My Super God QQ

Chapter 470: Mr. Kong

Normal people!

As long as you hear your name to let many people know, there will be a sense of vanity, this is the so-called pretense.

However, Li Qing didn't feel this way at all. He even felt that these people were inexplicable.

What's the use of being famous?

What's the use of being famous?

Can it be eaten as a meal, can it be used as a spirit stone flower?

Li Qing is a realist, and he doesn't like to make those false ones.

He thinks this fame is useless. However, old man Kong thought Li Qing's fame and fame were literati style, and the more he looked, the more he liked it.

"Okay, boy, are you willing to be my student?"

"Be your student?"

Li Qing surprised.

Coach Chen was also stunned.

Others don’t know, but he knows that Old Man Kong is the elder of the stars in the college!

The elders are just that. They are still the most powerful ones. At this moment, he actually wants to accept Li Qing as a disciple. Coach Chen is envious of Li Qing. This kid is so lucky!

"People are more dead than popular!"

He also sighed in silence in his heart.

Who can think of it, this kid just came in the first day of the Star Alliance, and was so fancy by such a starry elder, this is almost unprecedented!

Luck is so good!

As everyone knows, Coach Chen is not clear. Since coming to the realm of cultivation, this is the third elder who favors Li Qing.

how to say?

It's a gem, mixed with stone, it will always shine!

"Yes! Be my student. In that case, I will be responsible for your studies and your cultivation!" Old Man Kong nodded and looked at Li Qing lovingly.

Both ability and virtue!

You have to know that genius is not lacking in Star Alliance, but the most important thing for Old Man Kong is his own character!

This kind of indifferent good student, especially so young, is more and more happy.

"So what do I need to do?"

Li Qing still decided to ask first, so as not to fall into the pit, it is difficult to climb out. Here is Star Alliance, and there are behemoths in the cultivation realm. Since the difficult things encountered in entering the cultivation realm, Li Qing has increased his vigilance several times.

"I just need you to help me organize a library, some books, and then help me get them out..." Speaking of which, what else did he think of: "Yes, you have to study with me and pick me up inherited!"


Hearing this, Li Qing was suddenly unhappy!

He didn't come to study!

He came to practice, he came to open his eyes, he came to feel life, he came to become strong!

If you study, wouldn't it be contrary to your goals and ideals?

"Sorry, old gentleman, I am not here to study!" Li Qing could only refuse.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make myself stronger before I came here!" Li Qing seriously.

"Your kid, you know..."

When Coach Chen heard this, he almost jumped up.

Isn’t this stupid?

He is one of the elders in Xingmeng who is so powerful!

"Chen, don't talk!"

The old man named Kong stared at Coach Chen.

He dare not talk, but still couldn't help it. He continued to use his eyes to signal Li Qing. The eager look was like a stroke. The emperor would not die, and the **** would die.

Unfortunately, Li Qing is still reluctant to study.

In the past, he was studying for what he wanted, for the future, for life, so he had no choice but to study. Who, who would like to read those books, learn those knowledge, not to mention some English, mathematics and the like, reading so much is useless for life.

Finally, he can get rid of the opportunity to change his destiny by reading, but instead use his own hands to spell out a path, so how could he still study!

"Then how do you know that following me can't become stronger?" He smiled, stroking the book while saying.

"Because, I don't want to study, if reading can make me stronger, I am willing to give it a try, but, I really don't have so much time to study those books!"

"This is our human culture. This is a book that records our humanity. It represents a human spirit. Why is it not strong?"

Li Qing shook his head.

"So, if you think I'm not strong, do you want to try it with me? I stand here, as long as you can move me, let me retreat, even if it is a half step, it will count me as a lose, how about 50,000 contribution points for you kind?"

50,000 contribution points!

As soon as this remark came out, many people were short of breath.

Li Qing's valuable points for this contribution have not been clearly understood, but many of these people know what this represents, and it represents an astronomical figure!

At least, in their current strength, it is an astronomical figure.

Looking at the old man with white hair, wrinkles, and thin skin, almost everyone wants to scream, let me come, I am a professional old man!

"Uh, is that really the case? Old man, although I said that I also want to contribute 50,000 points, but I still can't make a move to beat the elderly. In that case, I would rather not! Gentleman loves Wealth is right, and some are desirable, and some are undesirable even if their lives are lost!" Li Qing shook his head. He was perturbed, but he still could not deal with such an old man.

"Hahahaha, well, a gentleman loves money, and he has a way!" The old man with the surname Kong appreciates Li Qing more and more: "But, how do you know that you can beat me?"

"Li Qing, come on!" Coach Chen couldn't stand it any longer and said: "If you can beat Kong Lao back half a step, I will give you another 50,000!"

He didn't believe that Li Qing could beat Kong Lao and beat him back two steps.

This is ridiculous!


At this moment, Li Qing doubted the strength of the old man.

Could it be that he is really good? Doesn’t look like on the surface, so powerless?

Li Qing was not sure, so he nodded and agreed.

"Come on, I'm standing here, as long as you can hit me, let me take a half step back, even if I lose!" He is still a light and breezy a little muddy eyes But it shone with wise crystal light.

"So, offended!"

Li Qing said, and went to the old man, raising his fist.

He wouldn't use a sword, even if he hit the middle-aged man with his fist, he felt a little bad.

However, just when his fist was about to touch the old man, the old man suddenly looked up, and lifted his breath like this: "Lip, tongue and sword!"

For a time, his body turned into a white light and shadow, which seemed to be breath. Those light and shadow turned into a sword and a gun, attacking Li Qing.

The sword shot over!

Shot towards Li Qing.

The gun was swept across a thousand troops, and swept toward Li Qing's thigh.

The change came so fast and so violently that many people didn't react and exclaimed.

Li Qing didn't respond, the sword escaped, the thigh was still swept, and immediately there was a real pain that was shot by the gun to sweep the pain in the sweep. Look again, his thigh really appeared shocking. Blood, blood is flowing down steadily.

How is this going? !

He was a little ignorant.

Where is the sword and gun?

Many of the Star Alliance disciples who just joined the team are also ghostly, with wide eyes, as if the whole world had to be loaded.


Li Qinggang slowly came over and attacked the opponent again.

"Straight from the mouth!"

The old man with the surname Kong was sullen and scolded again.

In an instant, Li Qing only felt that a beam of light was rushing from the other person's body, and the beam of light was turned into a torrent of turbulent waves, washing down towards himself.

That majestic look was even more powerful than the galloping horses, but it had not yet arrived. Li Qing had felt the immense pressure as a mountain and suppressed it.


The typhoon has scared me, and the power failure almost didn't get crazy. I hope the typhoon can get more recommended tickets!

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