My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 58: , 2 women meet, is the Shura field?

The next day, Ye Fan was woken up by the itching on his nose.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was Lu Yixuan who was making fun of her with her hair.

"Brother, you are awake, do you want to get up?"

Seeing Xiao Fan open his eyes, Lu Yixuan hurriedly retracted her little hand, not being funny.

"Well, I'm a little hungry."

Xiao Fan nodded and quickly got up and put on his clothes. His stomach was grumbling now, and he urgently needed something to replenish.

"Then I'll make you breakfast." Lu Yixuan said quickly.

"No, someone will deliver it later." Looking at the time, Xiao Fan guessed that Yu Shuwen would arrive later.

In comparison, Yu Shuwen is more considerate, this Lu Yixuan can only satisfy her good brother.

"Oh." Lu Yixuan nodded and picked up her clothes and put them on.

"Why is your knee broken?" When she was dressing, Xiao Fan found out that there was something wrong with her knee, so he asked.

"Your floor is too hard, and you use it like that." Speaking of this, Lu Yixuan pouted depressedly.

Obviously it's okay to go on the bed, but to have her kneel on the floor really makes her helpless.

"Pay attention next time, pay attention next time." Xiao Fan smiled, stretched out his arms to embrace him, and said:

"Yixuan, I want you to discuss one thing, you should consider it carefully."

"What, what's the matter?" Lu Yixuan pursed her lips and asked in a low voice, at the same time she became nervous.

"How are you absolutely me? Are you better than the men you know?"

Xiao Fan gently bit her earlobe and asked in an ambiguous tone.

"Well, brother, you are very good." Lu Yixuan did not deny it.

"Then you can follow me in the future. You don't have to worry about food, clothing, housing, and transportation. You can just give birth to a baby for me."

Xiao Fan touched her head and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Yixuan trembled inwardly and said:

"I'm willing to marry your brother. If my brother wants a child, I can give birth to you."

"Cough, cough, Yixuan, you didn't understand me. I'm not planning to get married at the moment."

What a joke, marriage has legal effect, how can he be so handsome at that time, so marriage is impossible.

"I can wait for my brother," Lu Yixuan pursed her lips and made her last struggle.

"You know what I mean." Xiao Fan wasn't talking nonsense, he didn't want to make room for her.

As soon as these words came out, Lu Yixuan fell into silence. She was unwilling to be a canary. She was unwilling.

"You think about it, think about it, you can send me a message."

Xiao Fan didn't rush for an answer, he patted her buttocks, indicating that she could go first.

Lu Yixuan bit her lip, took her belongings, and walked back to the gate three steps at a time, standing there for a long time.

Then she reached out and opened the door. Just when she opened the door, the elevator just arrived at this floor.

Yu Shuwen, who was holding breakfast with a smile on her face, froze instantly when she walked out of the elevator and saw Lu Yixuan.

Looking at the woman in front of her who looked the same as her, she panicked in her heart.

Of course, Lu Yixuan also saw Yu Shuwen, looked at the breakfast she was holding in her hand, and remembered what Xiao Fan had just said, and her heart changed.

The eyes of the two women looked at each other for a full two minutes in midair. In the quiet aisle, they looked a little terrifying.

In the end, Yu Shuwen took the lead in withdrawing her gaze, adjusted her breathing, and then walked into the house against the wall.

Seeing this, Lu Yixuan took a step back, but her eyes were fixed on Yu Shuwen.

"Sister, go back and take good care of your knee. Don't be better next time, or else it will hurt you."

Leaving a sentence, Yu Shuwen stepped into the door and closed the door with her backhand.

Lu Yixuan stood at the door, staring at the door, not knowing what to do for a while.

The appearance of this woman broke her fantasy, and her proud appearance is not irreplaceable.

"Am I too greedy?" After standing for a long time, Lu Yixuan whispered to herself.

After one last glance at the door, Lu Yixuan took the elevator and left.

Taking a taxi back to where she lived, she put things on the coffee table, hugged her knees alone, and fell into thinking.

No matter who they are, they all want to have dignity. Maybe when they have no money, they will sell their dignity to make money.

But when they make money, many people will use money to buy dignity. The two seem to be contradictory, but they are very normal.

If she is in a relationship with Xiao Fan, even if she is humble, she still has her own dignity, because they are boyfriends.

But once he chooses another relationship, even if Xiao Fan respects her, in her heart, she has no dignity.

This is also the reason why she is so entangled. In fact, it is very simple to let go of the last meaning and dignity in her heart.

But the bottom line is the hardest to give up. Lu Yixuan is not that kind of person, so she hesitates so much.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you thinking?"

After an unknown amount of time, Mu Qianqian came to the living room, stretched out her hand and pushed Lu Yixuan a few times.

"It's nothing." After regaining her senses, Lu Yixuan quickly shook her head.

"Did you buy these things from your brother?"

Mu Qianqian didn't think much about, but pointed to the things on the coffee table and asked.

"Yeah." Lu Yixuan nodded, she couldn't afford these things herself.

"Wow, your brother is too kind to you, this is a Chanel bag, this is a lipstick,"

Mu Qianqian's face was full of envy, she knew all these things, and none of them were cheap.

Especially the Chanel bag, she wanted it for a long time, but she couldn't afford it, or was reluctant to buy it.

"It's good, you didn't see his rude side, you can't beg for mercy." Lu Yixuan pointed to her broken knee and said.

Mu Qianqian glanced at the broken skin on her knee, rolled her eyes, and said:

"You really got it cheap and sold it well, didn't you just break your knee, what's the big deal."

"Hehe, you don't know how savage he is. At that time, he really couldn't survive but couldn't die."

Thinking of last night, Lu Yixuan whispered.

"Cut, a woman can't be afraid of a man, and he can't turn the world upside down when he is powerful."

Mu Qianqian didn't believe it at all, that Arita was afraid of cows.

"He's not a normal person, and he won't be tired at all. You'll know after you try it."

Lu Yixuan yawned tiredly. She didn't sleep well last night.

"Okay, why don't you introduce me? My looks are not bad, so your brother shouldn't refuse, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Qianqian's eyes lit up and said with a smile.

"You are beautiful, my brother has many women, and he is not inferior to you at all. He really might not look down on you."

Speaking of this, Lu Yixuan looked sad, she remembered the woman she met when she left.

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