My Super God QQ

Chapter 801: Changed after the earth's cultivation

"I swear to kill you!"

Bian Hongliang's eyes were instantly red with blood, and he roared irritably, like that, like an irritated beast, he wished to swallow Li Qing's flesh and drink Li Qing's blood.

Because, just after Li Qing shouted, everyone consciously spread out and surrounded him, obviously afraid that he would run away.

Sleepy beast!

Bian Hongliang fought hard, and there were more magic weapons.

The blue teapot, the water poured out of it, is poisonous water that can corrode everything. The poisonous water turns into a dragon and attacks the people constantly.

The big silver bowl can suppress people directly as long as it is covered.

The quaint war drum, every time it is struck, will make people's blood bouncing and beating uncontrollably, and people's blood seems to be sprayed from the body.

One by one, unknown magic weapons appeared one after another. Finally, he controlled the eight magic weapons by himself.

The scene was chaotic.

Especially in the battle of so many people, if it is touched by the aftermath, it is impossible.

As time passed and he was besieged by so many people, he couldn't stand it anymore. He desperately detonated three or four magic weapons directly, blasting them into darkness, turning around, and ran away.

no way!

This is the way of this rough alliance. No one wants to be the first bird and desperately deal with Bian Hongliang, so his running is normal.

"Wait for me to kill you..."

Far away, he left this saying, no doubt he was talking about Li Qing.

Li Qing didn't take it seriously, but he didn't kill him. Uh, he was quite cool.

In this way, Li Qing only considered how so many people now distribute the treasures in the pool.

"The treasure in this lake is definitely not simple. I just don't know if the formation is protecting the treasure in this lake, or what kind of spirit beast is there, what is protecting the treasure..." Dao Feng voiced anxiously to Li Qing.

To Li Qing, he looks like a pool, but in fact, it is really as big as a lake.

"It seems that we are the only pair of friends now. They are all by themselves. Wait a minute, I will protect you. Do you have a way to get the treasure?" Li Qing passed on to Dao Feng.

Dao Feng shook his head: "That thunder seems to be the five elements of evil spirits, not Fanlei, I can't carry it. Can you do it? I can also protect you and let you fetch it."

Li Qing thought of a way.

It's just that I haven't thought of a way out. What these three newcomers have discovered is that they took the treasure inside with the blood idiot.

Xia Fan was on the side, eager to try, but Li Qing didn't move, and didn't move after thinking about it.


Since Li Qing went to the Star Fortress to kill the monsters and beasts a year ago, the earth has begun a technological leap forward.

With the support of Li Qing and giving them more technology, their weapons have developed very rapidly. Now they have developed a variety of more advanced weapons than before, and nuclear weapons are no longer the only ones.

There is Bear Mountain...

In view of the fact that this is the base camp where monsters and monsters appeared, it is now classified as a restricted area by various countries, and at the same time, it is also a place of serious vigilance.

Today, there are troops from various countries stationed here.

At this time, the helicopters were everywhere, various weapons on the ground were scattered, countless soldiers patrolled back and forth, and several officials responsible for guarding here were meeting in the temporarily built house.

"Our scientists found that there are different signals flowing here!" said a general of the United States.

"On this point, it has been discovered for a long time, but it is impossible to confirm whether it is the monster that is attracted by this thing." A Russian general nodded.

"Whether or not, my suggestion is to find a place to destroy this pulse signal." Huaxia's general said seriously.

"Try with interference?"

"Everyone will try all kinds of methods first. If not, we can only pass this information to the master of Xingguo. Let him think about whether there is any way..."

The meeting lasted for half an hour...

Hua Xia's general walked out of the gate, saw a helicopter just flying up, jumped three stories high, and jumped up.

If this had been before, everyone would have exclaimed constantly, but at this time everyone just glanced enviously and said nothing.

The reason is that the other general is a well-established fellow.

That's right!

Ever since Li Qing passed down the cultivation method, Star Alliance and China are the first beneficiary countries.

There is a wave of innocence everywhere.

Now, when you are on the street and you see someone jumping a few floors, then don’t be surprised. That person is a cultivation person.

Cultivation emerged and changed the way of life of human beings.

No sports are going to be watched at all now, because people have greatly improved their abilities several times since the cultivation.

Playing a football, you can see someone kicking the football a few meters high, and then people rush up to get a gold hook upside down, if the goalkeeper is a mortal, I am afraid that I dare not catch a football of this strength, I will directly GG of.

Playing basketball, that slam dunk is nothing like it. When holding the ball, you can jump directly from your side to pour into the basket of others.


Life completely produces a new change.

The biggest change in cultivating is that many people don't need a car anymore, and run up a short distance, even faster than taking a car.

It is said that there are people who have flying swords and can fly with swords when they reach the foundation period.

Of course, those with flying swords are either rich or expensive, and then they are disciples of Qingdimen. They have flying swords given by the great hero, so they can also fly.

Now, you can control the flying sword and fly high above the sky, you can gain countless envious eyes.

What luxury cars, what planes, all weakly exploded.

Especially those girls, some even posted on the Internet, as long as who controls the flying sword to marry her, no matter who it is, a person or a ghost, she will marry.

It used to be popular that He Ning cried in the back seat of BMW and did not laugh behind the bicycle.

Now, it would rather stand on the flying sword and cry than smile on the yacht.

Xiaohui was very fortunate that he had such a flying sword. Just when his mother was on his 60th birthday, he stepped on the flying sword and returned home to celebrate his mother's birthday.

He didn’t go home even during the New Year, but it was this filial piety that made Li Qing’s avatar very important and allowed him to go home.

When I returned home, it was unusually beautiful. Many relatives and friends learned that he was coming back, and they waited and watched at home early, waiting for the relatives and friends to return.

In their eyes, the one who can enter the Qing Emperor's Gate is called a fairy!

That is, when Xiaohui landed at her door, the two girls were looking at the scene on the street outside, feeling sad.

They used to despise Xiaohui. They despised this poor person and wrote a book at home all day long. So when they had differences in their feelings, they broke off at random, and there was no feeling of cherishment because they thought Xiaohui was not worthy. But now, they just feel that their intestines are regretful, and they are so entangled that they are entangled.

Seemingly feeling the eyes of someone, Xiaohui glanced at them, then smiled and turned his head into the house happily.

For these women, Xiaohui was too lazy to tell them to be friends again.

Since I missed it, it was a stranger.

At home, there are already mothers, relatives and friends who have brought their girlfriends to be introduced to Xiaohui. All of them are top-notch beauties.

There are white-collar workers, students, and even a doctor.

Xiaohui would have to kneel and lick if they saw it before, but now, with Li Qing, a great noble, changing his destiny, he doesn't care. There is only one goal in his eyes, which is to follow Li Qing to the Chengxian Avenue.

First entered the house, placed in the center of the hall, is not a Buddha, or a chic portrait of Li Qing stepping on a sword and crossing the sky, which is now displayed by many people.

Because many people really regard him as a Buddha and a god.

Of course, Xiaohui is no exception, not to mention that he sincerely thanked Li Qing for taking him to change his destiny, so as soon as he entered, he first lit a incense and said sincerely what to insert in the stove.

Even if he can often see Li Qing's avatar, but it is an avatar after all, he can do it respectfully, and he still appreciates the deity.

"Er, you are back..."

After he had worshipped Li Qing, his mother spoke to show his awe of Li Qing’s Yes, everything is fine for his mother? "

Xiaohui smiled softly. Now, after the cultivation, he has a natural smell on his body. Many people call it the fairy.

"Good, but yeah, your boss is not too small, you should get married. This is the object introduced by your aunts and friends. Come and see..."

With that said, her mother took him to the hall, and on the sofa inside, she sat with nearly ten beautiful women.

That's really a big beauty!

As long as I heard that Xiaohui was a disciple of Qingdimen, even the sister-in-law of the sister of the old king’s sister next door, it would be helpful to introduce and help.

Not to mention that Xiaohui’s mother is rich, and she still publishes courtship information in the newspaper. Two or three of these people were selected later.

Everyone wants to marry a fairy such as Xiaohui, not to mention that Xiaohui can also be called Li Qing. The legendary heroic old man is obviously his younger brother. This has a boundless future.


Xiaohui shouted helplessly.

"It's okay, look, look..." Xiaohui's mother reassured: "Also, if you go to the fairy world in the future, only leave me what to do, would you like to watch mom alone? I also I want to be accompanied by grandchildren." His eyes turned red as he spoke.

Xiaohui took a helpless breath and could only promise to see it.

Not to mention, these ten beautiful women really have nothing to say, their temperaments are all levers, and the same is true of the big stars Xiaohui has seen before.

Xiaohui likes to have big eyes and can talk, so select five first.

To cope with his mother, he signaled that he was very serious, and then he began to ask questions...

He wanted to know some of their thoughts.

"I can ask you, do you think love is important or bread is important?"

Weakly ask for subscription recommendation ticket

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