My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and twenty-six, watch the sunrise from 1

Hearing the constant sound of water in the bathroom, Xiao Fan felt a little itchy.

But he didn't rush into the bathroom in a hurry. He didn't have enough to eat there tonight, so he planned to order a takeaway first.

When he came to sit down on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone and opened the hungry app, looking for delicious food on it.

I'm going to eat meat tonight, so I light a bottle of red wine first, and then I'm making some small candles. Women like this kind of tune.

After choosing these, I ordered a couple's meal for two, and then I quit the software and opened the novel to read.

About less than twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and a 200 rush fee was given to the little brother outside, and the delivery speed was really fast.

How much you spend for how much service, this sentence is very reasonable, four or five yuan reward, expecting someone to deliver it to you in half an hour, what a joke.

Xiao Fan got up and went over to open the door, and saw the delivery boy standing there with a polite face.

"Sir, these are your flowers, and there is also a red wine cake. Take it carefully." The delivery boy carefully handed a large box to Xiao Fan.

"Okay, thank you." Xiao Fan thanked him, took the things, and returned to the room.

After the thing was taken away, the delivery boy breathed a sigh of relief. This single thing was worth several thousand dollars, which really made him a little scared and afraid of accidentally breaking it.

Fortunately, it was delivered safely. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing happily. The shipping fee for this order is 240 fast, which is equivalent to half a day's salary. When I go back today, I can buy something delicious for my girlfriend.

Xiao Fan took the things to the dining table, opened the big box, took out all the things inside, and then took a little thought to arrange them, and finally turned off the lights in the living room and waited patiently.

After waiting for about five minutes, Lin Yining came out of the shower, but she was stunned when she saw the dark living room, and whispered, "Mr. Ye, are you there?"

At this moment, Lin Yining was wearing a white bathrobe, her hair was draped over her shoulders, her fair little face was a little flushed, and she was looking for Xiao Fan with a curious expression.

Xiao Fan appeared from behind, hugged her waist gently, and said in her ear, "Close your eyes first, then follow me."

"Yeah." Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, Lin Yining obediently closed his eyes.

Xiao Fan took her to the restaurant, which made her open her eyes.

"Did you do this?"

Looking at the candlelight in front of her, the roses on the table, Lin Yining's mouth rose slightly, she looked very surprised, she didn't expect Xiao Fan to be romantic with her, which moved her very much.

"How do you like it?"

Xiao Fan pulled her to sit down, opened the red wine, poured her a small glass, and then returned to his seat, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Lin Yining covered her mouth with tears in her eyes. Even if she did nothing, Xiao Fan could get his own, but he did such a romantic thing. She was really touched at this moment.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, I like it very much."

There is no woman who doesn't like romance. Although Lin Yining has a boyfriend, her boyfriend is a papaya head, and he will not do such romantic things at all. It is the first time she has experienced such romance since she was a child.

"Don't call me President Ye in the future, call me Brother Ye or a good brother." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

"Good brother, you are so kind." Lin Yining's mouth twitched, a charming smile appeared on his face, and a pair of sparkling eyes stared straight at Xiao Fan.

"Try the red wine I poured for you. I specially ordered this bottle of Lafite for you. It's more than 10,000 bottles."

Xiao Fan picked up the wine glass, shook the wine in the glass, and said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yining nodded with a smile, picked up the goblet and took a small sip.

Under the dim candlelight, the two of them drank wine and talked in a low voice, chatting about some interesting things. Occasionally, they would laugh uncontrollably when they chatted about something funny.

I don't know how long it took, and half the bottle of wine had been drained. After Lin Yining drank the red wine from the glass again, he rubbed his forehead: "Good brother, I can't drink anymore, I'm drunk when I'm dizzy."

"Then I'll take you back to your room to rest?" Xiao Fan asked as he put down his glass.

"Yeah." Lin Yining nodded and opened his arms actively.

Xiao Fan walked over, gently picked her up, walked into the room, and put her on the soft big bed.

Lin Yining hugged Xiao Fan's neck tightly, when Xiao Fan put her on the bed, she took the initiative to kiss Xiao Fan with a hint of shyness in her eyes.

Without too many words, the two of them acted in the same way and had a very tacit understanding. They knew exactly what they should do next.

Five minutes later, Lin Yining whispered, "I am,,,"

"I know." Xiao Fan kissed her lips again, and at the same time untied the knot of her bath towel.

From the first time they met, Xiao Fan could almost see that Lin Yining had never done that kind of thing. Women are different from men. If a woman still has that thing, she can basically see it.

This is also the reason why he will give so many things when they meet for the first time. It is very rare for girls these days to keep their most important things.


the next day.

The birds chirping outside the window woke Xiao Fan, who was sleeping soundly, and he slowly opened his eyes after listening to the sweet sound.

"Are you awake?" Lin Yining stared at Xiao Fan with wide eyes and a look of tiredness on her face.

Xiao Fan reached out and touched her hair, kissed her fair forehead, and then pinched her tiny nose.

"When did you wake up, why don't you sleep for a while?"

"I don't want to sleep more, I just want to see you more, I can sleep whenever I want."

Lin Yining arched into Xiao Fan's arms, put his arms around his neck, and said with a smile.

Xiao Fan put a pillow behind his back, got up and leaned against the head of the bed, then put his arms around Lin Yining and placed her on his chest, letting her head rest on his shoulders.

Lin Yining leaned on Xiao Fan's shoulder very obediently, neither of them spoke, but listened to each other's heartbeat.

After a while, Lin Yining glanced at Xiao Fan and said in a low voice, "Good brother, let me tell you something, don't be mad at me, okay?"

"Then you can talk about what to look at first. If it's a matter of principle, I can't promise you." Xiao Fan touched her head and said with a smile.

"What is a question of principle?"

"We can't commit crimes. We must be good citizens who abide by the law, support the country unconditionally, and love our country unconditionally."

"That's definitely not this problem, it's another problem, good brother, you can't be angry with me, or I won't dare to say it."

Lin Yining put her arms around Xiao Fan's neck and said coquettishly.

"That's fine, you can talk about it." Xiao Fan smiled, as long as it wasn't a big problem, he wouldn't be angry.

Lin Yining carefully observed Xiao Fan's expression, and then said cautiously: "I have a boyfriend, but don't worry, it's just a title. There is nothing between me and him. The most serious thing is to hold hands."

Hearing this, Xiao Fan smiled in his heart, and then said with a straight face: "Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"No, why did I lie to you, didn't you know all about it last night?" Lin Yining pouted: "I gave you all the most precious things, and I'll call him now to break up."

As she said that, Lin Yining picked up the phone and was about to call her boyfriend. She knew that men would mind this kind of thing, but she didn't want to leave a pimple in Xiao Fan's heart.

Xiao Fan held her hand and didn't let her call out, then asked curiously, "How long have you been talking to your boyfriend?"

"We talked for several years." Lin Yining explained honestly.

"Your boyfriend can't do it?" Xiao Fan was very puzzled. It was amazing that he had never touched Lin Yining for several years.

"I told him that it was only when I got married that he didn't let him touch me, and I didn't like him either."

"If you don't like him, why are you still with him?"

"In the beginning, I used him as a shield, but later I found that he was good, so I spent it first."

"Then why did you give it to me so soon? We haven't known each other for a long time, right?" Xiao Fan pinched her chin, wanting to hear her thoughts.

"Good brother, do you want to hear the truth or lie?" Lin Yining asked with a charming face.

"I want to hear it." Xiao Fan smiled.

"The lie is that my good brother is so handsome, and I have fallen in love with you. The truth is that I am attracted to you, good brother. Even if a moth flies into the fire, I am willing to do so. Even if there is no result, I will not regret it." Lin Yining smiled. said.

Xiao Fan shook his head and said with a smile, "Are you sure it's the truth? Didn't you lie to me?"

"It's the truth." Lin Yining stared straight into Xiao Fan's eyes, without the slightest guilt.

Xiao Fan looked at her for a few seconds, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll take it as the truth, who made you so attractive."

"Good brother, good brother, you want to believe me, I love you." Lin Yining shook Xiao Fan's embrace and acted coquettishly.

Looking at Lin Yining, who is as cute as a cat, Xiao Fan rubbed her body fiercely, and then said:

"The environment where you live is not very good, and the house is also poor, and it is not close to where you work. You should live in another place."

"I listen to my brother." Lin Yining was very obedient, without the slightest opinion, with the attitude of a little woman.

"As for the house, I won't buy it for you for now. You can find a place with a good community environment and close to the work place. You don't have to worry about money, as long as you like it."

"Well, I'll look for it tomorrow, and I'll take you to see it when I find it."

Xiao Fan shook his head, stroked her hair, and ran his fingers through her long hair, "I won't watch it, you can just like it, and you can tell me how much it costs.

In addition, you can apply for a supplementary card for me. You can hold that card yourself, and you can buy whatever you want, without telling me. "

The originally well-behaved Lin Yining, after hearing this, bit her lip and said, "Am I just that material in your eyes? You can't wait to make things clear early in the morning?"

"Of course not, I don't feel sorry for you, I don't want you to live a frugal life." Xiao Fan smiled, he still likes this woman a little, so it's okay to talk to her.

Lin Yining pouted: "I don't need those things, I want to hear a few love words from you, okay?"

"Not good." This time Xiao Fan didn't continue to follow her.

Such indifference made Lin Yining very aggrieved, but she didn't dare to say anything, so she could only hold it in silently, tears flowing out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Women like to talk about material things with men who have no money, and talk about feelings with men with money. This is human nature. The more you lack, the more you want to get something.

Obviously, Xiao Fan is not short of money, so Lin Yining didn't want to talk about material things at the beginning of the fight. What she wanted was love, but it was a pity that Xiao Fan couldn't give her.

Facing the crying pear blossom and raining Lin Yining, Xiao Fan, as a good man, will definitely wipe her tears, then hold up her pretty face and say:

"We haven't known each other for a long time. You should be very clear about what I am mainly for, and I also know what you want. Some things don't need to be said."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Xiao Fan shook his head and said again: "Of course if you have the ability to make me really like you, you are amazing, but it's almost impossible."

"But..." Lin Yining wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xiao Fan.

"The reason why we know each other is because you are beautiful, I am very rich, this is a very basic thing, if I have no money, you will definitely not know me, the same reason, if you are not beautiful, I will also I'm not interested in meeting you."

Xiao Fan wiped away the tears she left behind again and said, "Don't cry anymore, it's almost done. I'm going to be angry when I cry."

Lin Yining looked into Xiao Fan's eyes and knew that if he kept crying, the man would definitely be angry, so he held back his grievance and slowly stopped crying.

"That's good. Although I can't give you feelings, I still like you very much. Everything else can satisfy you." Xiao Fan smiled, bit her earlobe, and ~Listen to what shameless words, Lin Yining has never heard a man talk to her like this. Since she was a child, because she was beautiful, there were many men who pursued her. All those men were sweet talkers, and no one would say such cruel words. .

But what's the use of not listening to it? Although she felt a little wronged, Lin Yining could only accept it silently. She knew what she had to give first if she wanted to get something.

However, she was still a little unwilling, so she said, "If I don't want anything and just want you to be nice to me, can you satisfy me? I will try my best to be a good wife and mother."

"You can't be too greedy." Xiao Fan kissed her forehead and whispered, "If you really only want a good man who treats you well, then you won't be looking for me, your boyfriend should be very good. Suitable.

The reason why you choose to find me is that my conditions satisfy your inner desires, but obviously, you are still a little dissatisfied with the material things, and you still want me to be nice to you, which is too greedy. "

It is normal for people to be greedy, and greed is the source of human progress. Xiao Fan also guessed some of Lin Yining's inner thoughts. At first, what Lin Yining wanted was really only material things.

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