My Super God QQ

Chapter 279: Li Qing's mysterious life experience

"Your luck is too good..."

Li Qing looked at her mother and smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Min puzzled.

"That's right, how lucky you are, when you meet such a scumbag man, and you're so stupid, gave birth to me with him!" Li Qing explained.

Immediately, Zhang Min was knocked on the head fiercely.

"What are you talking about, bear boy, don't think you are a general now, I won't dare to beat you! I also found out that something was wrong after giving birth to you later, because what he said and done were full of doubts There is a saying, I deeply believe it."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm gone. This is also for your mother and son."

"What a fart! It's you who still believe it?" Li Qing jumped up from the sofa and shouted excitedly when she heard this: "Are you well? I worked hard to pull me big, every I didn’t have time to cut the secondary caecum inflammation. I covered it myself and slowed down. Also, even if it was a thunderstorm, you must insist on going out to make money. What better!"

Li Qing is very distressed to his mother.

Which is better for your mother? Anyway, when he said this, he couldn't hear it. Instead, there was a nameless anger, not to vent it!

"Can you sit down and hear me say no?"

Zhang Min was a little angry, and his heart was very warm.

Angry, Li Qing didn't listen to what he said.

Warm, the son knows how to hurt his mother, this is the thing that all mothers are happy to enjoy.

"Say!" Li Qing scratched his head annoyedly before he could control his emotions: "However, don't say that he is okay, otherwise, otherwise..."

"What else? Do you want to beat me?" Zhang Min stretched his face and took out the coercion accumulated over a long period of time.

Suddenly, Li Qing snapped: "No, my mother, how dare I! I just want to say, otherwise, I will bring you a lot of grandchildren back... um, yes, that's it!" At the end, Li Green hippie smiles, full of pleasing.

In this way, Zhang Min nodded in satisfaction: "Well!"

But the next sentence, Li Qing collapsed again.

"Although you bring my grandson back, how many mothers dare to help you take..."

Li Qing was completely defeated.

"Okay, don’t laugh! Your dad, don’t interrupt me. Listen to me. Your dad, is a very kind and kind person. When I saw him, he seemed to be filming, but the result was On the way home, the robber was stabbed twice."


"Yes, your dad said he made a movie, and then he was robbed, and then I sent him to the hospital. But to the hospital, I think, he is not the way to stay here alone, just stay Come down and accompany him. After all, send the Buddha to the West. Good things will be done..."

"Did this happen, what happened?"

Zhang Min was asked by his son like this, and his face suddenly turned red: "Don't interrupt me! Later, my father and I became good friends. After he became ill, he often went to filming, and occasionally we also contacted by phone... "

Next, Li Qing heard her mother talk about the history of love, anyway, it is a very old love history, and the mother fell in love with him because of the other’s kindness and feeling of security, but did not think Finally, he left a letter and left their mother and son.

"A kind and kind person can still throw away his wife and son? Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I don't believe... Ah, don't fight, mom, what about that?" Li Qing asked.

"I originally collected it. Later, because I hid it too tightly, but I forgot to save it, it became rotten." Zhang Min said embarrassedly: "Your name was given by your dad! He said , Green is the natural growth of all things. At first, you are his son, and the future will be extraordinary!"

"I think at first, he was cheating on you, this one..." Li Qing smiled bitterly.


Just finished, the back of the head was shot again.

"Have he ever said, where is he going? Where to find him, where to go?"


Zhang Min originally saw that he was beaten and was still laughing. Upon hearing it, his expression dimmed again.

"This bastard!" Li Qing scolded bitterly.

"Your kid!"

"Hey, don't fight..."

"By the way, he left you a little kit, I haven't lost this one!"


"Well, he said it was left to you. I will let you know after you reach adulthood. Here you are. Now that you are an adult, I will give this thing to you!"


Zhang Min nodded and went to the room, as if to take it.

After searching for a while, she took out the kit.

This is a black kit, about the size of a slap, with a rope to tie it.

"Just like this?" Li Qing took over.

"You!" Zhang Min listened to his tone again, another burst of breath.

"Don't play, kidding, it's not a thing, it's something..." Li Qing picked up the kit and opened it.

With this opening, he was almost mad.

There were only two things in it. One was a gray feather with blood stains on it. It really made Li Qing wonder if it was pulled from the duck or the kind of duck hair that was about to be slaughtered.

The other one is a scale, and I don't know what it is. It's red. It's going to be a little warm when I hold it.

Li Qing is even more strange. Is this a gift from ordinary people?

Shouldn’t it be like giving away some legacy like that on TV? Even if it is gold!

What the **** did this **** give you!

"No, mom, did you say he used to film?"


"So what clothes did he wear when he first saw you?"

"Haha, just put on a scale armor, a red scale armor, which he put on when he said he was a general. In the hospital, if he took it off himself, the doctors and nurses couldn't take it off."



Li Qing couldn't figure it out.

Since recently, haven’t monks of the realm come?

Suddenly, Li Qing wondered if his father would be a monk, otherwise how strange would it be?

If it is a monk, it should not be wearing a set of scale armor.

Seems to be a real actor?

But actor, it makes no sense!

What kind of stuff did he send? A hair? Okay, even a feather, a scale?

Uh, Nima, won't the scales be pulled from the scale armor of his costume?

If this is the case, Li Qing has to see him, he must kill this guy, what is it! Give your own son these things? Let your wife keep it safe?

Li Qing really wants to scold dad!

It can be seen that Zhang Min's emotions are not right, forget it, the hero does not eat the loss.

"Now, I will give these two things to you. If you want to keep it, leave it, throw it away if you don't want it, Mom doesn't care about you!" Zhang Min sighed.

Of course, Li Qing didn't believe it. Seeing her mother had been reluctantly looking at the kit. He really wanted to say, if I dared to throw it away, would you just kill the parents and kill me directly?

"Okay, I will keep it well!"

Li Qing promised, but his heart was very disapproving.

"I'm a little tired, you go to rest..." Zhang Min finished, his mind was tired.

Li Qing had to retreat and return to the room.

As soon as he returned to the room, he found out that the qq system automatically displayed an interface again.

"Master, you got two great things!"


Li Qing was taken aback.

"What do you mean? You mean these two things?"


"What good is this, a broken hair, a broken scale..." Li Qing said of this, and suddenly remembered something: "You mean, say that these two things are not as simple as the surface looks? Is it a treasure?" "

"Yes! It's still a good treasure, even if it's me, I wouldn't feel it unless you touched it physically!"

"A magic weapon?"

"I'm not so sure either."

"Then let me try it!"

Li Qing said that he took the scale and swiped directly at his finger.

He wanted to give it a try, seeing that the scales are not sharp. It stands to reason that his physical defense is very strong, but once the scales are swept, they are directly cut through the blood.

The scales began to **** blood.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing exclaimed: "Hey, it's really weird!"

Blood is continuously sucked in and disappears.

Until the blood above was absorbed, Li Qing saw no response, and squeezed blood onto it.

Not enough to squeeze!

Li Qing probably got a tube of blood, and finally, the scales no longer **** blood, and began to grow slowly.

Seeing the wind, it rises and gets bigger...

Finally, it became almost one person tall before stopping.

At this time, some red glowing words appeared on the scales.

Headed by three big five characters "Kirin to Ren Qingyun Jue"...

"Nima, this is really a miracle!" Li Qing opened his mouth wide, and really did not expect that his **** cheap dad was actually a simple thing.


Since the monk came down in the realm world, he guessed the possibility that his cheap dad would not be a person from this world. He would come down from above, otherwise how would it be weird, even if it’s a mother? can not say it clearly.

Even more weird, it should be in the mother's narrative that his cheap dad's character is very kind and upright. In such a person, it is too contrary to the character to abandon the wife and child?


This kind of magical miracle appeared on his body.

"It seems to be a set of cultivation exercises?" Li Qing looked at it and thought it should be so.

So he figured out that duck feather, wrong, **** feathers.

Dripping blood? No way!

Put it on your heart? No way!

Even Li Qing, who endured nausea, got into his mouth? Not good!

Li Qing suddenly became ignorant. What the **** is this thing? Wouldn't it be ordinary duck feathers?

Thinking about this, Li Qing snapped his fingers, and the flame appeared at his fingertips, and burned towards this "stained duck feather"...

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