My Super God QQ

Chapter 808: A woman who is so desperate

In this lifeless black land, due to the silence and loneliness, they chose three people to go forward together.

That's weird!

Along the way, for about half a month, they no longer met those who wanted to grab the spirit pot, and they did not know where they had chased after Yan Xun.

"Hoo, fortunately, leave a life!"

They were about a thousand kilometers away from Li Qing, and Wan Yanxun lay prostrate on his body.

At this moment, his face was full of palpitations, a little sickly pale, and he was breathing heavily.

The loss is heavy!

It has been a nightmare to think about this for half a month. First of all, it was constantly being hunted down by people. If that was the case, even if there was a magic weapon given by his grandmother, he could be sure to get rid of those stupid and overwhelming pursuits. Unexpectedly, when passing by a swamp, many ghosts transformed into dragons were killed halfway. They seemed to be out of hell. They were fierce and killed seven or eight people at once.

That strength is outrageous.

He vaguely remembered that there was a guy who lit up the fairy at the bottom of the pressure box to save his life. The fairy was smashed into the sky, as if the stars were falling, but it was still torn to pieces by the three-headed ghost dragon.

On that occasion, the person who chased him directly lost half!

If he didn't run fast, or he should have crossed the swamp first, I'm afraid he would die there.

Then they thought they had escaped the ascension to heaven, and somehow they got something like a firefly, and if they were touched, they would catch fire. If it wasn’t for Wan Yanxun’s use of crystal sulfur fire, they would forcefully remove those weird fires. I have to be burned to death.

Along the way, a lot of strange and terrible accidents happened.

In addition to these two incidents, they also encountered the mysterious death murmur, and the two comprehends seemed to be brought into the negative dark emotion by the voice, and they actually caught fire and fell into selfish spirits, killing themselves.

There are also black and black skeleton giant hands that can be drilled from the ground, even in the void. As long as they are caught, people are directly pulled into the cracks in the space.

Compared with their crisis, when Li Qing led them to the right, it was all the same.

If Wan Yanxun knew it, they might spit blood and die, but Li Qing was so lucky that they chose to go to the right whenever they encountered obstacles.

Xia Fan also asked, why keep going right? Li Qing always answered mysteriously, and some experts gave instructions.

As for the little tall man, he is playing in the **** tower in the star nest...

"Little Fire Lotus, it's too boring here, shall we go up there?" Xiao Guoguo and Little Fire Lotus, two little guys playing outside the tower.

Probably standing here and seeing more, Xiao Guoguo suggested going up.

Little Huolin knew what this place was for, so he nodded and was very happy.

Two small figures circled the outer ladder where almost no one walked, and climbed up.

Outside the shrine, the strong wind screamed. It was a strong airflow enough to suffocate people. However, inside the shrine, it was extremely quiet. I could only hear the clicking sound of two little feet going up.

Until you come to the tower...

Looking at the clouds below, and the occasional view below, Xiao Guoguo sat down.

The place where she sits just happens to be the place where the star alliance leader often sits, because it is relatively clean. Her teacher taught her to sit on a clean spot if she wants to sit.

The two chatted squeakyly at the magnificent view below.

They didn't notice at all. At this time, the void above had become purple, which was noble purple light.

Ziguang was like a pillar, covered from above, and slowly covered the **** tower.

The sudden change was discovered by many senior members of the Star Alliance, so a group of people rushed up in panic.

They are frightened.

Because the sacred tower has stood here for tens of thousands of years, there has never been anything, even if energy can come in from the shield of the sacred tower. But the purple light was silent, quietly, as if a master came, and landed on the top of the tower without hindrance.

They panicked, thinking that it was a malfunction of the shrine, and also worried about the invasion of foreign objects, foreign objects that the shrine cannot resist.

If even the tower cannot be resisted, what terrifying power will the person have?

"Why are there children?"

A star owner first came up and found Xiao Guoguo.

"Fang Xingzhu, do you think this is going on?"

It seems that in order to answer the elder, the star owner turned to talk to the elder star, and both of them looked very dignified.

The third one who came up also participated in their suspicions and worries.

Fourth, fifth...

They didn't ask anyone how Xiaoguo came here for a time, until Lord Li Xing came up, he was surprised to hold Xiaoguo.

"Xiaoguoguo, how are you here?"

"I don't know, Guoguo feels very comfortable and comfortable here~ The air is so good, and it seems to be very warm..." Xiao Guoguo looked authentic and didn't think he was here.

"Nonense, let's go, I'll take you down." Lord Li Xing felt that something big was going to happen today. How could he keep the little fruit here, so he picked her up and wanted to send her and Little Fire Lotus down.

"Master Li Xing, is this?"

The Fang Xingzhu who came up first asked about it.

"Oh, this is my daughter who is a disciple. Let everyone laugh, the child is naughty, and now send her down." Li Xingzhu smiled embarrassedly.

"Ah, lord!"

"Yeah, it's the leader..."


Suddenly, a large group of people called the leader.

I saw that the leader also came to the top of the tower from above through the teleportation array, looking up at the purple light that had fallen down.

"this is?"

He also discovered Guoguo.

Lord Li Xing had to explain it awkwardly again.

"Well, little dolls must be optimistic, don't let them run around~" The leader touched Xiaoguo's head: "The spirit of Qingtai, the bones and jade body, is an excellent talent for cultivation."

"Yeah! It's Li Qing's daughter~" Li Xingzhu said this, and he looked a little proud. Li Qing was a genius and his daughter was not bad.

"Oh, is this the case? Haha, okay, very good, but you still send her down quickly. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and I don't know what happened today?" The leader looked at the purple beam of anxiety He has quietly tried it out, this is not ordinary light, and he can’t stop it from being covered by the immortal method.


Master Li Xing holding Xiaoguo is about to go down.

"and many more--"

At this moment, a melodious word came from a distant sky.

Because here are the strongest in the Star Alliance, looking up, no one was seen.

Strange, strange?

Master Li Xingguo and Xiaoguo Guo also looked up curiously.

That is, when they can't see anything, they have to go down again.

"Release your dirty hands--"

Words came down again.

No one understands what this means?

Master Li Xing didn't take it for granted, and he had to take Xiao Guoguo down, and Xiao Guoguo also leaned in his arms.


Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in the purple beam.

It's really abrupt, without any warning...

That is a very beautiful, temperamental woman.

Maybe a fairy? Because the beauty is terrible.

Dressed in a white neon plumage, hooded Tachibana gauze, and lotus-like ice muscle jade bones, all seem to be shining, giving a feeling that she is not a real person.

A satin-like black hair flutters in the wind, a slender phoenix eyebrow, a pair of eyes like a star like a bright moon, exquisite veiled nose, pink cheeks faint, dripping cherry-like vermilion lips, perfect flawless melon seeds face is shy and tender, tender The slippery snow has a wonderful skin color, a light figure, and a refined elegance.

It was only when it appeared that it gave people a sense of the stunning color of Gu Qingren City and Gu Qingrenguo.

A fresh fragrance spread quietly and slowly spread in everyone's heart.

Even if her look seemed irritated, it also gave people such a weird feeling.

Especially when everyone probed the soul, they were surprised and surprised, because they could not feel the breath of anyone in their empty.

"you are?"

The leader spoke, his expression dignified.

Because the woman in front of him gave him a feeling, er, the four words are "unmatchable."

Such a situation has caused a turbulent wave in his heart. You have to know that he has reached the pinnacle of repairing the realm, and he has pressed the realm to stay here for thousands of years!

In this way, give yourself an invincible feeling?

So is this woman in front of her really a fairy?

"Give her..."

The woman spoke again, ignoring the leader of the Star Alliance, ignoring it directly, as if in her eyes, all the ants were indifferent.

Following her vision, all the talents found that she was looking at Li Xingzhu, no, the little fruit in his arms.

"who are you?"

Of course, Master Li Xing could not give Xiao Guoguo to others casually, and asked cautiously, then stepped back two steps.

At this time, he was sad to find that he didn't feel any resistance at all, as if he were a mortal standing in front of a self-cultivator.

Thinking of this thought, he was horrified all over his body, because this woman didn't release any strong oppressive atmosphere at all, why is it so?

"Mortal, let go of your dirty hands, hear you!"

She said again, her tone was charming.

Of course Master Li Xing will not easily hand over Xiao Guoguo, and then come back because she may be worried and unknowingly, she will go down and hug her...

However, all people were terrified, and what happened to him was as strong as Master Li Xing. He was imprisoned by the woman's empty hand.

At this time, Li Xing's heart was terrified, and his mind was replaced by fear.

Xiao Guoguo also raised the hand and floated automatically, slowly floating towards the woman...

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