The next day, morning.

After Xiao Fan got up, he took a brief shower and turned on his phone.

In the chat software, many people sent him messages, and he was the first to click on the little anchor last night.

"Dad, good morning, my dear daughter woke you up."

Click on the voice, and a soft voice came out. The voice of this female anchor is really very nice.

The hostess also sent him a voice message last night, but there was no reply.

I was in a good mood today, so I simply replied, "Morning."

After replying to the message, he was just about to read other people's news, but the other party replied immediately.

"Dad, you finally replied to my message. I thought you ignored me."

"I'm in a good mood in the morning, so I'll reply." Xiao Fan replied very casually. When chatting with women, he shouldn't be too restrictive.

Otherwise, just wait to be played, no matter whether the other party is a goddess or not, you can reply at will, you don't need to respect the other party.

To put it badly, what women need is not respect, but a severe blow. Only in this way will they have a chance.

Why are many beautiful women's boyfriends gangsters, because gangsters don't respect women, so they surrender.

A person who can only respect, can only be issued a good card by a woman. Of course, not all women are like this.

Those really smart women don't eat this, but there are not many really smart women.

"I really thanked Dad for the gift last night. You gave me 30 super-hot gifts. Thank you so much."

Unsurprisingly, Sasha didn't care about Xiao Fan's lack of gifts, but continued to reply to messages with a smile.

"I have something to do, I'll chat another day." With a simple reply, he exited the chat interface and clicked on the next one.


The second one was a message from Xue Tao, asking when he was free.

Xiao Fan still liked her very much, so he replied, "In two days, I will have time to see her."

Unsurprisingly, Xue Tao's news was answered almost in seconds. First, she expressed her understanding and told him not to be too tired from work.

At the same time, he talked about what he missed, and also posted a few beautiful photos very sensible.

Xiao Fan chatted with her for a while before exiting her chat box.

Next was Lu Yixuan, the female anchor. Xiao Fan also chatted with her a few words, and finally opened the chat with Yu Shuwen.

Yu Shuwen posted a photo and a voice.

The photo is not a beautiful photo, but a photo of the gate of the community where he lives.

Looking at the photo, he shook his head. The place where he lived was a little far from the school, and the other party actually came early in the morning.

Sighing, he turned on the voice.

"Fan, I was shopping nearby and suddenly remembered that you live here, so I came to see you, but I can't enter the community, so I'll wait for you at the door."

"Shopping nearby?" If Xiao Fan believed this excuse, he would really have a problem in his head.

It was obvious that the other party came to him, and the reason for finding an excuse was for the girl's restraint.

Putting down his phone, he turned on the system, preparing to draw a lottery first, and then deal with other things.

After completing the task yesterday, he was just able to draw the lottery twice. After asking God to worship Buddha, he started the lottery.

The big turntable spun quickly, and the two lottery draws were quickly used up.

[Congratulations, you have received five million cash dividends, which have now been credited to your bank card. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained a cashback card. The cashback card can return one to ten times the consumption of less than 5 million. 】

After seeing these two rewards, Xiao Fan hurriedly bowed to the void again. Now he needs cash very much, because the system needs to be upgraded, so he can only spend in cash.

I had no money before, but now I have money, so of course I went to upgrade the system, so Xiao Fan changed his clothes, took the car keys and went out.

He drove his Lamborghini slowly out of the underground garage, and when he came out of the community, he did not leave in a hurry, but parked on the side of the road.

About half a minute later, the co-pilot was turned on, and Yu Shuwen with sweat on her forehead appeared in front of Xiao Fan.

"You just got up, you should have waited for a while, right?" Looking at the sweat on her forehead, Xiao Fan sighed that this girl can really wait.

Even though it is morning, the temperature outside is not low, and there is no sweat standing there. From the time she sent the message, it can be inferred that she waited for at least half an hour.

"It didn't take long, I just bought something and saw you coming out." Yu Shuwen smiled sweetly, then pouted her **** and took the initiative to sit in the co-pilot.

Xiao Fan looked her up and down. Today, she was wearing a short dress and very thin flesh-colored stockings on her legs. In this weather, wearing stockings is not good, even if it is very thin, it is a little hot.

It's not hard to guess why she wears it like this, because Xiao Fan likes stockings. Even though it's a little hot and uncomfortable to wear, she still wears stockings, which can be said to be very attentive.

"Fan, where are you going? Is it convenient to bring me? I'm fine today, I want to be with you." After sitting down, Yu Shuwen put her legs leaned slightly and whispered. Q&A.

"I have something important today. I might not be able to bring you with me. I'm going to a meeting." Xiao Fan was actually fine, but he planned to tease her and let her experience a psychological gap.

"It's a meeting." Yu Shuwen bit her lip and whispered, "Actually, I can wait in the car, why don't you take me with you?"

"I'll take a female friend later. It's really inconvenient. I'll take you to play next time."

Xiao Fan shook his head and refused, looking very ruthless.

"Okay,,," Yu Shuwen was reluctant to give up, but she still reached out and unfastened her seat belt, opened the door, and stretched her legs out.

At this moment, she was very unwilling in her heart. As a goddess-level beauty, this was the first time she took the initiative to find a man.

However, this man was obviously not appreciative. She got in the car, fastened her seat belt, and had to drive her away. She was very disappointed.

Seeing her reluctant expression, Xiao Fan smiled, didn't speak, silently watched her get out of the car, and then closed the door.

Of course, although she got off the car, she did not leave, but stood there, looking at Xiao Fan in the car, hoping to be retained.

In response, Xiao Fan directly let the car move forward slowly, completely shattering Yu Shuwen's last hope.

Just when she was about to go back, the car suddenly reversed, which made Yu Shuwen stop immediately, and her inner expectations rose again.

"Beauty, let's be alone, I just happen to be alone, how about giving you a chance to go shopping with me?"

After the car stopped in front of Shu Wen, Xiao Fan lowered the passenger window and whistled.

"Yeah." Yu Shuwen, who was originally in a low mood, immediately became happy. She forgot the discomfort just now, opened the door, and got into the car very neatly.

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