My Super God QQ

Chapter 286: Alchemy and weapon, try not to lose


Li Qing smelled the burnt odor from this dan furnace and thought over her head in frustration.


The lowest immortality medicine in the realm.

But even so, it is not a novice that can be cultivated two or three times. This is the third failure of Li Qing.

"Is it the wrong order? No, absolutely right, or the fire is not well controlled? Well, it must be the fire!" Because there is no detailed description of the flame control in the Tianlu Zhen Jing, everything depends on Li Qing Think about it yourself.

Blame it on blazing Tianhu Zhenjing when it is written, it will be expressed in awkward language.

"The fire is as thin as silk, the fire penetrates the oil, what are these ghosts..."

This is what the Tianlu Zhen Jing wrote, and it also expresses how wonderful it is to have a master. In that case, someone might come to help Li Qing explain the meaning of this saying.

In fact, what Li Qing does not know is that many of the cultivation methods are of this kind.

This is because most cultivation practices have been handed down from ancient times. They are passed down from one generation to another, not to mention the practice.

"Try again, failure is the mother of success! Although, I may not be a genius on the alchemy journey, but I must work harder than anyone else!" Li Qing cheered himself secretly, and started again.


He never thinks he is a genius, but absolutely thinks he will not lose to anyone.

Why can others sweat so much, you can't do it yourself, if you can't do it, don't blame yourself for not having the happiness of others.

A guy who doesn't work hard and only complains to others is not liked by anyone.

"The order is perfect, and the second one is the fire..."

Li Qing carefully controlled the flame, slowly burning a green herb.

Seeing the herb slowly oozing out the juice, this is the juice used to neutralize the flame. Each kind of dan refining requires liquid, otherwise it can only be burned to ash. Therefore, there must be such a kind of medicinal material in the material of the elixir, which is used to seep the juice to avoid being burnt.

After the green herbs oozed out the juice, Li Qing slowly melted the other herbs until they were almost burned, and they turned into a paste.

Next, it's not that it's okay to mix them together. Li Qing still has to control the alchemy furnace to move the direction or combination order of these juices.


That is, after Li Qing's true gas was input into the alchemy furnace, the wall suddenly appeared concave and convex, changing the flow of the juice.

This is the role of the magic weapon.

"I've seen novels before, I thought alchemy was an easy task, but I didn't want to be so complicated!" Li Qing sighed in his heart, blending the juice again and again.

The fusion of medicine and medicine juice also requires order, because if it is not in order, it will fail. Even if it is successful, it may become another effect, even a poison.

This is alchemy.

Controlling the flame carefully and refining it with fire constantly, Li Qing controlled the alchemy furnace, divided them into five groups, and burned them into a panacea.

"Not bad, haha, maybe it will be successful this time, or five!"

Li Qing controlled the joy in his heart, and burned it carefully, carefully, and carefully.

A pot of panacea is based on the "ten-quantity" materials. Of course, the most powerful one is that it can be refined into ten, but Li Qing is a novice, and it is really not enough to be able to make five.

The elixir gradually formed and turned into a round shape, and as the flame burned, it exuded medicinal fragrance and light.

at last……


Li Qing opened the panacea and saw five yellow panacea in it.

Each one is the size of a fingernail and smells of medicine.

Li Qing couldn't wait to put a piece in his mouth, a bit bitter, and a little sweet in the throat, similar to the feeling of drinking tea.

After swallowing his belly, gradually, Nagudan began to work, as if slowly warming Li Qing's entire stomach, a feeling of fullness also emerged spontaneously.

"Perfect! Hahahaha, now you can safely retreat and practice!"

Feeling the changes in his belly, Li Qing still has a sense of accomplishment.

In the past, although it was good to practice on the third floor of qq book city, you don't have to worry about time, but eating is really a problem.

Now with Pigudan, he can really be like a cultivator, practicing day after day.

Li Qing even planned that he must practice the Qilin to Renqingyun tactics to the first level of the power of consummation!

But just when he wanted to retreat, he remembered something.


He remembered the refining article in the Tianlu Zhen Jing, a kind of refining of the lower-level weapon of body protection.

Why do you think of this?

Because, if he retreats, he will surely neglect everything that happened in the outside world, and then his family and friends will have a kind of security concern in his heart.

Li Qing believes that if he can produce some low-level magical objects for his relatives and friends, then this kind of concern is reduced, so he can devote himself to cultivation.

"The safety of relatives and friends is the most important, practice it!"

In the end, he decided to put his mind into the lowest level tester.

If you want a refiner, then you must have materials.

The materials mentioned here are special materials that can withstand the infusion of true gas.

Like jade...

Power storage steel...

Like a spirit stone...

Li Qing looked for himself to see if he was suitable.

In the end, he found that one thing can retain the aura to the maximum and longest extent, that is beeswax.

It is the best material under the spirit stone.

Beeswax, also commonly known as amber.

Amber is a resin drip of coniferous plants 45 to 99 million years ago. It is buried under the ground for thousands of years. It is formed under the influence of pressure and heat. It is also called "beeswax" or "pine fossil".

According to Li Qing’s research, this beeswax may have been buried in the ground for thousands of years. It gradually absorbed a large amount of reiki under the ground, and then was covered with pressure and heat, forming a film on it. Second only to the spirit stone, the easiest item to retain the aura for the longest time.


Otherwise, how could anyone say that wearing beeswax has the effect of maintaining health and prolonging life? Li Qing looked closely today, and realized that it was the result of the spiritual energy gradually spilling onto the human body.

The alchemy and alchemy are different. The simplest alchemy is much easier than alchemy.

Li Qing only needs to infuse the true energy into the object in the form of array, then this object can produce various effects. Of course, the specific effect size is also limited to more or less true energy.

If the input of true energy is much, then it can produce great power, or attack or defense.

If you are really angry, some will not even be able to do this ordinary attack or defense.

"Heavenly Craftsmanship!"

Li Qing studied this tactic slowly. He naturally couldn't figure out the most detailed and specific meaning of this tactic. He can only draw the gourd according to this, and he wants to anticipate its due effect.

As of now, Li Qing wants to make an automatic protector for the relatives and friends who can block the next bullet. Then, he uses a set of special tips.

If Ding Shishan were here, he would be shocked.

Because, even if he thinks he is the first master of refining in the group, there is no such means, no such tricks, one can imagine how rare this heavenly furnace is.


Infuse true qi into both hands, Li Qing's hands change into various colors with the change of the tactics, they seem to be a ray of light in Li Qing's hands, up and down, dancing, and then by the fingertips. Into the beeswax.

With Li Qing's current strength, he can only break into a circle.

That is, when driving the magic circle into it, to fix it, and to keep it from staying inside, there was a bang, and the beeswax exploded and shattered into slag.


Yes, the last step is the most important. The magic circle transformed into Reiki will be lost in large quantities. Then the effect of the prohibition is very important at this time. The prohibition is used to limit the magic circle inside the special body.

"Come again!"

The refiner needed a lot of infuriating energy and detailed operations, which made Li Qing's forehead sweat a little.


Li Qing took it seriously, and his skill was more skillful.

Finally for the second time, he successfully produced a low-level magic instrument "beeswax".

The beeswax produced is very beautiful. It is a gift from others. The natural oil is bright and full of honey. The lines inside are also very beautiful. But after refining, this beeswax would actually have a golden light flashing.

Li Qingdu unexpectedly did not expect that the formation of the magic circle would make the beeswax show the shape of the magic circle, and the magic circle would still emit light. The arrangement of this magic circle is like a mysterious rune, with a mysterious color, making amber look more beautiful and tall.

very satisfied!

Very drifting!

Holding this amber, Li Qing thought that he didn't know it, and thought it was the best in amber, the ultimate creation of nature, and the magical work.

"Otherwise, just keep it as a memorial?"

He was even reluctant to give it away.

"Hey, what do you want? You need to practice again!"

This was the last time Li Qing arrived at Jie's house. A guest gave him away. Fifteen were sent as soon as they were sent, all in a box.

Li Qing took them out, and they were to be refined into low-level magic instruments piece by piece.

With experience, Li Qing's proficiency rose bit by bit.

Even, he has a sense of accomplishment that likes to create a magic weapon.

So, each amber was refined into a low-level magic weapon and placed next to him.

He forgot how much time had passed, his mind was completely immersed in it, and he faintly gave birth to a trace of interest in concentrating on the refiner.

The process of turning things into miracles is really wonderful.

This gave Li Qing a sense of fun while playing games and adding levels to his equipment.

It's a bit depressed when the refining is broken, but the refining is successful, it's really great!

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