My Super God QQ

Chapter 290: Smoke him

Wrong, completely wrong eyes.

The ugly man had all sorts of thoughts in his mind. Finally, he thought that there might be a monk power behind him...

So, after the uproar in his heart, there was even a trace of awe.

"Sorry, I really don't know Taishan, negligent Taoist friends, I'm rude!"

In this awe, he immediately dared not pretend to be a big-tail wolf again, and stood up to give Li Qing a special courtesy.

Jin Yangxian just wanted to win a glance with Li Qing. He wanted to make him take more care, because the old man was so evil, even if he didn't know how to be polite. It was amazingly powerful, so don't flip him and be beaten. However, when he saw this scene, he was astonished as if he was stupefied by half a piece of wood.

"Oh, forget it..."

Li Qing waved his hand and smiled indifferently.

He was accustomed to these people who came down from the upper realm, and his eyes were higher than the top, as if it were like a city coming to the countryside.

But what about that, he killed two of these people himself.

Such a move is also Li Qing's breath for the world, so that those people know that even in the world, not everyone can provoke them.

"Old man, what did you just take out? Why did you change it as soon as you took it out..."

The golden sheep fairy was aware of it, and then responded and asked.

"Brother Jin, don't you know yet? This senior is a self-cultivator!"

"Cultivation? Cultivation of immortals?"

For ordinary people, what they hear more often is the cultivation of immortals, such as novels, and the most commonly used words in TV series are vocabulary.


"Then he said he would accept me as a disciple?"

"Hahaha, that's naturally Jin's chance..."

"No, you know him, are you also a fairy cultivator?" Jin Yangxian reacted one by one.

Li Qing nodded.

"Then I want to learn immortality from you! I don't learn from him!" Jin Yangxian immediately said firmly.

The ugly man's face sank when he heard this.

Isn't this beating him? If it were not for Li Qing to be here and give him a face, Ug Weng had to let Jin Yangxian know that it was awesome!

"Brother Jin, I won't teach people~" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Jin Yangxian lowered her head in a frown, sometimes, the worry flashed in her eyes, and sometimes there was joy, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After chatting with Chou Weng for a while, Li Qing got some information about the realm from his mouth.

According to Chou Weng, he and Liu Changqing are also friends, but Duan Yue is not very familiar with him. Similarly, his main task is to come down and accept people, but there are also private issues to be resolved. Speaking of this, he stared at Jinyangxian, and wanted to come to this personal question, it should be about Jinyangxian.

"Can my brother Jin do anything for you?" Li Qing was immediately curious.

"He asked me to teach him to be a girl..." When Jin Yangxian said this, it was almost unreasonable.

Li Qing was also struck by lightning.

Of course, he saw how ugly the ugly man was. Just picking up a girl like this was undoubtedly a huge task for Jin Yangxian.

When they came, Li Qing left them to eat together.

Knowing that Li Qing actually hooked up three other top-notch girls silently, Jin Yangxian would secretly give Li Qing a thumbs up from time to time, indicating that the real person would not show his face.

Li Qing had no choice but to pretend not to see him and eat his own.

But it made Lin Mengjie and Xi Xi's faces red and white from time to time. Even if Master Ning had no ghosts in his heart, he was a bit shy.

As for the flute flute, it is extremely disgruntled.


After sending them all away, the villa was quiet again.

Li Qing took off the hat that covered his eyebrows, only to feel that everything was ready, he had to practice Qilin Zhiren Qingyun tactic again, but received a call from Lin Mengjie.

It turned out that just now, Lin Mengjie's studio broke into a group of police.

The police actually said that they were suspected of having hidden national treasures and took them away. If they were not in an emergency, they said they would go to the toilet and call Li Qing for fear of something going wrong.

"Did they say which game?"

"No, but it seems that they have heard about Huli, it may be the Huli branch!"

"Okay, don't worry, don't be afraid, I'm going right now, it's okay!" Li Qing comforted her, hung up the phone, and suddenly there was a rage in his belly.

"Someone must have liked the beeswax!"


He thought of this at once.

Isn’t there a good saying? Everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty.

It seems that the beeswax's limelight is too big, and it has attracted interested people to remember!

"If I were still a student, I might be able to get you paid. But now, if you dare to reach out to me, I will cut off your hands!" Li Qing flashed his eyes and murmured in a low voice.


"Yes, Chief!"

"Drive, let's go..."

Li Qing reported the address and went straight to Lin Mengjie's studio.

Since Li Qing's sports car had not yet been delivered, the warriors from the two guards were sitting.

About ten minutes, they came to the Golden Dome.

As soon as I entered their studio, I saw a lot of wolf books, a lot of literary games were scattered on the ground, and several girls were packing up, complaining from time to time.

"Who are you... looking for?"

A girl about 23 years old came over and asked.

She looks a little ordinary, denim jacket with jeans, a little impatient at first, but after seeing Li Qing looks handsome, she unknowingly spit out and became gentle again.

"What about your boss?"

"The person from the Huli branch just came and said that our two bosses were cooperating in the investigation. They were so fierce, and they didn't know if the two bosses were so worried."


Li Qing had to go downstairs and let them go directly to the Huli branch.

Opening the map, they found the branch, and Li Qing thought about it when they got off the bus before calling the city leader.

It was almost ten o'clock...

The lights were still bright in this office.

When Li Qing came in, a police officer immediately asked, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm here to find friends?"

The police frowned: "Who is your friend?"

"The two who opened the Taobao shop, they just came!"

"They are not here!"

As soon as Li Qing heard this, it was very hot. Even if the young girl who had just been a customer service customer told a lie, Lin Mengjie could not lie to herself!

So, the only possibility is that this guy is lying.

"Step aside!"

"I said, don't be here, don't mess around, otherwise, I will catch you!" The police waved impatiently, and the look was like trying to catch a cat or a dog.

"Akun, beat him!"

Seeing his attitude, Li Qing was so angry that his eyebrows were almost raised, which is a policeman, it looks like a bandit.


Akun and the two of them happily approached the policeman.

"What do you want to do? Don't think you are wearing military uniforms, this is the place where you can let go...Ah!"

Before he finished, Akun punched him in the face with a punch.

"Come on your face, do you know who this is? I don't know. I beat you and I beat you! I dare to say such things to our head, you are owed!"

"Hahaha, yes, smoke him!"

The third chapter is updated today.

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