character, killing all in Kyoto I’m really worried because I have a few innate strongmen! I already knew that when I met him, I should take the opportunity to kill him, and so many things would not happen in the future!"

"Yeah, who can think of it, for how long, the kid actually jumped from the acquired day to the innate one. This talent for cultivation is simply incredible and terrible!"

"So, I did not hesitate to take orders from the housekeeper to prevent them from going out. I just wanted to stay here and wait for the rabbits to wait for him to retaliate, and then kill him in one fell swoop."

"It's okay, homeowner, rest assured, Ba Ye must be okay!"

"Well, I think it's okay, but I'm a little angry."

"Don't be angry, homeowner, today, don't you say you have something to do personally? Don't forget!"

"Without your reminder, I was almost forgotten by this matter. Go and prepare some medicine for me. I'm going to the Xixiang Pavilion."

There was a helpless light in the eyes of the old turtle camel. The Xixiang Pavilion was the place where Murong Fengrou's biological mother was held.


When countless Han Mang came to cover himself, Li Qingzhen felt that all the hairs on his body had been raised, but there was no retreat in front of him.

"Come out!"

Clenching his teeth, his thoughts moved, and the sword tire flew out of his eyebrows with lightning, and under his control, guarded his head around the airtight wind.

As for other flying knives, it is the real time to test his Xuanwu Zhenjing defense!

After transporting the Xuanwu Zhen Jing, a shadow of a basalt monster appeared faintly behind Li Qing. The beast roared up in the sky with a hint of wildness, as if covering Li Qing's body.

Ding ding clang, continuous.

In the end, the flying knife did not break Li Qing's defense.

But countless points of strength converged together to form a huge thrust. Li Qing only felt that his body was sore and was beaten up.

When he fell to the ground, he looked at his clothes again.

"Fortunately, if there is a Xuanwu mantra, plus Yinyuexin, it may really be planted here!" Li Qingqing said with pleasure.


If Li Qing did not practice the Xuanwu Mantra and no vest, he would come to the Murong family for revenge, which would surely be a blessing.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang..."

As if the explosion in the gunfight sounded, the flying knives did not hit Li Qing except for those who hit them, hitting the surrounding trees and causing an explosion.

The power of the flying knife is really strong!


Like ordinary flying knives, it is good to be nailed directly on the tree, and the power of the Gengjin carried on the old man's flying knives is extremely domineering, but actually has the ability to explode.

From then on, it is enough to see that the Xuan Wu Zhen Jing, even if Li Qing only practiced one layer and only the epidermis, is an extraordinary book of cultivation techniques.

"Do not!"

Looking at Li Qing, he was still not dead or even injured. The old man couldn't help it anymore, yelling in horror.

At this moment, his face was already a little pale, presumably the consumption of the eight-armed lotus killing just now was not small.

Too surprised, he didn't even notice the appearance of the flying sword.

"No? Hahaha, how do I think you old man shouted like this, like the little girls about to be humiliated, hahahaha..." Li Qing looked up and laughed, his expression very smooth.

What he likes most to see is that these people who think they are tall are showing a look of horror.

At the same time, Xuanwu Zhen Jing also brought him incomparable confidence.


He has a new perspective on his strength.

Xuan Wu Zhen Jing, really extraordinary!


Hearing Li Qing's ridicule, the old man was almost angry and didn't vomit blood.

That is, when he pointed to Li Qing and wanted to say something, finally, he saw the flying sword floating beside Li Qing.

In an instant, his words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out again. The body also seemed to fall into the cold cellar, with a biting chill on the soles of the feet entering the body, through the thighs, the back spine, and directly into the back of his head.

"Fly, fly sword..."

He recognized the flying sword suspended on the edge of Li Qing.

"Yes, Feijian, you know now, even if you are from a high family, is it useless?" Li Qing sneered.

"How come you have a flying sword? Didn't the flying sword disappear in this world?"

"Sorry, this question, you should ask the king!"

Li Qing's thoughts moved, and Feijian shot like a lightning at the old man in the next second.

"No, no, impossible, no! I'll fight you!"

Seeing the Flying Sword, the old man finally became frightened.

He had thought about fleeing, but he thought that the speed could not be faster than the flying sword, so the only desperation!

Thinking of desperately, he held two flying knives in his hands. While continuously blocking the flying sword, he bit his tongue and sprayed the blood of his heart on the flying knives of both hands.

If one bite is not enough, he comes two, two is not enough, three...

He bleeds continually and hits the flying knife. Faintly, a magical thing happened. His flying knife was originally silver. Under the spray of blood, it gradually turned golden.

"this is……"

Li Qing couldn't see it. This guy was making some moth, but he could see clearly that every time the old man spit blood on the flying knife, his face would be obviously pale by three points.

"Although will almost kill my life, but I'm sorry, you will be crushed in a boundless fear!" Finally, pale turned to blue again, suddenly his face There was a strange smile on the face, and the strangeness kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger!

He seemed crazy, his laughter changed from strange to terrible.

"Do you want to die with me?"

Li Qing asked curiously, and with a move of thought, Feijian continued to speed up his attacks, like a violent wind and rain.

However, at this time, the flying knife in his hand also waved faster and faster, actually blocking it.

"No, it will burn up 90% of my breath of life... To be honest, I still have to thank you. If you forced me to such a dead end, I might not die with this trick passed down from the realm of truth. ! But for myself, for the family, it's worth it! Let me see how powerful I am! Endless sharpness, coming out of my body into a hurricane, sweeping everything, destroying everything in front of you..."

"Death Lotus Dance!"

He seemed to be the most devout believer. He was about to see the Buddha. His face was sacred with tremendous expectation. Finally, a deep roar came from the bottom of his throat.


Li Qing saw that his clothes seemed to be pierced by thousands of swords, and countless sharp breaths burst out of his body mixed with blood mist.

These sharp breaths turned into countless cold lights, like countless flying knives, around his body, and in an instant, they formed a shape similar to a tornado, with an increasing trend, Zhao Li Green scratches.

The sky seems to be spinning!

The earth is roaring!

The rapid rotation of wind in Li Qing's ears, I don't know at what speed, which made Li Qing's eardrums feel uncomfortable to be punctured.

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