My Super God QQ

Chapter 802: The demon shot

"If something happens to my husband this time, I won't live alone, so I must follow him!" Yan Di's eyes were red and I didn't know if he had cried and said quietly.

"What do you say?" Tang Yanyan, who was closest to her, heard this and stood up excitedly: "Our husband will definitely not lose."

That is her excitement, raising her voice decibels, and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Yes, we have to have confidence in him, he never let us down!" Xia Mo Can Yue said, hands clasped together, may be too nervous, pinched red, but she still did not notice, His eyes shone with light.

"But, that monster is so powerful, is it really okay?" Ning Shishi said a big truth.


Suddenly Zhang Min brushed the floor, stood up, stood upright, and shouted.

Afterwards, she turned to glance at the women and said strictly: "The other day, my son told me that I was afraid that you wouldn't think about it, and I would do something stupid and let me look at you. Now, I will take this for him The words are clear, then all of you, no matter what, except for the necessary toilet, you need to be together to avoid any stupid things."

"Not at all, mother-in-law?" Su Xiaoxiao said weakly: "I think we should all believe in the male god, no, her husband."

"As long as my son said, then as long as you don't listen to your husband!" Zhang Min said seriously and seriously.

Immediately, Su Xiaoxiao quickly waved her hand and said nervously that I had no opinion, just asked.

"Mother-in-law, I don't think it's necessary..." Murong Fengrong wanted to say this, and was interrupted by Zhang Min half of it.

"No, you are wrong, because my son said that the last time he almost died, he was resurrected later, and he came back to life with the help of magic weapons. This time, even if he died again, he can still come alive, so explain I, I must take good care of you so as not to misunderstand that he is dead and cause unnecessary sorrow..." Zhang Min was a little excited. Originally, she just wanted to pay attention to her son, but she said everything on this, Thinking of her son's concerns, she can only talk about this first, so as not to make mistakes.

In this way, the girls understood the meaning of her words, and they all had points in their hearts, and they no longer disputed.


What if they watched Li Qing have an accident and then followed him to death, then what should Li Qing return?

They would never think that they would die in vain like this, and they would be afraid that their husband would come back and see how dead they are. Thinking about this, they had some thoughts in their hearts, they could only press it down, and look at it later.


"Come on, the king's husband!!!"

In front of a big mall in a city, a girl screamed.

Originally, she was going to work today, but such a big event happened, and she was still in the wool class!

A girl screamed, and the girl who heard not far away also screamed, and then, as if spreading, as soon as she heard it, she would follow the call and her husband cheered.


When they called her husband to come out to rescue them, they have now become husbands cheering!

There are people calling his name everywhere.

This makes the social order seem a bit chaotic. In fact, it can be said that after seeing this catastrophe, the public security has been somewhat out of control. Many people think that the end of the world is coming and they start to burn and loot.

Fortunately, the government had long predicted that troops were sent to guard and patrol in various cities, and the heavy code is used in troubled times. As long as it is against the law and order, as long as it is done, then grab it directly, and the rebels will be killed.

Tenge is one of those people who is going to scare crazy.

When I saw the monster on TV, it was so terrifying, and people in so many cities directly died like this, so he got rid of it and felt crazy before death.

So, he knocked on the door of a young woman living alone next door, and rushed in directly, bursting into a violent output, and finally ran outside again.

His wish is to get on the goddess in his heart, and then drive on the Ferrari he has always liked.

Perhaps it was because he had only been to a young woman. He has less desire now, so he rushed to a famous car shop not far away.

However, at this time, who would open a store to do business, and looking at the famous car in the glass, his saliva would flow out, his eyes were red, and he saw the big stone on the ground and smashed it over.

Piece by piece, in the end, he smashed in, smashed the front cover of a Ferrari and rushed into the car.

He wanted to find the key to start the car, but he found it twice, but he didn't find it in the car. When he was looking for it in the store, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. He turned to a PLA wearing camouflage.

Later, he didn't know what happened.

Public order is very chaotic, really chaotic.

If they were not guarded by soldiers and suppressed with guns, I am afraid that those who feel that they are going to die will be crazy to destroy social order. Fortunately, the loss is not great.

A lot of people are still waiting to see if Li Qing will win. If Li Qing dies, they will definitely explode.


Li Qing has now become the most important factor in the security of the earth.

When he died, it proved that the earth was not saved. Then, those who faced such a desperate catastrophe will definitely explode the most ugly side of human nature.

If he lives, naturally nothing will happen.

This is true not only in China, but also in other countries. It is even more serious. Some countries that do not restrict firearms even continue to have shooting police incidents.

Such a country suffers huge losses, and hundreds of public officials can be counted as dead within a minute.

Of course, the loss relative to the entire planet is nothing. Their battle has already killed at least hundreds of millions of people on the planet.

This is a global catastrophe disaster.

Nowadays, only Li Qing can stop this catastrophe.

The fight between the two, from noon to and from the night to the next day, but with the increase of this time, killing more people, Li Qing’s death has become more and more dead What's more, it seems that the people who died because of this catastrophe passed on him.

At this time, his whole body turned gray, even with his hair, only his nails were as dark as ink.

The monster gradually fell into the wind.

The triumphant Libra is leaning towards Li Qing.

This makes it more and more anxious, the red eyeball keeps turning, and I don't know what bad idea is thinking...

If in the past, Li Qing must have noticed its strangeness. However, at this time, Li Qing's expression was extremely mad, majestic, and he couldn't find the monster.

One person and one demon were all covered with blood.

That is, in the afternoon of the next day, the aftermath of their battle became weaker and weaker.

Finally, I do not know whether it was a coincidence or its intention. It was hit by Li Qing's gray light and fell like a cannonball into the bear mountain, which is in front of the holy gate.

"Demon God, forgiveness is incompetent. This mankind seems to have received some kind of help from an ancient deity, begging the demon **** to drop the immense power and help the next arm!" its hoarse voice howled.

That is to say, after it said so, the blood-curved meniscus that had already appeared on the earth had suddenly moved.

At this moment, there was a breath that was too early, as if returning to the earth, everything is back to primitive, and some are just the evolution of the original source, and the unknown mysterious power flows.

When this kind of power appears, the heaven and the earth seem to be blurred, and everything is about to disappear, and it turns into chaos.

Its movement made the eyes of the sky follow, and the earth seemed to shake violently...


It actually seemed to become spiritual, no, more like a weapon, falling from a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, rotating and cutting towards Li Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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