After arriving at the apartment, the two returned to their respective homes.

A pound of ribs and a bag of vegetables were brought to him by Chen Yuan.

Because there is a small table in his room, it is more convenient to eat in his room.

Xia Xinyu's home, on the other hand, seemed relatively empty.

A bed, a bedside table, a desk, that's it.

Therefore, this cute bear serves as an important soft furnishing at home, instantly enriching her room.

Should it be placed on the desk or beside the bed...

After Xia Xinyu thought for a while, she finally placed the big bear doll on the desk, facing the lamp. In this way, when I do my homework in the future, I will be able to see this pink doll with a black nose when I look up.

"be good."

Gently patting the teddy bear's hat with her hand, Xia Xinyu treated it like her own pet, full of love, and her eyes narrowed with a smile.

Snap, suddenly, the hat slipped from the bear's head and fell on the table.

"..." Looking at the jerry-rigged white on top of the cute pink stuffed bear's head, Xia Xinyu seemed to have had her views shattered, and her eyes were blank.


Xia Xinyu quickly put the hat back on the cute bear's head, and the doll's appearance improved a lot, but...

Please, give me a pair of eyes that have never seen a cute bald bear!

No, I can't get rid of the image in my mind.

In a state of confusion, Xia Xinyu opened the drawer, took out the sewing box, and fixed the hat on it with threads of similar colors.

Then, rearrange it.

I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it...

Xia Xinyu covered her eyes with her hands and recited this sentence silently in her mind repeatedly to hypnotize herself.

"As expected, it's very cute."

Looking at the big doll again, Xia Xinyu smiled happily.

In fact, the bald appearance of the cute bear has been completely imprinted in my mind, and I can't get it away at all...

However, even if it was really a bald bear, Xia Xinyu didn't like it any less.

In fact, when Chen Yuan won the first prize and gave the bear to herself without thinking, she wanted to accept it.

The most natural act of gifting made her know that the distance between the two people had quietly disappeared.

Although she didn't hesitate when she exchanged the doll for the pound of ribs, after doing it, she seemed to feel really empty...

An emptiness that is difficult to describe in words.

When she was a child, she saw a neighbor girl with a particularly beautiful skirt. Her mother noticed her envy and said she would buy her one too.

She actually wanted that skirt at that time, but she knew it was expensive, and she also knew that her mother would buy it for herself even if it was expensive...

So, she finally told her mother that she saw the hairpin on the neighbor's girl's head and wanted a hairpin.

Later, she got the hairpin.

She was a little happy because the hairpin looked good.

But when she was happy, she also felt a sense of loss, because what she wanted more was a dress.

Over the years, she has also grown up in love, but she understands her parents' difficulties and is very sensible. She will deliberately lower her expectations and show her joy after receiving "love".

Today, the same is done.

She naturally asked Chen Yuan to settle for the 'second best' when making a choice.

the difference is.

I didn’t get a dress that year.

Today, I got the doll myself.

"You are so cute!"

Holding the cute bear on the table in her arms, Xia Xinyu rolled around happily on the bed.

Who can imagine that a girl who is usually so quiet in school that she rarely speaks actively would be alone at home...

To be so nervous.


After returning home, Chen Yuan put down his schoolbag and prepared for today's dinner.

Xia Xinyu said to go back and put something away and come over to serve the dishes later, so Chen Yuan mainly dealt with the dishes now.

This meal consists of braised pork ribs, scrambled eggs, a leftover ham sausage in the refrigerator, and lettuce leaves.

What Chen Yuan has to do now is to blanch the ribs.

"As expected of the second prize, they are all in the middle row."

The quality of the ribs in the lottery is not the meaty leg steak, but a pound of middle ribs that are evenly cut. If you spend money to buy this portion, it should be more than thirty.

Therefore, the living expenses of 167 yuan are only enough to live well in theory. If you don't ask your parents for some, you can borrow some from your friends. If Zhou Yujie can't get enough, he can only expect this kind of disaster...

But this is no accident.

Superpowers are used to shear wool.

Qidian City Male Protagonist: Dude, it’s so embarrassing that you’re using your superpower. Please quit the group.

Pour half a pot of cold water, throw the ribs in, add onion and ginger, and sprinkle with cooking wine. When the pot boils and foam appears, take the ribs out, wash them with clean water, and the blanch process is officially completed.

The next step is to fry the ribs in oil until both sides are golden, add star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, light soy sauce, oil, salt... Of course, this is what Chen Yuan thinks of the process, but Xia Xinyu said that in practice, Every step must be left to her.

Although it is a great blessing in life to have a little cook to cook for me, this kind of complete denial of the cooking skills I have learned over a year...

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Yuan went to open the door.

"You haven't started yet, have you?"

As soon as she saw herself, Xia Xinyu asked directly, as if she was afraid that she would destroy the pound of top-quality middle row.

[Yo yo yo, the chef is here, you are so amazing]

Well, Chen Yuan heard his own voice.

This is the first time.

The law that superpowers cannot be used on oneself was perfectly broken by Chen Yuan's yin and yang aura that he couldn't wait to overflow.

Chen Yuan said: "I boiled the water."

"Well, I'll do the next thing."

After Xia Xinyu walked in, she tied the apron on her body skillfully, then put in oil and fried the ribs.

"Boil me a pot of boiling water, thank you." Xia Xinyu shouted to Chen Yuan without raising her head.

After filling a full pot with tap water, Chen Yuan boiled a pot of boiling water at the socket, which would be a wonderful tool for braised pork ribs.

"Let the rice cook. Just put a small box for two people. After washing the rice, the water level will reach the second joint of the middle finger."

As a chef with a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan, Xia Xinyu skillfully prepared Chen Yuan, a side dish apprentice with a monthly salary of 1,500 yuan.

"It's done, what next?" Chen Yuan asked after turning on the rice cooker.

"Your work is over, go and rest." Xia Xinyu smiled at him, "Or, study English for half an hour?"

Are you my mother...

"Don't you need me to do anything else?" The girl also has to do homework and go to class tomorrow. Even if she is a little cook, Chen Yuan doesn't want her to bear such a heavy burden.

"No, because it's a single stove, you can't do any simultaneous processes. After I stew the ribs, I'll go over and learn English with you."

After Xia Xinyu fried the ribs until they were almost perfectly golden on both sides, she was like a magician, grabbing a handful of ingredients, no more, no less, and the moment the kettle started to boil, there was no need to worry. Pour hot water into the pot continuously. Then, he began to look for something similar to yellow rock candy. Without even asking himself, Chen Yuan found the remaining rock candies from a corner of a cupboard that Chen Yuan had not remembered, and threw them into the pot. Cover the lid, turn around and wash the lettuce leaves...

What happened in these few minutes caused Chen Yuan's concept of cooking to collapse in an instant.

No, could it be that the words "Fuck, oil?" that were interspersed during the cooking process were oil that splashed when it came into contact with water!"," "Star anise, cinnamon and fragrant leaves... where is the cinnamon if not the cinnamon?" ", "Turn off the heat first if you're confused! "Not everyone has to go through the steps?"

I'm sorry, Lao Mo. Not only was I unable to learn from No. 4 Middle School, but I was also beaten by others in cooking...


Just as Chen Yuan was sitting at the small table and about to open his English textbook, he suddenly heard a cry from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?!"

Xia Xinyu was the kind of girl who would be quiet even when committing suicide. It was obviously abnormal to make such a cry, so Chen Yuan hurried over.

Then, he saw Xia Xinyu standing in front of the chopping board, covering her face and crying.

The crying was not very sad because there was no choking, but it could be heard that the crying was very heart-wrenching.


No, why are you crying in your heart?

I don’t know what other people are thinking, what do I need this super power for?

Let's do something, Chaozi!

Looking Xia Xinyu up and down, Chen Yuan asked, "Are you burned?"

Xia Xinyu shook her head.

"Did you see a cockroach?"

Continue to shake your head.


Still shaking his head.

In the kitchen, all possible physical and psychological situations that could occur were eliminated, and Chen Yuan was still crying in his heart. As if he had guessed something, Chen Yuan took out a few tissues, walked to Xia Xinyu, and gently He gently grabbed her wrist and wiped her tears: "Did you think of something? Cry out..."

I must have been moved by the scene, thinking of my mother's appearance while cooking, and suddenly felt sad.

But how do you understand the sound of "Ah!"?


While Chen Yuan was wiping his own tears, Xia Xinyu, with tears in her eyes, raised her hand, pointed at the chopping board, and finally said: "The egg... is broken."


Chen Yuan revealed, ‘Huh? ’ look of confusion.

That's it?

He didn't understand what there was to cry about.

If the egg is broken, just throw it away. No matter how bad the Chen family is, I won't cry because of a broken egg, right?

"Because the first three...the first three were all good. After the fourth one was inserted, the bad egg liquid flowed in in front of me...I just watched helplessly...ah!"

After describing this desperate scene that made the listener sad and the listener shed tears, Xia Xinyu turned around, squatted on the ground, covered her face, and burst into tears...

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