My Super God QQ

Chapter 639: Find a secret place

Superman's steel body was not realized in Xia Mo Can Yue's body. What he brought to Li Qing was only water-like tenderness and sweetness.

Little victorious wedding!

Even the two are not ordinary people, so that the battle lasted for several hours.

After having some passion with Xia Mo Canyue, Li Qing left the room refreshedly. As for Xia Mo Canyue, he was paralyzed on the bed, and his eyes were full of comfortable and confused mist, which was very attractive.

Facts have proved that the cultivator's physique is still stronger than superhuman.

Thinking of this, Li Qing burst into laughter several times, and then left the room with the victorious gesture.

Comfort Xia Mo, and Yan Di.

Yan Di's physique is relatively weak, Li Qing spent half an hour, let her directly fainted to death.

Ning Shishi and Tang Yanyan also returned to their rooms, looking forward to waiting for Li Qing's luck.

Did not let them down!

Li Qing knows that they are waiting for their hard work, so they have also fortunate them one by one, but they all have injuries, so they are much gentler.

In this way, watching them all fall asleep happily, Li Qingcai felt slightly tired and returned to Xia Mo's room.

I don’t know why, Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue have the most topical sensation, maybe both of them have more mature ideas!

Xia Mo's heart was very touched by Li Qing's heart that she could return to herself after being warm with all the girls.

She also loved Li Qing so much.


The two rarely resemble a couple-like conversation.

"Not tired! I can still put you on the ceiling!" Li Qing smiled proudly.

"Dead phase~" Xia Mo Can Yue pinched Li Qing: "I said, tired in the realm of truth? I have been worrying about you, who knows that I fell asleep and made me feel more comfortable."

"Tired!" Li Qing exhaled deeply, having the urge to smoke.

Now, he only knows why men smoke, because the pressure and responsibility on their bodies are really great. Smoking makes them more comfortable and releases some pressure.


Xia Mo Can Yue actually knew his thoughts and took out a pack of cigarettes from the bedside table.

"Originally, I didn't approve of your smoking, because smoking is bad for your health. However, you are not an ordinary person, giggle..." She handed the cigarette to Li Qing.

Li Qing ordered one and choked a little, but took a deep breath and exhaled.


It directly replaces sigh, which is a very good way to smoke.

Otherwise, the man sighed all day, what a man.

"Your husband is naturally not an ordinary person. By the way, what is that Lin Mengjie?" Li Qing thought of her.

At the beginning, she also came to the house together, and was regarded by her mother as a prospective daughter-in-law, who thought that she actually returned to her home.

"Hey, everyone has their own ambitions, and she can't blame her, maybe because her feelings have faded, or she doesn't dare to gamble and don't want to wait. Li Qing, don't blame her, will you?"

"I didn't blame her, just a little regret."

"Well, I talked to her. She said that it was only a momentary impulse. After the impulse, she discovered that the feelings for you are not the love of men and women. Then, as you are away for a period of time, she said that the feelings will always follow the time. If it fades, she leaves... Maybe she will regret it now! Because you are not an ordinary person~"

"Oh, right!"

Li Qing understands very well.

Even if he hasn't had much love, but a woman, no, it should be said that it is a person, a kind of forgetful creature that will forget many things, including feelings, over time.

In the world, there are still too few people who have strong feelings, especially this kind of thing is normal, so don’t blame her, just get used to it.

"She is Aquarius. Most of these constellations are indefinite. Uh, there are constellation analysis. They also say that they are both new and old... I don't know very well, but I don't like Aquarius."

"Oh, what do you believe in foreigners, what our ancestors handed down is so powerful!" Li Qing doesn't agree with her research on constellations, and women like to watch this. In his opinion, Yi Jing gets it out The fortune-telling is the most true.

"It's kind of interesting, Aquarius is infatuated when it's infatuated, and desperate is very desperate.

"Okay, what do those constellations do? Individuals have their own choices. Since Lin Mengjie chose this path, it is destined to be a stranger in the future." Li Qing doesn't care.

He did not want to talk about this kind of woman.

In fact, it is not clear which one is right or wrong.

But he always felt that he was still the kind of person with the most affection, the most appetite for him, like the people around him.


The two were still in love, and Zhang Min cried in horror.

Li Qing and Xia Mo Can Yue smiled at each other and put on their clothes.

When she came to Zhang Min's room, she saw that she was staring at the large mirror. Even if the two came in, she didn't even notice it.


"A Qing, what medicine did you give me, could it be the medicine for rejuvenation?" she asked staringly at Li Qing.

"Oh, Mom, that's just a panacea to increase your lifespan, not to mention, haven't you become a child? Hahaha..." Li Qing felt really interesting, her mother was terrified by herself and kept touching herself s face.

"But, this fairy medicine must be hard to come by? Your child is really too good to do nothing to waste this money. It is not easy for you to practice in the realm..." she complained.

"In my heart, mom is your most important thing!"

Li Qing smiled authentically.

Zhang Min heard his eyes red, although Li Qing said that Li Qing was wasted, but he still heard the thief happy.

Son is so filial, this is happiness as a mother.

Next, several women also came over, watching Zhang Min become as young as they were, and it was a bit difficult to adapt, which also made Zhang Min a little embarrassed. But think about yourself as a mother-in-law, and come up with the head of the family and talk about the future.

Want to choose a residence?

Li Qing's so many wives must choose one.

"Mom, no need to choose, just the tallest building, that is the safest!"

Li Qing is the owner of this city, and naturally knows that the core of the future smart city is the tallest building.

Don’t look at this place is conspicuous and vulnerable to attack. In fact, as long as it is attacked here, then the city will gather all its strength to keep the building.

Not to mention that the eye generated by the wisdom brain possesses various abilities, so it is best for them to place their residence there.

Didn’t see the nuclear bomb attacks of the United States stopped? I'm afraid there is no place in the world that can match this.

Let a group of robots help move.

This castle is simply pushed away, and then it will be rebuilt.

Li Qing is planning to build villas on the original land of the island, and it needs to be well-organized and organized so that it looks comfortable.

While moving, Li Qing received countless requests to live on the island.

Among these people are politicians and wealthy businessmen from various countries, as well as geniuses in various fields. Li Qing asked Zhinao to pass the construction geniuses first, and others, to be tested, could only enter them.

In addition, we must recruit some craftsmen.

After all, the people take food as the sky, and there are all kinds of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. It is also necessary for people to come or not. They cannot always rely on imports. All these let intelligence worry.

Li Qing blocked the shopkeeper, and accompanied them every day to play.

It was not until three days later that Li Qing took the UFO he had recovered and went to Xiaolin County, Beihe Province.

Lin Chengxing also followed Li Qingxiu Zhen, but he was busy with common affairs, and now he is only on the fourth floor of the gas refining period. This is because Li Qing gave him some immortals to make such progress.

Seeing Li Qing, Lin Chengxing gave a big hug and welcomed his brother home.

After a meal with good wine and good meat, Li Qing proposed what he had to do You said you were looking for a secret place in an uninhabited place? "

Li Qing thought about it and decided to find a secret place. After all, there are also thieves in big cities. If he arranges the teleportation array in the house, he will not know if he will be intruded by the thief one day. .

"I have heard of such a place. It's called Savage Valley. I heard that there are no traces, only the Savage has been around!"

"Savage? There are savages at this time?"

"Yes, the hair is soaring, like a gorilla, with black hair all over the body, like a cow, but it can tear a tiger apart. I wouldn't want to tell you about that place unless you were a cultivator."

"So where did you hear it?"

"Oh, didn't I hire a lot of medicines for us? It was the drug farmers who told me that he almost couldn't escape. The forest was surrounded by countless mountains."

"Then you give me the map, I will find it!"

"Okay, you have UFO, so okay!"

Lin Chengxing marked the points on a map with his mobile phone and sent them directly to Li Qing.

It was agreed that Li Qing would come to him when he was done, so the two talents were separated.

Li Qing drove UFO to this place called Savage Valley.

From the city to the mountain forest, people are getting scarcer and green vegetation is more and more.

Li Qing followed the guidance of the mobile phone map and arrived at this point in less than an hour.

As introduced by Lin Chengxing, here is a virgin forest with mountains in all directions, but this place seems to be sunken like a valley.

Li Qing glanced around, it was really difficult to get inside.

I'm afraid it is necessary to climb the tool.

"Huh, are there really savages?"

Suddenly he saw that cooking smoke was rising, and curiously, he jumped from the UFO.

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