My Super God QQ

Chapter 803: Charge 2 monsters

What kind of feeling does a criminal who has just been released from prison for ten years see a **** beauty wearing a three-point style?

I'm afraid I'm going to put the gun on the horse immediately, but just take off the pants of the beauty, but when I find a soft stick thrown out, what kind of feeling is that?

Zilong now feels this way, and there are thousands of Cao Nima galloping past in his heart.

The two teenagers behind him also looked dumbfounded.

Then, watching the two monsters destroy them with terrifying speed and terrifying power, the sourness is so refreshing that they can't help but yell.


They called it ecstasy, but unfortunately it seemed to have anger and unwillingness in it, as if it was the meaning of being sharpened.

"Li Qing, I am your uncle--"

In the end, Zilong was beaten and his whole body was distorted. Finally, he couldn't help but tore his voice and roared from the depths of his soul.

It was beaten down and described as Zilong, what are they doing now?

Faced with these two monsters, they had no power to fight back at all. When they saw each other, they were beaten and beaten horizontally, vertically, and variously.

Less than five minutes...

Yes, they couldn't even stand for five minutes, they were almost killed.

If Zilong had used his grandmother's life-saving amulet to increase his speed more than a hundred times, and left here like lightning, I am afraid that three people would have to be alive and killed at the scene.

And after they fled, they invited the second batch of unlucky people to play-the silver-haired boy.

At this time, he was surprised, unwilling, and terrified. In the end, he could only envy watching Zilong fled from the place like lightning, and took the unstoppable stick of the monster...


"You listen, there seems to be someone's voice outside..."

Within Yumen, Li Qing suddenly felt something and tried to ask if they had heard it.

"Did you hear it? I tried the Yumen. Even if I cut my knife, I couldn't leave a white mark on it. How can the sound outside be heard in such a baby..." Dao Feng disdainfully Laughed.

"Don't scare me, I'm timid..." Xia Fan listened, his body slightly shaking, and quickly whispered.

Li Qing raised his wounds in the QQ Bookstore, and they appeared in the warehouse inside the Yumen.

"Okay, I may have heard it. You see there are three things in this warehouse, shall we take one each?" Li Qing tried to ask.

He was still used to splitting like this, and he didn't want to score more because of his efforts.

For friends, Li Qing, who is very important to friendship, believes that no matter how good the treasure is, it is not as good as friendship.

"You choose!"

Dao Feng took a deep breath.

He knew that Li Qing was a person, and he valued sentiment, so he no longer refused to say goodbye, but Li Qing must be chosen first.

Three things!

A nature is the head of the beast.

Another, very strange shape, is actually a black thing similar to a fan head. Li Qing didn't understand why it was used. Maybe it was used to blow hair, or was it to trap people?

There is another one, which is a tiny fan, pink.

At this point, the benefits of the woman came out, and Xia Fan picked up the fan without choosing.

Dao Feng chose that fan head.

As a wise man, he can’t guess, the head of the beast must be a little related to the two monsters outside. Then, Li Qing will charge the two giant monsters best.

"How embarrassing~"

Li Qing rubbed his hands and laughed.

"There is a small door in this warehouse..."

Xia Fan shouted.

Li Qing looked closely and found that there was a wicket. The three of them went in together.

As soon as they entered, they saw that it was about 100 square meters, with a bed, tables and chairs, which seemed to be a place to live.

The environment is not good, even if it is a resident, at most it is a caretaker!

The tables and chairs are made of wood, and they are almost corroded. As soon as they come in, they bring windy airflow and blow them directly to the ground.

"There is something at the head of the bed?"

Xia Fan's sharp eyes noticed this.

Li Qing stepped forward to look at another bottle of immortality.

In addition, there is a jade jade that Li Qing picked up and placed on his forehead to read.

Unexpectedly, there is still a diary inside, which records a person's life here.


It is a caretaker who lives here. It seems that the human being is not very strong. He usually loves all kinds of animals except the guardian here.

In the jade jade, there is a place where spirit beasts are housed. There are various spirit beasts of different strengths, and his wife usually feeds them.

This bottle of Elixir was left by his wife after feeding the spirit beast. He wanted to hold the research and feed the two monster dragonflies to see if they would become stronger. Unfortunately, what seemed to happen behind Matter, left here.

"So, in this way, is this thing for the spirit beast?"

Li Qing was overjoyed.

He had always felt that the mirage and the raccoon had been in it for a long time, and there was no growth.

Even if it is to grow up later, it needs merit value to feed, and it also needs a lot of merit value, which he has always missed. Now it looks good, save a merit value, and use this immortality directly.

"I don't know if it has expired..."

Li Qing picked up the bottle of immortality and pulled out the cork above, and a monster burst into his nose.

"It's broken~"

Xia Fan squeezed his little nose and was disgusted, so stinky that his entire face was tangled together.

"Throw it away?"

Dao Feng also believed that it might be broken.

Li Qing didn't make the decision so easily, summoned the phantom monster, and took out a black panacea.

Strange to say, such a stinky thing, as soon as it appeared, the whole eye turned red, and it was going to pounce on that medicine.

"Really eaten?"

Li Qing shook his hand and didn't let it bite. Then, it seemed to be really hungry to see its condition, so that it swallowed it.

Once swallowed, it fell directly to the ground and fell.

Li Qing was shocked and quickly caught it.

Isn't it poisonous? Li Qing wanted to say that it was finished, but then he felt that there was constant energy in the mirage monster, and it gradually grew larger and larger.

It is like a flame, which is getting bigger and bigger and heating up, this energy is increasing.


Li Qing got it out.

Then, similarly, after eating, Ah Li lay down on the ground and began to grow in strength.

Li Qing is really afraid that this medicine is too strong, will it make them unbearable.

In fact, he was overwhelmed. The energy of the two guys was constantly increasing slowly, but there was nothing weird about it. This made Li Qing slightly relaxed and assured that they would continue to increase their strength there.

Next, Xia Fan acted freely, and Li Qing charged the beast head.

The beast head is also the same as the dragon.

But the material is made of unknown metal. It is a metal that Li Qing can't describe. I only know that it is very hard. Li Qing's flying sword can't leave traces on it.

This surprised Li Qing.

You know, his flying sword has always been unfavorable, what's going on?

how is this possible? !

It is true that this is true of the instruments used by the gods, and only this kind of explanation can be explained.

Pressing his hand over the dragon's head, Li Qing's hand was unclear, so he put his finger on Jiaolong's eyes. Gradually, he also understood the origin of this thing.

It is named "Dragon Head" and it is proved by a great formation mage. It is a good magic weapon for guarding items.

Now it is just two monsters, and even in its peak period, it can control a group of monsters.

At the level, it is unknowable that the dragon head can control the two monsters, and the two monsters are the guards of this palace of gods, where the warehouse was originally placed as a hidden treasure.

The level of the two monsters is no level, which is contrary to Li Qing's expectations. In his mind, these two monsters are at least the peak of the robbery. If they don't use spells, they can even be compared to the powerful ones of the Mahayana period. . In this way, it seems that it is not the best thing here.

"Forget it, or draw it with anger, let it recognize the Lord~"

Li Qing devoted himself to collecting the dragon head.

Occasionally, you can still hear the loud noise outside, it seems that the two monsters are going to rush in, constantly hitting Yumen.

As Li Qing took more time to collect this stuff, the monsters outside were more and more intense, and the situation seemed to be resisting.

Ten days...

Both Xia Fan and Dao Feng charged their treasure, but Li Qing was still working hard.

"Hey, ice cube, what is your thing?"

Xia Fan saw that Dao Feng was mostly cold and cool, and did not like to talk, so he gave him a nickname.

"It's a name, Tianluo Xianwang. If my true energy is enough to support and I can shoot, I am not even afraid of the Mahayana powerhouse now!"

"Is it a fairy?"

"Yes! What about you, little girl?"

"Mine is an immortal fan, the wind blowing can blow you to the horizon, and it can blow out thousands of gang knives to crush you, but unfortunately, I can only blow one out of my true energy now, very reluctant Ground." Xia Fan sighed.

However, the eyes of the two are now full of joy.

This trip is really great!

For example, in the Star Alliance, how many people have a fairy weapon, I am afraid that only a few star owners and elders only have it, or it is handed down from generation to generation.

But now, they have received one by one.

As for what was received from the pool, it was not a fairy. Only the treasure house could let them know that it was a fairy.

"I feel like we did, did Li Qing suffer?" Xia Fan said a little embarrassedly.

"Uh, it seems to be! However, he collected the pool, which is also very useful for training younger generations..." Dao Fengbian thought, "Moreover, there are two monsters, and now he has many enemies in the Star Alliance, that The two monsters are definitely the most suitable things for him today. Unlike a fairy, they don’t have a single blow. In other words, his purple gourd seems to be a fairy. There is really no one. This guy is rich in oil~"

"Isn't it?" Xia Fan heard this, his eyes were flashing: "I really want to rob him~ If I don't know him and can beat him, I must grab everything from him. "" After speaking, a vicious look appeared.

"Hahaha... This is indeed the case. I really like his fairy gourd. Please turn around, and then the enemy will be in a different place..." Dao Feng said this, as if he was recalling the scene at that time, the more he thought about it The color of excitement is even more He is also the first person to see such a rich Li Qing, obviously a disciple, but the treasures on him are endless.

Even if you are a disciple, you may have more treasures than Li Qing, but the total value is not as good as Li Qing! Not to mention that the Duobao disciple has been a monster for thousands of years, and Li Qing has been for many years...

The more you think, the more you sigh, the more you hate yourself for being useless!

"In the future, you will have to be more fooled with this younger brother! Otherwise, if you really want to cross the robbery to Mahayana, you will be killed by thunder, and you will lose the reward~" Dao Feng thought to himself.

Twenty days passed...

A month!

A month later, Li Qing was shocked, and finally felt that the dragon head in his hand had a spiritual connection with himself.

As soon as this connection occurred, there were two things in his mind, those two monsters.

At this time, the vision in the eyes of the two monsters also appeared in his mind. As long as his mind was slightly moved, the two monsters would follow his mind, as his arms pointed, without hindrance.

"Try it with all your strength!"

He tried to get the monster holding the mace to hit the ground.

However, the ground here may have been reinforced and the effect cannot be tested.

Finally, Li Qing named them, one called Xiaoya and the other called Xiaodao.

Small teeth, holding mace.

The knife is a big knife.

In addition, Li Qing knew that to drive them, he also needed energy stones.

The more powerful the stones, the stronger the power they exert. If the stones work, it is not a problem even if they are made against the enemies.

Thinking about this, Li Qing wanted to find this white jade palace. Is there a strong stone!

If anything, hey, then Li Qing can definitely walk sideways in the realm...

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