My Super God QQ

Chapter 802: King Husband attending the Spring Festival Gala

One day later, it is needless to say that the reunion was happy.

The next day, Li Qing, a couple of girls in the night, touched her old waist, but she refreshedly called Zhang Sangou.

Even if Zhang Sangou is now a self-cultivator, he still lingers in front of Li Qing as if he were the most loyal servant, waiting for Li Qing's instructions.

Knowing that the "Juling Porcelain" can make them quickly improve their strength, Zhang Sangou was all spoilt and trembling with excitement, and hurried to greet people.

In fact, there is no need to say hello, most of them practice in one place.

Before long, Li Qing directly found a secret place and put the jubilee pots down.

This placement!

All of them can't wait, rushing in like an idiot seeing a fruit girl.

As soon as I soaked in it, my expressions were excited first, and then I felt comfortable, and nobody wanted to get up again.

"Son~" Zhang Min found Li Qing again when he returned home.


"Hua Xia called. It was Mr. Zhu. He said that the No. 1 chief invited you to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. I don't know what you think?" Zhang Min took his son's hand and asked him to sit on the sofa.

"Is it almost Chinese New Year?" Li Qing thought of it, as if it was about to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It seemed that he had not been at home for several years: "How many days?"

"Three days, so this time, regardless of whether you go to China or not, you have to finish before you leave." Zhang Min tentatively said in a commanded tone.

Li Qing agreed.

As for the Spring Festival Evening, what should he do?

Performance show? This fact has to be considered carefully.


On New Year's Eve, in the morning, Li Qing finally decided to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

Because this is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people and the most watched program. In the previous New Year, Li Qing would still watch with his mother because of the New Year's Eve dinner.

At that time, he was wondering how good it would be if I could get to the Spring Festival Gala one day.

Today, it can be regarded as his childhood dream!

When it comes to the Spring Festival Gala, there is an episode.

Like others, last Spring Festival Evening had to rehearse several times, even the most prosperous stars would not dare to play big names in the director of the Spring Festival Gala, because, as long as they are stars, they will have a wish that is the Spring Festival Gala. It can be said that as long as you can go to the Spring Festival Gala, you will be able to catch fire, and it will be of great help to the performing arts career.

However, Li Qing was reluctant to rehearse and directly hung up the director's phone.

Finally, Mr. Zhu personally scolded the director before he invited Li Qing back.

After this incident came to light, the director was even scolded by Li Qing’s fans. In the eyes of the fans, Li Qing was the hero of the earth and the benefactor of everyone. , Not to perform for you.

On the one hand, the director was scolded, but on the other hand, there were hundreds of millions of people, all of whom begged Li Qing for the Spring Festival Gala.


Arrive in Kyoto in the morning.

This time when I came to Kyoto again, Li Qing felt that his ideas had changed dramatically.

For the first time, he was still a little scared in his heart, because this is the foot of the emperor, there are many officials, but this time, he arrived here with an indifferent mindset.

Parked the suspended spacecraft at the most comfortable six-star hotel in Kyoto, Li Qing just like that, slowly descended from the sky.

As for, will it cause commotion?

Li Qing feels that it does not belong to him. Why not take care of other people's ideas and do well.

So, even if the Xingguo's floating spacecraft appeared, it attracted countless people's exclamation, and regardless of Li Qing's affairs, after he landed, Shi Shiran walked into this hotel.

"What! Lord Xingguo is here... Hurry, let's go out!"

The owner of this hotel had nothing to do with it, but he stayed in the hotel after receiving the news today. After hearing the following people said that there was a floating spacecraft hovering over the hotel, and quickly greeted people to welcome them.

"Welcome the Lord Lord to arrive at this hotel, your arrival really makes this hotel flourish!"

As soon as the hotel owner came, he wanted to extend his hand, which was the etiquette of shaking hands, which was his habitual posture. Can think of the identity of the other party, he quickly put his hands back, a big bow. The people behind also bowed quickly.

Not to mention anything else, Li Qing saved the earth alone, and Li Qing deserved such a gift.

"Well, bother~"

Li Qing nodded, but stretched out his hand.

The boss was taken aback for a moment, and then, with tears in his eyes, he rubbed his hands **** the clothes several times before reaching out tremblingly.

Everything, for him, is like dreaming.

He really can't think of it, he can shake hands with the star country master!

After the handshake, he still looked like a dementia, and his head was directly crashed, stunned.

Li Qing didn't say anything. He didn't even need a room card. He had a clever manager who took him directly upstairs.

a long long time……

This boss covered his mouth and gradually recovered.

He decided not to wash his hands or touch anything, so he took the hand of the master of the Xingguo Kingdom and began to let people take his mobile phone and take pictures to send to the circle of friends.

"Kunma, who is that?"

At this time, two Thais were sitting on the side, one of them was a middle-aged woman, and the other was a very handsome and fresh meat, but it was a bit dusty. He was looking at this with surprise and envy. scene.

"You guys, I really don't know what you are going to do hard work. In order to sing with a natural taste, I have been trying to avoid the mountains for three full years... three years! If it were not for you after three years back, there would be a blockbuster, I am afraid you Will not be invited by the Chinese New Year Party."

That is, there is a smell of dust, singing seems to make people feel like being in nature, he will be invited.

"Who is he? He looks so handsome, not only that, I seem to feel a more natural breath on him."

"A while ago, did you know the monster invaded the earth?"

"I know, after I came back, it seemed that I had seen the news and knew it, weren't they driven away by a man named Li Qing?" Speaking of which, he was stunned for a moment before he got excited: "You mean, he Li Qing?"

Suddenly, the envy and jealousy in Fang Cai's heart disappeared.

People are so weird, if you are not much different from a person, you will be jealous, why should you lose to him. And if this person is too far away from you, you can only be envious, because you will subconsciously think that you cannot exceed each other.

This scene is also seen in the eyes of many celebrities, their looks are all envious.

"Husband, oh, no, sir, can I have a signature with you?"

Just after Li Qing was on the ninth floor, she hadn't entered the room yet, but a woman ran out and asked Li Qing excitedly to sign.

Behind her, there is a woman.

Li Qing looked at them and seemed to be a little impressed. They had seen the movies they played before.

One is Li Xiaolu and the other is Yang Mi.

It's just that the criticism is not very good, so Li Qing just signed a name and went into the room. Even if they scratched their heads at Li Qing was still indifferent.

When Li Qinggang checked into the hotel, many fans got the news.

A large number of people were simply crowded downstairs, calling Li Qing "King's Husband".


The king's husband is the nickname Li Qing took after her husband.

From time to time, besides calling the name, there will be an excited scream.

If the former **** silk, Li Qing will surely pass by crazy, which means how many people want to go to his bed! But now, he just smiled and said nothing.

It was just too noisy at the back, Li Qing could only open the window and land directly from the ninth floor.

The perfect appearance, such as the gods descending from the sky, Li Qing floated down, and suddenly made all female fans calm down for him. Every eye that looked at him was heart-shaped.

"Hello everyone~"

No one responded to Li Qing, which made Li Qing a little embarrassed.

"Hello everyone!"

He could only speak again.

"King Husband...!!!!!!"

This is Li Qing’s first fan meeting, and the significance is still quite sufficient. Many female anchors immediately picked up their mobile phones to broadcast live, and as they wished, just as soon as they started broadcasting, they couldn’t imagine that the popularity suddenly exceeded the previous number. ten times.

One of the anchors is called "Yiren".

Normally, if she doesn't wear **** clothes and dance when she is broadcasting, her popularity will definitely not be ten thousand.

The unsuccessful live broadcasting career made her come to Beijing from other places to relax, but this time she actually met Li Qing in surprise. At the first broadcast, the popularity rose wildly.

Finally, her live broadcast room was also recommended on the platform's homepage, and suddenly, the popularity was more than 1 million that she had never had.

At this point, she was all nervous, talking babblingly, trying to reply to the barrage of the live broadcast room...

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