My Super God QQ

Chapter 923: Li Qing's Seal of the Emperor

"No, why are they missing? Impossible, I just came out for a while?"

As soon as Hua Banrong took them in, he exclaimed.

I saw this half decorated in a red, cheerful wedding room, but no half figure.

"No one has been able to make any sneaky moves under my consciousness just now, have you remembered correctly?" The beautiful woman looked at the flower half-sceptically.

"Lan Zuzong, I dare not lie to you. When I really went out, they were still in the room. I, I, I..." Hua Hanhuan was so anxious that she cried.

But Li Qing looked at it and suddenly kicked the table away. In the face of everyone's consternation, Li Qing pushed hard again and the ground fell into a black hole.

"Isn't this in the small world? Can you even dig a tunnel?" Hua Banrong was surprised.

"The small world is also made up of things that move in from outside..."

Beautiful woman said, Li Qing has jumped in.

It was after they entered that they discovered that the hole was directly connected to the building about a kilometer away.

"Damn, dare to hold them, you are dead, ah, you are dead!"

As soon as Li Qing came out, he didn't see a figure. Obviously someone must have Murong Fengrou directly abducted them, and anger rose to the crown.

"Come out for me!"

With a wave of his hand, the whole building seemed to be crushed by the mountain and turned into a dust.


Seeing Li Qing destroying the house so arbitrarily, the beautiful woman was about to get angry, and the light and shadow of the Ji Zong had already appeared that day.

"Alright, to the west!"

Li Qing's figure disappeared instantly, and when it was reproduced, it was already 10,000 meters west.

When he arrived, he saw a man leaping towards the roof, holding a woman on the left and right. They were Murong Fengren and Su Xiaoxiao.

"court death!"

Li Qing stopped directly in front of him and grabbed his throat with one hand.

Seeing that Li Qing would directly break his neck and unscrew his head, Li Qing felt a strong wind hit his hand.

Suddenly withdrew his hand, it was the owner of the Mistress Palace, holding a scimitar, staring at Li Qing.

"Don't hurt my son!"

"Oh, is this still your son? Look at yourself!" Li Qing sneered.

Among those who came later, he looked at the young man. He saw that he was handsome and okay, but his eyes were black. The black did not reflect anything at all, as if he had swallowed the surrounding light. There is a very evil atmosphere.

"Sure enough, it's Heavenly Demon! The soul has been invaded by Heavenly Demon!"

That day, the successor of Ji Zong exclaimed.

"Sect Master Hua, what's going on?"

The beautiful woman had just seen it, and her face was also transient, questioning the owner of the secret star palace.

"Grandma, I don't know, I, I, he is my son, I can't ignore him!"

"Go to death, whether you are the devil or not, actually collaborate with the devil in order to **** my wife, let's harm others now! Let's die!" Li Qing could not bear the anger in his heart and rushed over .

The lord of the secret star palace is the ardent son, fighting with Li Qing.

Fang Cai, outside the small world, because she hadn’t paid attention, she let Li Qing be beaten three or three times, but now it’s completely different. For her son, she seems to be desperate, even if it falls in the wind, she also depends on the fight The fatal gesture is inseparable from Li Qing's fight.

"Smells, you can't do it. You really want to shield people who have been invaded by the heavenly demons. You will become the enemy of the realm!"

"I don't care, anyway, he is my son, you never want to hurt him!"

"Are you going to force me? At that time, don't wait for me to get really angry. You guys, I really want to kill a chicken and dog, and flatten this land!" Li Qing's anger burst out and the fire was burning.

"Boy, you're so loud, could it be that when we are all dead?" An old lady was upset when she heard this, and was angry.

"Don't worry, look first!"

The beautiful woman did not let them control, but stood on the sidelines with her arms folded.

"Predecessors, those possessed by Heavenly Demon, must not be taken lightly, otherwise, it will be a disaster of Cultivation Realm, which is even more terrible than the invasion of monsters and beasts!" With.

"I know this!"

"Also, don't irritate him, otherwise, he will use that kind of power, and it will really be razed to the ground." It seems that they still want to watch, and the people of the Ji Zong persuaded that day.

"What do you mean?"

"There is a treasure of evil in Li Qing's body. After using it, his strength will increase several times, but people will lose their minds and become incomparably evil... Nowadays, outside of the realm of cultivation, almost no one dares to come forward with him. Confront, please ask seniors to think twice!"


"This is indeed the case. When he used it, the leader of the Star Alliance did not dare to lightly attack his front and directly admit defeat!"

If they just didn’t believe it, at this time, when they talked about the leader of the Star Alliance, they had to believe, dumbfounded and unbelievable.

Star League leader!

Even in their generation, it is also the most outstanding talented person, is that not enough?

"Crazy mother-in-law, if you block me again, I will die you!" Li Qing can't stand it anymore, even if he loves his son so much, and even dare to help the abuse and bully his wife, it is simply damn.

"I'm here today, you hurt me!"

"Okay, then you die!"

Li Qing picked up a golden crown and put it on his head.

"The crown...? Is it the emperor's seal of the immortal ancient dynasty?!"

Seeing this thing, the beautiful woman knew.

Seeing, Li Qing burst out several golden, expensive golden dragon spirits.

His breath is constantly soaring, double, twice, five times...

Finally, when they were relieved from the shock, Li Qing had already slapped and slapped on her forehead.

One blow, kill!

"It's harmless for a loving mother, but you are spoiled like this, and you are guilty..."

After talking, Li Qing withdrew her palm, and her body turned into fly ash directly, even Yuan Yuan didn't have to escape, and was twisted into a crush in Li Qing's palm.

"Dead?! Is this dead?"

Watching Li Qing kill the house owner of the Secret Star Palace so easily! The beautiful women have not yet reacted. In front of you.

"Never! For the foundation of the Mystery Palace, don't do it! If you don't believe it, you can watch the stars in the sky. At that time, you can know it by the method of your Mystery Palace!"

The beautiful woman looked up at the sky and seemed to be able to see the starry night outside through this small world. She could not see a few eyes, and the three people's expressions all changed.

"The few life stars belonging to the Mysterious Palace are so dim, and there is a tendency to turn off the lights at any time..."

The three of them did not dare to do it for a time, but just froze there.

They didn't do it, Li Qingke didn't stop, and directly moved the figure slightly, he took Prince Xing in his hands.

"The charm of the heavenly demon, dare to pretend to be in front of the Emperor!"

With that, as soon as Li Qing's hand pressed hard, the inexplicable dragon qi washed away Prince Xing's body.

In that case, as if there were more than a dozen levels of strong winds, from the bottom of Prince Xing's feet to the top of his head, the roaring sound rang loudly and harshly.

Prince Xing seemed to be traumatized by Juda, howling, his head twisted constantly, and his facial features were twisted in pain.

"Humanity, you will eventually become our Heavenly Devil's food...ah!"

After a minute, he yelled and fainted.

When Li Qing slaps and wakes up again, at this time, Prince Xing's eyes have been restored to clear, with black and white colors, which is no different from ordinary humans.

"Not my problem?!"

Upon seeing Li Qing, Prince Xing was so frightened that his legs were soft, and his suffocation was about to be pushed away.


One of his legs was directly removed by Li Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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