My Super God QQ

Chapter 202: Worries about cultivation


Constantly desperate!

Li Qing practiced for a full ten days, and this expanded one vein to half.

Progress is slow!

One can imagine how hard this should be.

"My God, am I thin?"

At rest, suddenly, he looked at his legs and arms, and had the illusion that he seemed to be much thinner.

"Is it hard to be tired?"

"No, master, if you look inside your body carefully, you will find that after you open your veins, a force is slowly changing the skin and flesh tissue of your body, constantly tightening and fine-tuning!" QQ system automatically Jump out and explain.

After Li Qing's inner vision, he still really has a slight "sizzling sound" in his body. This feeling seems to burn the useless things in his body and make the muscles more compact.

Of course, Li Qing's inner vision ability is not strong enough, otherwise, he will also find that his cell structure is slowly forming a strange pattern and constantly organizing.

What Li Qing knows is all from the scales of the eyebrows.

"This scale is still a good thing?" Li Qing wondered.

"Master, your scales, I can't scan any results, but I can certainly be a very powerful creature, the body tissue left behind!"

"Is it very powerful? Could it be a dragon?" Li Qing thought of this for the first time. After all, dragons have scales, but they can be rejected in an instant: "No, it may be a unicorn, otherwise there will not be a unicorn to Renqing Qingyun tactic on it. But This unicorn is known as everything, it seems to be a legend?"

"No, master, there is really a unicorn in this world. At this point, there was a record on the third floor of the book city. The appearance of the unicorn was before the Shenlong. At that time, it was the most auspicious symbol of mildness and beauty. ."

"Really? Then what do you mean, that Qilin Zhiren Qingyun Jue is very powerful?"

"At least, it should be more powerful than these three levels of exercises. This is unquestionable." The QQ system replied.

"Hey, no matter how powerful it is, I have to practice without practice!"

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Ten days, Li Qing felt hungry, and replaced with ordinary people, afraid of starving to death.

Back to reality, Li Qing was ready to go downstairs and cook some food.

But he saw two guards sitting on the sand and chatting, and quickly covered his forehead with his hands.

"Why, can't you sleep?" Li Qing asked naturally with a pretend smile.

"No, no, long, did we quarrel with you?" When they heard Li Qing's downstairs, they all stood up quickly and stood upright, saluting Li Qing.

"No, I'm just a little hungry. Come down and find something to eat. Are you hungry or not together?"

"No no no, long, we are not hungry, shall we cook for you?"

"Hahaha, this I will, it's alright, then you talk!" Li Qing patted Akun on the shoulder and smiled toward the kitchen.

In this way, the two talents were relieved and looked at each other with a flattered expression on their faces.

"Long, really approachable!"

"Well, it's not, young but not angry, no wonder he can sit in this position, it's not easy!"

The two spoke in a tone of worship.

After eating a large pot of rice and ordering leftovers at night, Li Qing returned to the upstairs.


It's troublesome, he doesn't want people to know that his eyebrows grow such a strange thing, so he can only keep practicing.

Fortunately, he has a QQ bookstore, and the time flow is very slow. In one year and only one day outside, he can have so much time to quickly cultivate the Qilin to Ren Qingyun tactics and put the scale into it.

The time inside is in a hurry, but the outside is still in the midnight darkness...

Since Li Qing practiced Qilin to Ren Qingyun Jue, he felt as if he was living in hell. Really, if **** had such a tormenting layer, he would definitely be in that layer.

Every day, he was in pain like his body was about to be torn apart.

Every day, he was exhausted from pain.

Sometimes, he really can't stand it, and he will pass out.

In the end, after spending almost half a year in it, he was able to expand his five veins.

Of course, apart from opening up these five veins, his strength has also improved, jumping directly from the second floor to the fifth floor during the gas refining period.

But Qilin Zhiren Qingyun Jue has not even completed the first level, which is half.

All ten veins are expanded to be a great consummation.

It was dawn, Li Qing hurried back to reality, so as not to tell people to find out, even if Li Qing did not return hurriedly, he also worried that his mother would call himself up for breakfast.

"A Qing, get up and eat!"

Sure enough, maybe it was really the mother-child relationship. Li Qing had just been out a few minutes before the door was knocked, and Zhang Min's urging sound was heard outside.


Li Qing agreed casually.

When he went out, there was already a guard waiting outside.

"This guard job is pretty tiring!"

Seeing him standing outside the door, Li Qing sighed a little.

As everyone knows, the guard's heart is also very calm.

Just last night, the young leader did something that shocked and surprised them.

He actually came out for supper overnight, dozens of times.

At the back of the house, there were not enough rice and vegetables. Li Qing simply asked one of the guards to hold a bank card and go to a nearby hotel to order food.

Then, A Kun watched Li Qing dry out the indistinct food, and also showed the scale on Li Qing's forehead.

Li Qing was originally worried that this Akun would be sent by the state to monitor himself, but Akun himself said that now, besides the No. 1 leader, Li Qing is his highest chief. And No. 1 Commander did not give them any orders, he naturally would not pass on the story of Li Qing.

Li Qing thinks about it too, if every guard has a surveillance role, I am afraid that those long guards will not be accompanied by two guards.


while eating……

Teacher Ning has been staring at Li Qing's forehead curiously.

Li Qing had to explain by himself that this was an ornament, which was fun to wear and beautiful to watch.

Teacher Ning certainly didn't believe it, but he didn't force it. Instead, every time he looked at Li Qing, his heart shivered.


Because Li Qing's eyebrows possessed that ruby-like scale, the whole person not only looked handsome, but also exuded a kind of charm, which made people want to keep staring at the attractive temperament.

"A Qing, did you come out to cook supper last night?"

Zhang Min asked.

Li Qing thought he had revealed what happened last night, so he looked at A Kun, and he shook his head slightly.

Last night, he let A buried do a good job in the aftermath, can not let others know that he ate so much food in one night.

"What's wrong, mom?"

"Oh, I think the leftovers and leftovers in the refrigerator are gone. If you want to eat supper, you will ask Mom to cook for you next time."

In this way, Li Qing was slightly relieved and nodded: "Okay."

After eating, Li Qing thought to go back to practice.

However, he now has a trouble with cultivation, that is, trouble with cultivation on the third floor of QQ Book City, and that is the food problem.

Li Qing needs to eat, but it’s not always the way to do it!

Last night was in the middle of the night, my mother was sleeping, Li Qing can still come out to eat, if it is during the day, is it not to expose the stuffing.

This requires that Li Qing thinks a lot and comprehensively.

He didn't mean that he couldn't talk to his mother about his cultivation, but the QQ system was really incredible. He was afraid that people might think he was sick! When the time comes, his mother will take him to the hospital for examination again, and it will be in trouble.


Where do people practice to eat so much food?

The point is, Li Qing's time is different from others' time!

In the past, Li Qing has actually passed a year, can it be the same? Eat hundreds of times more naturally than people!

He could not explain to the two guards, but the mother's pass, it would be unacceptable not to explain.

" Otherwise, you can learn alchemy, if you dig out Pigudan, you will be able to explain the food problem! In addition, you have to remind the owner that the aura on the third floor of QQ Book City is limited. At that time, if the master runs out of light, if you practice inside, unless you are practicing the exercises, but you can’t absorb the aura, the realm will not be promoted at all."

The third floor of QQ Book City is a closed space. Li Qing knew it, but he forgot about it.

After being reminded by the QQ system, Li Qing considered these problems.


Li Qing is really annoying now.

Now, if he wants to practice, it is best to also have a blessing, and then it is best to have Pi Gu Dan.

"Well, is there a way to refine Gu Dan on the third floor of QQ Book City?"

"Yes, but now, the main thing you need to consider is the need for an alchemy furnace!" the QQ system replied.

"Alchemy furnace? Also, if it is a panacea, it may really be necessary to have an alchemy furnace. After all, it is no longer like a ground supplement. What can I find an alchemy furnace? Yes, ask. Stone Mountain people!"

Li Qing called to ask him.

"Daoyou, because my technology can't make such a good alchemy furnace, so you can only ask others in the QQ group, some of them will get the ancient furnace passed down in ancient times, and some of the quality Not bad, you can look inside."


"In addition, Daoyou, do you have any spirit stones?"

Li Qingcai slammed his forehead hard. It seems that he doesn't have many spirit stones anymore. How can he buy alchemy furnaces with others?

It’s hard to die a penny!

"If it doesn't work, I'll take Xiaohui Chundan and change it with others!" Li Qing thought about it and clicked into the self-cultivation QQ group.

(End of this chapter)

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