My Super God QQ

Chapter 704: Countdown to wedding preparation

The materials brought back by Zhang Sangou are full of three storage rings.

Some wear, some useful, some eat...

In addition, ten cooks were brought down. Li Qing checked them, and all the cooks turned out to be strong during the foundation period.

"Good job!"

Li Qing patted Zhang Sangou's shoulder with praise.

"Li Shao, the little one did not dare to make credit, and it was Mr. Bai Xiaotian's help that made it so smooth, yes, and Senior Hedingtian." Zhang Sangou smiled reservedly, still looking like a servant. .

"Okay, let's take a break! In addition, you should also break through. At that time, you will distribute the cultivation elixir directly to your disciples. This is your responsibility." Li Qing did not want to manage these chores, so it was all to Zhang San dog.

"Yes! Just, Li Shao, will those cooks talk about this small world?"

"Relax, it doesn't matter if Uncle Tiande brought it down!"

Li Qing waved his hand, and Zhang Sangou retreated.

The girls were crazy, watching Li Qing get them the wedding dresses of the real world, and all yelled wildly.

I have to say that these clothes are really beautiful, not only styles, but also materials...

Just like some clothes, it will bring a small magic circle, and when it is urged, it will emit a bright light of five faces and six years old.

Some clothes come with all kinds of charm effects, like dreams.

Some clothes can make people fly briefly.

This is the flying clothes, which is their favorite.

Think about it, fairy couples, wherever they are envied by the world, then, no matter what, the wedding dress that will fly is absolutely top-notch and most suitable.

Ten cooks were also familiar with the new environment and new kitchen utensils, but when they found that these kitchen utensils were not as convenient as they used, they found a house for them to make kitchens, and when the time came, they could cope with the wedding banquet.

Various ingredients...

Li Qing specifically asked them to set up a table to try.

At the wedding, many people did this.

As a result, Li Qing saw that all ten chefs were proficient in flame spells and manipulated the flames to "carve out" these ingredients.

Like their flames, the temperature is directly ten times higher than that of the kitchen utensils. Not only that, but also like a hand, the height is different, some of the temperature is high, and some of the temperature is low.

Raise the fire under the pot!

Cover the dish directly under your hand!

Or cut the vegetables and meat directly by hand, which is definitely more professional than the grinder.

"I said to the boss, our kung fu is not comparable to mortals. Just like a chicken, some parts of its body are harder and some are softer. Then, the fire it needs to cook will naturally go up and down. Different." A chef introduced to Li Qing.

"Hmm~" Li Qing agreed very much.

"Also, some ingredients require too high a temperature, which can't be made by the fire of the world, or even a bit unpleasant, even their surface can't be burnt, which requires us..."

Li Qing nodded with a smile.

He knew what the cook wanted to say. In fact, he didn't want to say this, but wanted the boss to be satisfied and give him a reward.

Li Qing is not short of money, so immediately announced to these chefs: "If you do well, then I will take out a hundred more stars to reward you!"

Suddenly, the cooks in this room were quiet.

Yan Di and they followed, thinking that a hundred stars would be too few for these cooks~ It was a bit embarrassing, who would have shouted in unison after a while.

"Thank you boss, we will do our best. If we are not satisfied, we will never dare to charge you half a star...!!!"

"Thank you boss, we are doing business, you can rest assured!"

"Thank you boss, boss atmosphere, mighty!"

For a time, their expressions were all flushed and excited.

"Okay, then, let me introduce these ingredients..." Li Qing picked this talking chef to explain.

First of all, he showed everyone a big fish with golden scales.

"This is the Longmen carp, which is rumored that the carp will become a dragon when it leaps over the dragon door. It is produced. Their meat has amazing taste and delicious taste in addition to its amazing spirituality..."

When Yan Di heard this, she asked curiously, "Is there such a place in Cultivation Realm? Did any carp leap past?"

The chef smiled gently and explained: "The little lady is not clear, the Dragon Gate is a place where the real Jiao Longtengyun can only really reach the fog. How can ordinary carp jump over, anyway, the master of the villain, the master of the master, count The masters of EMI have never heard of a carp jumping over that dragon gate."

"That Longmen, can people leap past? What happens if they leap past?" Tang Yanyan asked from behind Li Qing's head naughtily.

"Longmen can be seen by the naked eye, similar to the place where the city is humiliated. Natural humans were useless in the past. However, according to our predecessors, there is a reason for its existence in this world. This legend is endless. Believe it or not."

Li Qing nodded, and the cook was right.

Next, I introduce a golden leg, and I don’t know what is the leg of a beast.

"This is the leg of the Tengfeng, a leg of a spirit beast. Because this spirit beast is used as a transportation tool, it is cultivated on this leg all the year round, so it is full of energy. The boss is lucky, and the place where the spirit beast is rented needs to be replaced. A group of injured spirit beasts can only be purchased."

"This is Xuan Hai Cai. After eating it in your mouth, you will feel the taste like the sea and the sea spinning in your mouth."

"Tiring Xinhua is also a kind of dish, which makes the teeth fresh and refreshing after eating."

"The turbid claw can also be called phoenix claw, the meat is so delicious."

"Shrimp King, it's almost ready to be refined, and its meat is as strong as fresh."

Every time you introduce a dish, everyone has the urge to drool.

After introducing twenty dishes, all the people sat on the table and waited for the dishes.

Serving size is enough, each plate is enough for twenty people!

It takes almost five minutes to prepare each dish. This is the time required for the other party to be careful and serve the boss. If it is not so exquisite, it may take two or three minutes to prepare a dish.

"Then if there are more banquets, can you take care of it?"

Li Qing asked the other party.

" You don't need to worry, we all have secret techniques to keep the dishes delicious. When the time comes, just make it first, then heat it, it will be no different from the freshly cooked one." The chef is confident. Full of people.

Big fast!

Everyone ate a mouthful of oil. Even Li Qing was in the realm of cultivation, he had never had a good meal because he was busy.

After watching twenty dishes, I ate ten, and everyone's stomachs were propped up. The cook smiled mysteriously and brought a drink. The drink is called "Tears".

As soon as I drank it, everyone's bloating disappeared, and I continued to eat it happily.


After eating a perfect and beautiful meal, the girls only felt extremely happy, and looked at Li Qing's eyes, full of sweetness.

Because, these characteristics are enough to prove that their wedding banquet will be unique in the world.

After eating, just look at the wedding dress.

Li Qing was surrounded by them and forced to see which suit they wore well. Anyway, as long as Li Qing liked it, then they would decide which one to wear.

At the same time, Li Qing also chose a suit, which is an antique Tang suit.

It is better to say that it is a Tang suit than the swordsman decoration of the Tang Dynasty period, just holding a sword, it is chic and handsome.

With a wedding dress, then naturally also want a wedding car!

To this end, several women went to Hua Xia's hometown, waiting for Li Qing to marry them, and Li Qing's wedding car was not an ordinary car, but Zhuang Zhou Kun.

"Zhuang Zhou Kun" has the ability to transform, and it is said that it can also transform fairy flying, golden boys and girls holding red lanterns side by side, various emperor bells and flags, and countless appearances of attendants. .

Think about it, Li Qing is actually a bit fun, looking forward to his wedding...


"Daddys, I'm getting married. It's OK to subscribe to and subscribe for tickets..." Li Qing pleaded.

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