My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and thirty-eight, yachts and beautiful women

Woke up early the next morning, Xiao Fan had just finished breakfast.

Lu Yuexiang came over and said, "Mr. Xiao, an unusual person is here today, would you like to take a look?"

"Who? Male or female?" Xiao Fan's first reaction was gender, if it was male, he would definitely not be interested.

"It's a woman, and she's not an ordinary woman. She's a powerful woman. Do you want to go and see?" Lu Yuexiang said.

Hearing this, Xiao Fan smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, then go have a look."

At noon, Lu Yuexiang brought Xiao Fan to the airport, followed by Wang Tao. The woman who came was his boss,

The three waited for more than ten minutes, and finally waited until someone appeared.

The woman who appeared in Xiao Fan's line of sight was wearing a pair of sandals, a short skirt, long white legs exposed, and sunglasses on her face.

She walks in a very fashionable way, swinging her arms and legs, giving her a feeling of heroism.

"Mr. Lin." After seeing the woman, Wang Tao quickly opened the car door and got out of the car, showing a smile that he thought was the most polite and gentleman.

"Well." The woman nodded, her face expressionless.

After getting a positive answer, Wang Tao quickly opened the passenger door for her.

Soon, the woman got in the car. She glanced at Xiao Fan and said, "Nice to meet you, President Xiao."

"You're welcome, Mr. Lin. I'm also very happy to meet you." Xiao Fan smiled.

"I'll take you to a good place, do you want to go?" After greeting, Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"Where?" Xiao Fan asked curiously.

"Marina, go out to sea and play."

"Then I would like to thank President Lin." Xiao Fan was not polite.

"I heard that Mr. Xiao is learning investment. I have a project in hand. Although it doesn't make money, it is still good. Would you like to hear it?"

Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"Appreciate further details."

"We have an academy that trains flight attendants and encountered funding problems. If Mr. Xiao is interested, you can vote."

"Stewardess?" Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have no interest in flight attendants, so forget it."

After rejecting it, Xiao Fan changed the subject and said, "What's the problem with going to sea today?"

The city of Sanya has the country's leading coastline resources.

For those wealthy people in inland cities, if they bought a private yacht and couldn't drive it on the road, they would still store it here for a long time.

"Actually, there's nothing to do, just introduce a few friends to Mr. Xiao to get acquainted, lady." Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"There is no difference between women and men. The biggest gain today is getting to know you, which is very worthwhile," Xiao Fan was very polite.

"I hope to see them later, and you say this to your face." President Lin shook his head with a wicked smile on his face.

"I'm not stupid." Xiao Fan smiled and said, "Who are they, just Boss Lin's friend?"

"It's a girlfriend."


Xiao Fan was stunned for a moment, this President Lin is not an ordinary person,

If it is her best friend, she is definitely not an ordinary woman.

After a while, he has to restrain himself, he can still clearly distinguish what women can play and what women can't play.

"Actually, they are all good friends. They happened to be in Sanya, and I happened to be free, so we just got together."

"Of course there is also a reason for President Xiao. I told them that today is a young and handsome billionaire."

Lin said very casually.

"President Lin's friend, shouldn't he be an ordinary person?" Xiao Fan inquired about the news.

"Since Mr. Xiao is interested, let me tell you first, there are four people in one, and among them there are singers who have just become popular.

There are women with big bosses, bright models in the model circle, and little girls in the circle. "

Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"They're not ordinary girls, I feel a little pressure." Xiao Fan used to deal with ordinary women.

It's the first time this happens.

"Just chat, get to know each other briefly, then eat and drink. As for how far you can develop, that is your own business, I will organize the game, so there is no pressure.

If you have any other ideas, it is your business, I don't care, if you can get your hands or be caught, it is your ability, as for being cheated or played, then don't come to me.

Of course, my friends are all good girls, and I will definitely not lie in this situation, unless I am wrong, and if that's the case, I can't help it. "

Having said this, Mr. Lin sighed and said, "To be honest, like my friends, they basically have a little money, and the situation at home can't get through.

In contrast, they are more difficult than ordinary women to find a suitable boyfriend.

Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that when men find a partner, they can be infinitely inclusive.

But women basically have to look higher than themselves, and the options are much narrower.

There are a lot of good men, but there are too many women staring at them, which is not enough. This has led to several of my friends being single all the time. "

"That's fine." Xiao Fan smiled, like the woman Lin said, he had never seen it before.

The rich girls I saw before were basically fake, they were self-labeling, not real.

Wang Tao was driving in front of him, his eyes, nose, nose and nose were concerned. He knew very well that these things were not something that someone with an annual salary of one million could listen to.

An annual salary of one million sounds great, but if you work part-time, how many years can you earn this million?

After a long time, the car drove to the marina.

Mr. Lin, make a phone call to confirm the detailed locations of girlfriends and staff: "Let's wait a while, girls, there will always be delays."

Saying that, she got out of the car first and walked towards the clubhouse-style building.

Of course Xiao Fan has no objection. He took out his mobile phone to read the novel.

After ten minutes, five girls appeared.

The five girls were all swimsuits inside and sunscreen like gauze outside.

One by one, flaming red lips and big sunglasses, went out like a catwalk, beautiful and sassy, ​​very seductive.

Behind them, there are bad people. These people are carrying all kinds of things in their hands, like ancient maids.

Xiao Fan put down his phone and walked towards them.

"This is Mr. Xiao, Xiao Fan, let's go, let's get in the car first, and we'll talk in detail when we get to the boat."

President Lin gave a casual introduction, and then got into the car directly.

"Then let's take a car, just squeeze it." The girls are very enthusiastic and have no air.

Wang Tao, who was on the side, looked very envious. As long as these five women hugged one, they would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately he was an ordinary person.

Hello ladies, nice to meet you, just call me Xiao Fan. "After getting in the car, Xiao Fan said with a smile,

After introducing himself, he couldn't help but take a serious look.

Needless to say, Mr. Lin, who was sitting in the front row, was considered the most beautiful and temperamental, but he was also the most powerful. He probably couldn't compete with others.

The first in the back row is a wild-looking girl, her skin is different from the others, she is actually wheat-colored,

The second is the tallest among them, with a height of 1.7 meters, but perhaps because of the nutrition on the body,

Therefore, the peaks are very general, and a little not majestic.

The third one is petite and exquisite, with tense facial features, that kind of melon-seed face, looks very good when smiling, and has a good figure.

The last one is a bit quiet, with a different temperament on her body and a faint smile on her face, belonging to everyone.

Each of the five women has their own characteristics, but none of them are ordinary.

Of course, when Xiao Fan was looking at the girls, the girls were also looking at him, and they all had curiosity in their eyes.

After all, being a billionaire at a young age is not something ordinary people can do.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Facing the gazes of several people, if it was Xiao Fan in the past, he would definitely be overwhelmed, but now it is different.

"Just like you men like to look at beautiful women, we women like to look at handsome guys."

A girl laughed and opened her mouth, followed by other girls booing.

"Yes, you were not looking at us just now, can't we look at you?"

"Young gentleman, a lady is so arrogant."

"Zhang is really handsome, like a little white face, zizizi,"


The girls were chatting, talking and laughing, chatting very happily, and the scales were not small, and they were very open.

Xiao Fan didn't interrupt, watching the beauties play, and sighed inwardly that the women's surface skills are really good.

The slightly salty sea breeze was blowing on his face, and there was a faint fragrance coming from his side. With the girls' playfulness in his ears, Xiao Fan felt extremely comfortable and relaxed.

The five girls played around for a while, and then slowly calmed down. President Lin looked at Xiao Fan and said:

"Okay, let me introduce you formally. They are Hanyun, Silan, Mengzhi, and Zuifu."

With her introduction, Xiao Fan understood their names.

Han Yun has a wild nature, Si Lan is the tallest and the smallest, Dream is the biggest, and Zui Fu Wen Wen is quiet and not too small.

Several girls have their own advantages. It is impossible to want to be perfect in all aspects. God is fair.

A perfect person is destined to have an imperfect life.

"I'm very happy to meet all the beauties." Xiao Fan said softly with a faint smile on his face.

Then he took out his mobile phone, clicked on WeChat, and presented his QR code in front of them.

Of course, when you meet a girl, you need to contact him. There is no need to be polite. He is not a gentleman.

Faced with this situation, the four girls also took out their mobile phones, but instead of adding them in a hurry, they looked at President Lin.

Those rules that are not written in plain text are the biggest rules in this world, and no one can change them for 5,000 years.

For these rules, the more ordinary people are, the more disdainful they are, because they don't know how terrible those rules are.

The world says that everyone is fair, but everyone is fair, so who should work hard? Not everyone wants great and lofty ideals.

If parents' efforts can't benefit their children, what's the point of effort?

Those who try to challenge human nature will eventually die under the backlash. What we can pursue is to be as fair as possible, not absolute fairness.

Just like now, on the surface, everyone is a friend and the status is the same,

But it is clear at a glance who is the master and who is the assistant. Of course, other girls want to add Xiaofan's contact information, but they need the master's consent.

"It's all up to me, just add contact information." President Lin smiled and shook his head, while feeling the difference in Xiao Fan.

People like her have been through a lot of this kind of bureaus. Every time the men are not ordinary people, the best friends they introduce are not ordinary people.

There are also people who want contact information, but Xiao Fan is the first to ask for everyone's contact information at one time.

This kind of behavior is very domineering. If it is a general second generation, it will definitely cause discomfort.

But the man in front of him is a generation, so he has this strength. For those with strength, as long as they are not excessive, they will be respected.

Soon a few people added their contact information.

"Does Mr. Xiao have a girlfriend?" After adding the contact information, Mr. Lin randomly asked a topic.

This topic is very interesting, and other women immediately noticed it, and they also wanted to know if it was there or not.

"Of course not. If there is, how could it be possible to come out and have such a good time? Every woman who is generous will be jealous."

Xiao Fan smiled and said generously.

"What about the woman?" President Lin continued to ask with curiosity on his face.

"The blood is strong, how could it not be." Xiao Fan did not hide it, but admitted generously that there is no need to hide this kind of thing.

"Then do you plan to find a girlfriend?" President Lin continued to ask.

"Of course there is, but it's not easy to find girlfriends. Boss Lin should understand that."

President Lin was silent, and finally the question was thrown to her again. Just as it is difficult to find a boyfriend, it is indeed difficult to find a girlfriend.

After chatting all the way, the car finally arrived at the position where the yacht was docked.

In a corner of the pier, a white luxury yacht was parked there.

There are small boats (under 6 meters), small yachts (between 6 and 10.5 meters), medium-sized yachts (between 10.5 and 18 meters), and large yachts (over 18 meters).

Large luxury yachts are divided into five grades in terms of scale: 35-40 meters, 41-44 meters, 45-49 meters, 50-54 meters and 55-60 meters.

The in front of me is obviously a large one, and maybe a super large one. It is very eye-catching among the yachts moored at the pier.

In fact, Xiao Fan didn't know much about yachts before he came here, and he didn't want to know, because he couldn't afford it.

But it's different now. After you have money, you can learn more about it, because the yacht is really handsome.

"I don't know much about this stuff, can you introduce it to me?" After getting off the car, Xiao Fan said with a smile, without any embarrassment,

"This yacht is custom-made, not mass-produced. It is about 30 meters in length. It was a birthday gift from my father. I don't know the price."

Mr. Lin said with a smile: "To be honest, yachts are very tasteless. I don't recommend you to buy them. After you buy them, you won't be able to use them a few times a year. The maintenance costs are not low, and they are a very waste of money."

Hearing this, Xiao Fan shook his head, President Lin's tone was full of Versailles, and the four girls next to him also smiled helplessly.

Soon a few people got on the yacht. The sanitation on the yacht was clean, and there was a faint fragrance on it, which smelled very comfortable.

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