My Super God QQ

Chapter 582: My life can't help you!

How to describe the pair of eyes?

Those are a pair of very bright and dark eyes, and the eyes, which turn to any part of the orbit, can look smart and charming. Even if it was a body, her eyes would move, and her whole body would move with her.

Although Li Qing was caught in a strange and bad state just now, she looked at her at this time, but it seemed to have forgotten.

Seeing her eyes, people forgot to think about something else, and just thought she was cute, nothing else.

"So cute~"

The flying monkey also looked at her eyes and murmured uncontrollably.

Not to mention him, so is everyone else standing beside Li Qing, froze in place.

"Um~~~ I want him!"

Finally, she pointed to Li Qing, opened the cherry mouth and said, her voice was very nice, like a bird of antelope and gentle and crisp, and secret.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she seemed to move between heaven and earth, and Wan Lai was silent.

In fact, it was the monsters who were quiet when they heard her voice, even if their breathing stopped.

In this way, it seemed that only her voice was left between heaven and earth.

Want him?

Just now, Li Xing, they didn’t notice that she was staring at Li Qing, it’s strange~

In an instant, when I heard that she wanted Li Qing again, all her heads were shocked and she couldn't turn a little.

Why should he?

Countless people couldn't figure out the Spark Fortress.

It is enough to say that Li Qing is a famous star owner or an elder star, if they have high-end power, then Star Alliance will suffer heavy losses. But Li Qing is only a disciple who is not even a star official!

What's the use?

Isn't it a joke? ,

"What do you mean? This seat doesn't understand!" Master Li Xing broke the strange silence.

"I want that person!"

The little girl spoke again, still pointing at Li Qing.

"If you want to give it, then..." The old lady with the surname Zi is looking at Li Qing a little uncomfortably, just in the middle and bad.


Whoever wanted her to speak out, the two refuted at the same time.

One is Lord Li Xing and the other is Hedingtian.

The meaning of Master Li Xing is thinking, why should I give her nothing?

Hedingtian is even more real, he will not let Li Qing get involved easily.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room did not understand it. They clearly saw that Li Qing was seeing this little girl for the first time. Why did she want to be her own anchor just after meeting?

Don’t understand?

Just now they were all praising the cuteness of this little girl, but now they are all guessing why.

Although it is not as old as the mystery, but it is enough to make people curious. As a senior leader among the monsters, what does she want from Li Qing?

"why not?"

She was sitting on the blood turtle, but she jumped up and stomped.


The blood turtle didn't know if it was pain, or if the humans rejected her, he let out a growl.

It roared, and the monsters followed the roar, shattering the clouds in the sky, and the earth shook again.

"He is our humanity, he is the hope of the future of our Star Alliance, why should we give you?" Li Xingzhu immediately awe-inspiring.


Although human beings have always been at a disadvantage, it is not that they want a human to kill them in the past and kill them in vain. The people in the Star Alliance have never been killed in battle, not kneeling to death!

"Yes, you can't give him!"

Another star owner thought about it, and thought of it like this, throwing it soundly.

"You give him to me, we can retreat!" She suddenly made such a rich condition.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

If it was said that they had doubts about what Li Qing valued each other, then now the doubt has become a certainty.

Li Qing must have something that the other party has to get.

"what is it then?"

"Does it mean that the anchor is also a monster, born of the monster emperor?"

"The anchor might be the Tang monk. If you eat something that can live forever~ Gee, I want to have a bite."

"Beasts, do people eat people? Even if they can live forever, I won't eat them!"

-----Note to netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


"I eat!"

"Then got the brother of the anchor, can't you eat?"


Master Li Xing increasingly doubts what secrets are in Li Qing's body, otherwise, why the other party wants him.

"Why on earth do you want him?" So, Lord Li Xing asked the little girl: "Also, I don't know your surname?"

"The last name~ You are called Youyou!"


Li Qing really wanted to say, I'm still called Cherk, and you have just one pair of Cheek.

Only, he just spit out a sentence, in fact, very nervous.

Can you not be nervous?

If he is really abandoned by human beings, he will become a devil's dish, which is absolutely impossible.

The little girl reported the name and seemed a little angry: "I don't care, I just want it."

"As long as you can tell the specific reason..." Li Xingzhu still had to lie to her. Actually, it was also delaying time, and wanted to send the spirit stone over to Xingchao as soon as possible, so as to make this war better.

"No reason, people just like him~"

She was like an ordinary little girl next door swaying from side to side, like a coquettish way.

At the moment, everyone is sprouting, just think it is really good for a cute little girl? It took two or three seconds to react.

There must be a charm!

Many people are secretly alert in their hearts.

"There is no unreasonable love or inexplicable love in this world. This little sister, what do you want me to do, just say it?" Li Qing was really afraid that he would be sent out. Then, when the time comes, Really want to hang here.

He began to regret it. He wanted to be sent out for a future city?

So he also started talking for himself.

"I just like you~"

She did not shy away and puckered her mouth full of grievances.

All of a sudden, everyone felt distressed.

She is so weird.

It seems that every move will affect everyone's emotions.

"Is this the top-level monster? Becoming a humanoid, and so charming people..." Chen Jia looked dumbfounded.

"Sorry, I don't like you!"

Li Qing quickly refused!


He didn’t dare to let the other person like Let me not say first, would she eat herself directly, even if she would not eat herself, thinking of doing something with a monster, wrong, even small Girl, he can't do anything.

"Master Li Xing, otherwise, send him away, as long as they can withdraw their troops..." The old lady named Zi immediately said.

"How can you be sure that they will retreat?" Master Li Xing frowned.

"Obviously, I suspect that the blood turtle must have come to Li Qing yesterday, but it couldn’t speak, so it struggled with us... Today, it brought the little girl over, because the little girl could speak... …” The old lady with the surname Zi actually talked, and at once, Li Qingkeng almost entered.

Chen Jia looked at Li Qing, eyes full of envy.

He didn't know why he even envied this, maybe he envied the feeling of Li Qing's attention, or he envied that Li Qing's name could be said from the star's mouth...

Anyway, he envyed himself somehow, but it was envy anyway.

This is what people are, people are more dead than people, and you have to throw them.

He was completely speechless to himself.

"..." Lord Li Xing pondered for a long time, but still did not make up his mind.

Because, if there are huge secrets in Li Qing, being taken away by the monsters will definitely increase their strength. Conversely, if Li Qing is handed out, the war in front of him will be eliminated...

Tangled ah!

Lord Li Xing hasn't tangled such a thing for a long time.

He was entangled, but Li Qing was so nervous that his whole heart hung in his throat.

Is it true that today is really going to be sent out to the monster?

Do not!

My life is controlled by me, not by the sky, and even less likely to be controlled by them!

Li Qing thought a thousand times and began to think of a way out for himself...

Recommend tickets to walk around and live to ninety-nine! !

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