My Super God QQ

Chapter 904: Yin Liqing

"Mrs. Master..."

Three dogs and Xiaohui stood in the distance and witnessed this scene with their own eyes, all showing anxious and shocked looks.

"No, I must do something!"

"Ah, Xiaohui, what are you going to do? Elder Crane just said that Tiancai's words can't be interfered with manually, otherwise, things will get worse, I know you're in a hurry, but you can't..." Zhang San Before the dog finished, Xiaohui had rushed to Murong Fengrou.

Xiaohui is thirty-two years old today!

If he didn’t meet Li Qing, it would be that he continued to write at home that no one was watching, just marry a mother-in-law, and continue to be a hanger for a lifetime. That is not the life he wants, he only pursues what he wants, if not, he would rather die than live.

Fortunately, at that time, Li Qing appeared, giving him another choice of life.

Xiaohui is rich, and those women no longer dare to look at him like a hanging wire, and even line up to let themselves choose like goods. Is it because he is handsome? No, it's not because he has money, he is strong, he is different from ordinary people.

He traveled around the world, playing what he wanted to play before, or even dared not to play. He changed the eyes of everyone to see him. He changed the environment of the family and allowed his mother to live a carefree and long life.

All of these are brought by Li Qing.

So, what can he return to Li Qing? Destiny one.

Therefore, he felt that he had to do something. After rushing out, he inspired his spiritual roots and potential. This is a natural supernatural power that people in the cultivation world often say.


That is to say, he roared in the sky, his hair all stood up, a black hole continued to manifest behind him, and the wind rose and grew bigger and bigger.

"Come on, everyone run, my goodness!"

Zhang Sangou hurriedly stopped his forward-looking figure, and screamed at everyone like crazy.


He actually summoned all the black holes. When Li Qing left this place and went to the fairy realm, he carefully explained that he must not use this easily, but he used it at this time.

The black hole emerged as the most terrifying existence in the universe, bringing up a violent wind and constantly swallowing it.

The ground began to fly away with sand, and even rocks with big fists were scraped. Then, the grass and trees were uprooted and all swept into the black hole.

The sky is covered by dust, just in a blink of an eye, it looks like the end of the world...

"Not enough, hurry up, ah!"

Xiaohui shouted anxiously, not knowing what he had done, and his facial features began to languish, and then he bleeds.

Despite this, he continued to cry out in pain, seeming to be constantly urging and overdrawing his power.

Finally, the black hole stretched to a size of 100 meters square.

"go with!"

He roared, and the black hole flew towards the robbery.

That is, when the black hole flew past, something that shocked everyone happened, and the robbery cloud was absorbed into it without resistance.

The incredibly powerful suction dragged the land thousands of miles away, and the whole earth was shaking.

Especially the more recent mountains, there is even a terrifying shock that the land is to be lifted up.

"Saved, hahahaha, the wife of the host is saved!"

"Awesome, my God, Xiaohui is not the loser who is the most favored by the owner of our Qingdimen!"

"Sister, come and see God, no, God!"

"Do you want to be so cruel! Black holes are coming out, Xiaohui is going against the sky!"

"Rescued, finally saved!" Zhang Minxi wept, she didn't dare to think down, what would happen to her son if Murong Fengrou had an accident.

The robbery disappeared, but Murong Fengrou was seriously injured but still had a breath, which made the people of Qing Emperor's gate tremble with joy and thunder.

But as everyone cheered, Hedingtian suddenly exclaimed: "Not good!"

"Ah, the pupil of the sky is out!"

That's right!

The sky was blooming infinitely bright, and the sky suddenly cracked, and an eye across the entire sky appeared suddenly.

It stared at Xiaohui like that, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, Xiaohui felt that the endless coercion came from him, making him seem to suffocate as if a person who could not swim fell into the water.

Once upon a time, Xiaohui had seen his boss win the pupils of the sky, and thought that the pupils of the sky were no different! However, at this moment, he knew how terrifying this pupil of the sky!

His soul was almost frozen, and he just felt like he was overwhelmed, and his soul was in danger.

In the same way, the black hole may have been shrinking due to his influence...

Just when Xiaohui thought he could only be put to death, the pupil of the sky suddenly closed his eyes inexplicably and disappeared in place.


Xiaohui finally seemed to be out of control, his face pale as paper, and he fell down on the ground.

He panted heavily, just now, he thought he was dead, there was nowhere to escape, the feeling of powerlessness, the shadow of death waiting for death, the trembling of the soul.

"Do not--"

Suddenly, he roared and immediately passed out unexpectedly.

If Li Qing is here, he must be very pleased, because at the time, he saw Xiaohui also took him down on a whim.

Facts have proved that that kind of ghost-sending behavior seems to be due to Li Qing's luck. He cultivated Xiaohui, and Xiaohui helped him in turn, and finally, let him avoid losing the pain of Miss Sister.


"Reckless, stupid, incompetent, rice bucket...!!!!!!"

After returning Du Broadband to the camp, the white general was scolded.


Du Kuan groaned weakly, touching his head with a daze.

"Don't call me Uncle, if you were from Qixingyuan, could I slap you to death, believe it or not? You will lose our Qixingyuan's face!" General Bai Yi's saliva spattered out, and he looked irritated. .

"Uncle, he's just a lowly fairy soldier, a prisoner who will lose his life sooner or later, what's the matter if I kill him!" Duan Kuan was also angry, choking his neck. Shouted.

"Then why don't you kill him early, and wait for him to go to the hero's stele before killing him, you pig brain, you just know how many people are secretly watching you? It doesn't matter if you die, if it hurts me, it hurts Seven Stars Yuan, you can't make up for your death!"

Du Kuan just thought of this possibility, and his heart burst into a sudden.

"Even if you have a grudge against him, don't bother him now. Qi Xingyuan recently gave me a task. I have no time to take care of you, you know?"


"What expression, are you reluctant, right? I told you that the assassination wouldn't work. If someone finds out, you'll die cleanly. Don't even bother me, or even Qixingyuan." In an unconvinced manner, the fierce **** roared with evil spirits.

Feeling that level of coercion that was even stronger than himself, Du Kuan was scared because the higher level, that is, the difference between a lion and a white rabbit, he couldn't resist at all and was timid.

But when he lowered his head, his eyes were still full of resentment.

"I didn't help me, but threatened me, let me die clean, old things, you remember for me!"

He thought about it in his heart, didn't pay attention to what his uncle said, and was kicked out soon.

Ten days later...

The fact that Li Qing became the last one of the heroes' monument can be regarded as calming down a bit.

However, on the eleventh day, he received the news, he was assigned a task, became a scout of the fairy prison army, and asked him and a team of people to investigate the movement of the monster.

Scouting is nothing, but Li Qing felt a strong sense of conspiracy.

Because, when he entered the two-person team, the eyes of two people were not right. Others were like worshiping and aweing him, because he was on the hero's tablet, but the two people didn’t just have expressions, and occasionally Li Qing They will also catch their greasy smile.

"General, this is obviously a trap! What can I do?"

Liang Rongguo was in a camp at this time, talking to a general in white, so anxious that he walked around like an ant on the hot pot.

"I've heard it. The ancestor of Zhen Luo Yuanguan strictly ordered me to leave it alone..." General Bai Yi was the one who accepted Li Qing into the Imperial Prison Army: "Also, do you really think he is an ordinary person?"

"He is mighty and brave, but the key is that this guy is a muscle, and he will not be flexible. He will only kill monsters and be impulsive. I..."

"Oh, could you really think that a hero who can be on the hero's monument is a man who can live now? Can you believe it?"

Liang Rongguo suddenly thought of something, and felt that it made sense and was speechless.

As a fairy soldier, on such a large battlefield, if you don't know how to avoid danger, even if you are strong, there will be a day of death, not to mention that the opponent is only a fairy level.

He found that he was concerned about crossing the border, but he ignored many things.

He didn't know, just when Li Qing entered the scout team, he discovered the problem and thought of the perfect solution.


Like this kind of fairy soldier, Li Qing's physical strength is arrogant, even if it is hard against the fairy device once. However, Li Qing didn't want to be overcast, so he ordered the QQ system.

Open Find Friends...

(End of this chapter)

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