My Super God QQ

Chapter 490: Everyone's doubts and Joey's trust

"The record is not so good to break, even if you have a good memory, you can remember all the varieties and characteristics of treasure medicine, but it also requires a lot of luck to break the record." Coach Chen still wants to persuade him.

"I believe I have good luck, just like what you saw in Coach Chen's temple, isn't it?" Li Qing's mouth twitched, and he smiled handsomely and charmingly.

So, after he reminded, Coach Chen discovered that Li Qing, this kid, was really evil.

Many things can arouse his surprise.

"Okay! That can only wish you all the best, but I hope that the whale swallowing skills I taught you will not be abandoned. Because maybe one day, you will need to rely on it to save your life!"


"When the time comes, I will check, if anyone does not pass, all Star Alliance will be eliminated!" Coach Chen said seriously.


"Coach, what standard do you want to meet? Ten days?" Suddenly, Joey asked.

"Did you see there?" Coach Chen pointed to the edge of the training place, where there was a row of poplar trees, and there were always dozens of them: "When the time comes, you will eat one by one!"


Suddenly, all the players stared at the eyes, suspecting they had misheard.

"Coach, do you mean?"

Li Qing also said a little unexpectedly.

Eat trees? !

This is too ridiculous!

"Yeah, just eat them. If you can’t eat a tree, then I’ll let you eat the soil! It’s not a joke. You choose whether you want to eat, or stick your tail and get out. Xingmeng!" Coach Chen finished speaking, and no longer mentioned anything, just called: "Disband!"

Looking at his back, all the players were still immersed in surprise, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

It wasn't until a minute later that all the expressions left the place one after another.

"Oh, breaking records, it's really funny!"

"Actually ran to fight with the ladies, hey, we lost our men's faces!"

"How could there be such a teammate, if it was passed out, wouldn't it be a joke!"

"That's right, grandpas, shouldn't we just go and cut the monsters! Hey, what a shame!"

Just like the people who come from the lower realm, they will be considered as inferiors. In Star Alliance, most of the things like picking medicine are done by women.

Of course, it's not that no one has done it, but most of them are done by apprentices of pharmacists.

After all, rumors are always taboo!

So much so that Li Qing has to go to pick medicines before he will be despised by so many people.

Of course, Li Qing still doesn't care.

Everyone has their own way of life, not to mention, how can they know Li Qing's goal, killing monster monsters and earning points can't satisfy his appetite.

Under the many colored eyes, Li Qing left the place indifferently.

But Joey caught up.

She said sullenly: "I'm so angry, won't you be angry?"

"What's mad?"

"They said you, if I were you, they would have beaten them!" said, exposing a pair of cute little tiger teeth, and waved their fists to show their anger.

"Others' mouths grow on other people's bodies and they can't control it. It's better to do something and let them slap themselves!"

"Slap yourself?" Joey heard this, and gradually understood Li Qing's meaning. A smile flashed in his eyes, diluting his anger: "Are you really so confident?"

"More than 60%!"

Li Qing does not know where he has such great confidence, but he believes that with the help of the QQ system, it should be no problem to break some records.

"Okay, then I'll go to open a market, haha, I bet with them, then, if I win, I will make a lot of money!"

"Gamble?" Li Qing nodded: "Good idea, but unfortunately I don't have any points to contribute, otherwise I will definitely add some myself!"

"It's okay, if you win, I will give you a dividend!"

Unexpectedly, Joey is still a little money fan!

Thinking of this, Li Qing laughed and nodded and applauded.

Li Qing, who thought he was a poor man, didn't expect that many people were going to give him contribution points!


Since getting Li Qing's blood, the old man of Lei Ming is like a treasure, using that blood little by little on the spirit beast, hoping to cultivate a powerful spirit beast.

Not to mention, after ten attempts, he really cultivated a strange spirit beast.

This spirit beast was originally a green sheep beast!

But after cultivating, it actually has more fire-breathing ability, and the temperature is not low, reaching nearly three thousand degrees. This is the existence of direct molten iron!

Not only that, but also from the original third-level spirit beast to the strength of the second-level spirit beast, the potential directly doubled more than.

Once cultivating new varieties of spirit beasts, the old man of Lei Ming must of course show his proud works to his friends, who are also beast masters. Now they are shocked by heaven and earth, and immediately ask how this spirit beast came.

At first, Elder Lei Ming didn't say that his friend had made a lot of hardships and pains, and he paid a variety of prices. Finally, he learned that it was the elderly Lei Ming who took the blood of a new disciple from the Star Alliance.

Hearing this, of course, he also wanted to find this disciple to buy some blood!

However, at this time, the old man Lei Ming did not tell him the name of the disciple.

Because, if you say it, Li Qing may be treated like a fairy medicine, and the blood is emptied by the crazy spirit beast masters.

Nonetheless, the matter spread.

This biography is two, ten, ten...

As long as the beastmaster of the Star Alliance knows that one of the newly-added disciples in the Star Alliance, there is a bloodline with a beast.

Not only that, this blood is also sold cheaply for thieves, and only contributed 10,000 points.

Ten thousand contribution points!

Can actually be exchanged for blood containing the blood of the gods and beasts.

It's so eye-popping!

At the moment, in the Star Alliance, there is a crazy wave of tracing people silently.

"I beg you, tell me where is that disciple!"

In the thundering mansion, a grey-haired old man cried with a sad face.

"You have asked me three thousand and eighty-three times. I have said it, and I will not say it if I don't say it!" Old Man Leiming said without mercy.

"You tell me, I won't tell others!"

"Oh, I'm so old now, it's impossible that you want me to promise someone else's business, and then ruin the contract! When I am old, I can't guarantee it later!"

"You, you, you have something good for yourself, forget the brother!"

"What are you talking about? Didn't I give you half of the rest of my blood? What does it mean to forget you! If you do this again, I will drive you out. Believe it or not!"

"Don't, don't, don't..."

"Okay, as long as you don’t ask me, I won’t chase you!"

"But Lao Lei Tou, do you really, have no other ideas? A disciple with the descent of the Divine Beast, even if you are a disciple, it is not impossible!"

"Collect as a disciple... Yeah, I never thought about it!" Elder Leiming suddenly gleamed in front of his eyes, excitedly, but immediately remembered something, and the whole body was agitated: "I almost got on your sleeve, if he becomes My disciple, let you know who it is! No way, no time, let you know, the group of old guys will know it all!"

"You are so scared! We can feed him and treat him as a treasure? Isn't it? At that time, as long as anyone dares to hurt him, he is the one who bullies our Association of Beastmasters, which will allow him to walk sideways in the Star Alliance. !"

"Uh, then I think about it!"

"It's still considered?! As long as he can become your disciple, then with the power of our association of beastmasters, he doesn't want anything, it is a step in the sky!"

I have to say that his old friend was right!

If Li Qing can come out, they will definitely be able to raise Li Qing as a treasure.

But Leiming couldn't get through that level of his heart!

Not to mention, if anyone has coveted Li Qingsheng, what to do! Then Li Qing will be in great danger!

There are great advantages and disadvantages!

You have to think about it!

After returning to the dormitory, Li Qing practiced whale swallowing!

Because even if he goes to collect medicine, then he has to do his homework!

Fortunately, Li Qing owns the QQ Book City. As soon as he entered the third floor, he took advantage of the longer time inside to cultivate.

Eat Pigudan when you are hungry, and sleep when you are tired!

Fully practiced for three months!

Li Qing practiced this exercise to the third level!

I believe that when the time comes, Coach Chen's eyes will fall off.

Just out of the third floor of QQ Book City...

The door was knocked.

Opening the door is Joey.

"Hahaha, I'm going to open the market, almost all of them bet, you can't break the record! For this, I also borrowed some usury, which is to contribute points. Li Qing, you must be good Furious, if you lose, my whole life will be over!"

"Uh, how much did you borrow?"

Li Qing really didn't expect that there are loan sharks

"One hundred thousand contribution points!"

Li Qing took a deep breath and could only marvel at the fact that this little girl was a bit courageous, and dared to place such a big bet on herself.

"Okay, I will do my best!"

"No, you can't just try your best, you must win!"

Joey bulged, snarling.

Looking at her lovely look, Li Qing smiled bitterly and could only nod: "Win win win win..."

"Okay, it's not too late. I'll take you to the Herbal Medicine Hall to register..."

It’s always a love to read a book at the same time.

It’s always a love to read a book at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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