My Super God QQ

Chapter 936: Ridiculous Li Qing?

On a floating spacecraft just borrowed from Xingguo...

Lin Yaling snuggled beside Wang Lin, holding his arm, and asked nervously: "Wang Lin, it is appropriate for me to meet your parents like this?"

"It's suitable, why is it inappropriate? Could it be that you still want to buy fruit nutrition?" Wang Lin comfortably slumped on the soft sofa with his legs on the table. Hearing this, he asked with a playful smile.

Of course, Lin Yaling knew that he was teasing himself, and squeezed his arm saucyly: "Do people tell you seriously?"

"Well, seriously, I really don't need to buy anything. My parents don't lack anything. Maybe they are missing the most right now is to be able to hold a fat grandson~" Wang Lin smiled and touched her with his hand. Can't help but go down, and then probe the softness with amazing arc and elasticity.

"Talk about the business, be serious." Lin Yaling knocked out his salty pig hand.

"Oh, I don't want to do the right thing, right? Hurry up and send my parents with the grandchildren they need, which is the right way." Wang Lin said with a smirk.

Although, Lin Yaling has regarded herself as Wang Lin's woman, she has been seen and touched all over her body, but at the last stage, she has not been invaded by Wang Lin. If he changed to someone else, Wang Lin would have been angry, but in the face of Lin Yaling, he endured it, and could not bear his idol when he was young.

If you love her, you will hurt her. He still understands it.

"I'm really worried that your parents will despise me... after all, I'm an impure woman." She thought of Wang Lin's parents and was worried.

Perhaps this is the case. She has never wanted to give her body to Wang Lin. If Wang Lin’s parents do not want to accept themselves, she can only leave in silence.

"Relax, no." Wang Lin said confidently: "My parents have always respected my choice, and, I haven't told you, do I already have other women in the realm of truth?"

Hearing this, Lin Yaling's eyes flashed acidity, but the acidity instantly became angry: "Then I don't care, there can only be me on earth."

"Good." Wang Lin laughed and promised.

Love, there is a woman who is good to herself, naturally enough... If you want to play, will he let Lin Yaling know? Hey, naturally it's not a problem.

The floating spacecraft has reached the Star Kingdom while the two are telling each other...

At this time, even Wang Lin's heart was a little nervous because he hadn't spoken face-to-face with his parents for a long time, fearing they would see him as a skeleton. In the past, he was hiding in the dark and quietly watching his parents. At this time, he already had a physical body, which was naturally different.


Knocking on the door, Wang Lin's hands were trembling.

He heard someone exclaim, and then ran quickly, and then the door opened, the figure of his mother.

Although Wang Lin had entrusted Li Qing to bring some medicine to his parents to prolong his life, Wang Lin still felt that his mother was much older now. It was the vicissitudes and tiredness in his eyes.

"It must have been his disappearance, and it didn't appear that the two elders were like that." His heart was twisted with pain, and he secretly whispered.

"Are you my son?"

Now Wang Lin has changed too much, becoming mature and handsome, the Queen Mother is a little afraid to recognize each other, and even doubts whether she just heard it wrong.


Wang Lin smiled and shouted again.

"Son, my son, you are finally back..." After confirming, the Queen Mother made a cry similar to screaming and hugged Wang Lin and wept.

And Wang Lin couldn't help but blush his eyes and murmured: "Mom, it's the son who is not filial, the child is back..."

"Come back when you come back, what are you crying at the door, old prostitutes, don't you let the son in?" There was the voice of an old man, Wang Lin's father, he seemed very calm, but Wang Lin still listened to it There was an excited vibrato.

This made Wang Lin secretly laugh, his father still loves his face as before.

"Yes, yes, come in~" The Queen Mother thought of this, and then quickly raised her head and looked at the girl behind Wang Lin: "Is this?"

"This is your daughter-in-law, Lin Yaling, still not called." Wang Lin grinned.

Lin Yaling gave Wang Lin a blank look in annoyance, but quickly called someone: "Auntie, hello~"

"No, it's mom!"

Wang Lin raised his voice displeasedly, said.

Lin Yaling was so embarrassed for a while that she didn't know where to put her, she was embarrassed, and then her eyes kept staring at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin was giggling, and a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Finally, they were ushered in.

As soon as Wang Lin came in, he saw his father sitting there, holding the tea, pretending to be drinking calmly, but his hands were shaking slightly, how could he not hide Wang Lin.

"Dad!" Wang Lin smiled.

"Well, come back? Just come back!" He glanced at Wang Lin, then continued to watch TV.

It's just that he really doesn't care, is he upset?

Do not!

Mother’s love is passionate and can be said to his son in any words, but the father is different. They are calm like a mountain and don’t talk much, but if the family needs it, he is backed by the mountain.

Wang Lin still vaguely remembers when he was poor and lived in the countryside when he was a child, and his father stepped on a bicycle and ran for more than fifty kilometers in the cold late night. At that time, my mother had to follow, but my father said that it was too cold. Let my mother stay at home, and he would do it. Let her go to the county by car tomorrow...

Wang Lin always remembers that gentle and broad back blocked the cold wind, and that night, he remembered deeply.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red, but he turned around. He didn't want his father to see him like this. He would be embarrassed and overwhelmed. Similarly, Wang Lin would too.

"Old man, haven't you watched your son bring his girlfriend back?" the Queen Mother cried unpleasantly.

In this way, his father noticed Lin Yaling and said embarrassedly: "Hello, welcome to come and take a guest."

"Good uncle~"

Lin Yaling blushed like a monkey butt.

The home is very warm and large, which makes Lin Yaling feel full of home.

The walls radiate like the sun's light and heat, as well as various high-tech equipment, which surprised her.

In addition, the area is too large!

You should know that the residence of this star country cannot be obtained even by the Huo family, and every inch of the earth is not enough to describe it. Wang Lin’s home is so large, and may have thousands of square meters.

But now, she is not only the first time to come to Xingguo, but she may actually live here. She is a little bit in a dream and feels a kind of illusory At night, she was stayed at home .

It was also in such a quiet late night that Wang Lin climbed the salty pig hand on the goddess in his young dream.

After turning over the clouds and raining, Wang Lin breathed out comfortably, leaning on the bed, as long as his goddess could not withstand the whiplash, fainting.

After staying on the earth for a week, Wang Lin determined that Lin Yaling had left his own seeds before going to the cultivation world.

"Fairies, I'm coming..."


Li Qing watched his loved ones return to the real world again and happily reunited with them for a week or so. In addition to the reunion, he has also been looking for a teleportation array that is connected to the fairy world.

However, everyone told him that this teleportation array does not exist.

"There is no such teleportation array, which is different from Cultivation Realm and the small world. Immortal Realm is completely isolated, let alone the people of Immortal Realm are difficult to go down, we want to go up more difficult..." Hedingtian shook his head, I think Li Qing's idea is a little too naive.

"Yes! If it were so easy, if all of them used the teleportation array to go to the fairy world, wouldn't it be all immortals, impossible." Li Xingzhu laughed.

They all felt that Li Qing had such an idea and was still too naive and too young.

However, Li Qing was not convinced.

The rules are used to break, just like before, who dares to fight against the pupil of the sky, Li Qing will dare!

So, he issued a mission and announced to the entire cultivation world that if anyone could find a way, even if it was news, he would give it away as a fairy.

For a time, the entire cultivation world was in an uproar.

Not only Hedingtian, but even outsiders think Li Qing is too naive, thinking that he has beaten the pupil of the sky, he is proud, and he has such a arrogant idea, which is ridiculous...

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