Chapter 502 Senior Sister Yuzi——Cos Senior Sister’s Inspiration

The day before the exam, the school had been cordoned off.

The volunteers from the school who came to help set up the examination room had already gathered at the school gate at 9:30 a.m. at the same time.

In order to distinguish them easily, everyone was asked to wear school uniforms so that they could be recognized as students from No. 11 Middle School.

But there is a student's school uniform...

Director Huang discovered a person who stood out.

Although she wanted to be as low-key as possible and not be noticed by others, but...

How can you not notice you if you are wearing the uniform of No. 4 Middle School?

But after seeing the boy next to him, he understood.

"Okay, then let's arrange the examination room under the arrangements of the students in the student union." Director Huang said.

Then, everyone went in together.

"Are you here too?" Director Huang greeted Chen Yuan with a smile.

"Hey, I happened to be buying books nearby, so I came over to help." Chen Yuan replied.

"It's okay. It's pretty fast. I'm done in no time." Director Huang said.


Just like that, after saying hello to Xiao Huang, he entered the school.

"Then Chen Yuan, you guys will be in charge of the next few classes in the third grade, starting from Class 18. If we hurry up, we will come over to help you." The female student president of Class 15 said to Chen Yuan.

"Okay." Chen Yuan typed OK, then pointed at Zhang Chao and reminded, "This is our squad leader, Zhang Chao."

"...Ah." Upon hearing this, the student council president blushed, covered his mouth and laughed awkwardly before apologizing, "I'm sorry, Zhang Chao, I...I made a mistake."

"We've met before." Zhang Chao gave a subtle reminder.

"I'm so sorry!" The president laughed even more awkwardly and felt even more guilty.

Obviously I have never had any dealings with Chen Yuan regarding student union affairs, so why did I subconsciously regard Chen Yuan as a class cadre...

"It's okay." Zhang Chao said tolerantly.

In this way, the big guys began to divide their forces into several groups.

Before leaving, Li Wei found Xia Xinyu and immediately greeted her very warmly: "It's Xia Xinyu, she's really beautiful."

"Yeah...thank you." Xia Xinyu felt a little embarrassed by the praise and nodded slightly.

"I'm Li Wei." Li Wei said very proactively. "When I looked at it from a distance, I thought it looked very good. But after looking at it up close, I realized that it is just like the name. She is very quiet and ladylike."

"She will get swollen if you praise her like this again." Chen Yuan said.

"I've been a little exaggerated." Xia Xinyu joked.

"Why are you here too?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

"Well, let's help the school." Li Wei still remembered He Hongtao's kindness, so when the monitor said it, she took the initiative to raise her hand.

In fact, at this time, few students with particularly good grades are willing to agree.

As the number one in liberal arts, she is far ahead.

Of course, the premise is that there is no Chen Yuan.

It seems that he is also a very enthusiastic person...

"Okay, I'll go over then." Li Wei waved hello to Chen Yuan and Xia Xinyu.

"Well, goodbye." Xia Xinyu smiled and watched her go.

This is a high school student that Chen Yuan hired earlier...

how to say.

It looks like myself.

Mainly in terms of personality, they are particularly 'simple'.

"That means he is number one in liberal arts, right?" Zhang Chao still knows this person, "I heard that he is the most powerful liberal arts student in the past few years. He has ranked first in the school in these exams, and he is ahead of other liberal arts students."

"It's awesome." Tang Jian also said, "If Chen Yuan hadn't been there, she would have been the light of the eleventh grade, and she would have a good chance of winning the top prize in the district."

The liberal arts majors in No. 11 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School are not very strong, and the number of liberal arts students is much smaller than that of science students. But when the school next door is No. 4 Middle School, it is quite impressive to be able to get the top prize in the district.

Arguably, if she actually did it. And if Chen Yuan hadn't suddenly emerged, the main publicity angle in the banner for next year's No. 11 Middle School would be - congratulations to Li Wei for becoming the top talent in liberal arts in Haijing District with xxx points.

It is definitely a hard honor that can bring glory to the ancestors.

Chen Yuan didn't understand why such a good child had such short-sighted relatives who only stared at the community bonus after the college entrance examination.

"Xiao Li is pretty good." Chen Yuan commented.

"You still fucked Xiao Li." Tang Jian complained.

"Let's go and finish the work quickly."

In this way, Zhang Chao led a few people, starting from Class 3, Class 18, first moving seats and moving the extra tables and chairs outside the classroom.

Because Chen Yuan did not allow Xia Xinyu to participate, she had to stand aside and wait for the exam number to be posted after the seats were moved.

"Move this table over here."

While moving, Zhang Chao suddenly made fine adjustments.

"Why?" Tang Jian was puzzled.

"I know this senior. He said he happened to be assigned to his class and asked me to move his seat to his exam number." Zhang Chao explained.

"Good guy, we're playing at home, right?" Tang Jian complained.

"You have your own school, your own class, your own desk and chair. If you don't do well in the exam, you won't have any excuses," Chen Yuan said.

If you can't win with your own equipment, what other excuses can there be for you?

"Have you passed the test?" Zhang Chao explained, "You can't even do a single move to get to the beach."

"Pfft!" Tang Jian suddenly became happy and couldn't help but smile and said, "Chaozi, you finally have a sense of humor recently."

"Indeed." Chen Yuan was also amused.

"What does single move mean?"

Only Xia Xinyu asked with a simple look.

Only Zhang Chao explained seriously: "A separate admissions test for high school students or vocational high school students in model colleges."


"You just need to remember that the top colleges are not inferior to the bottom 211." Chen Yuan said.

"Strong, awesome."

Xia Xinyu didn't know what to say.

"So this is a loan student, right? It shouldn't be our school's student status, and it won't affect our school's admission rate." Tang Jian said.

"Well, he lives in the same neighborhood as me and bought it." Zhang Chao said.

There were some such students in the last senior year of high school, but after He Hongtao came to power, they stopped doing it.

This is also the reason why he firmly believes that the first-place rate of this sophomore class will soar.

"Then if there is an exam in the 11th Middle School, when the exam room is being set up, I will have to ask my junior to move your desk to my exam number." Tang Jian said with a plan.

"You want to absorb labor chakra again, right?"

Why is Chen Yuan surrounded by a group of thieves?

"It's okay to suck the little grandson, I won't pick it." Tang Jian said frankly.

"Why don't you pray that you will be assigned to No. 4 Middle School and go suck Shi No. 1?" Zhang Chao joked.

"What do you mean? You think I, Chen Yuan, are not as good as Shi Yi, right?" Tang Jian suddenly looked serious.

"Making trouble again..." Zhang Chao pursed his lips.

Xia Xinyu smiled amused by everyone, and then began to move the position, put solid glue on the bottom of the test number slip, and neatly pasted it on the upper left corner.

There are a total of 30 desks in a classroom, and not all of the extra 20 desks will be moved outside, so everyone is still very busy at work and needs to pile extra seats into empty classrooms.

So, Zhang Chao and Tang Jian moved outside.

Two people were left to post their test numbers inside.

"I don't know which school I will be assigned to." Xia Xinyu is still looking forward to her college entrance examination.

"It's okay, no matter No. 4 Middle School or No. 11 Middle School, whichever one is the home court."

"But there is still a certain chance that it will be in other schools." Xia Xinyu said.

"Can't Xiao Zhang make arrangements?" Chen Yuan asked.

"If I have to make arrangements, Xiao Zhang won't make them for me." Xia Xinyu, who is quite self-aware, said with a smile, "After all, I am just a mere Xia Xinyu."

However, the first place in the school every year, I don’t know if it is a coincidence or something, basically all take the exam in this school.

Moreover, it is still the student’s fixed position for every exam.

That is the first seat in the first examination room.

It is probably also to prevent students from feeling any discomfort as much as possible, just like a normal monthly exam, so that they can perform normally.

"But I don't care." Xia Xinyu said, "After all, my seat is different for every exam."

Except for those who can stabilize the first place, who else can stabilize the ranking.

"Indeed, the most important thing is to have a normal mind."

This is true.

There are not many examples of extraordinary performance, or it is difficult to hear from high-scoring students, but every year there are indeed examples of people who are usually very good, but then retake the college entrance examination with tears in their eyes.

This is just like some professional players who kill randomly in training matches, but when it comes to the real match, Gouba doesn’t know who he is anymore.

Just like that, all the test numbers for this examination room have been posted.

Chen Yuan and Xia Xinyu went to the next examination room.

In this way, in about fifty minutes, the school volunteers and some teachers completed the layout of the examination room.

"Everyone has worked hard and I have remembered their names. This event will also be used as a reference for any future awards."

At the school gate, Xiao Huang painted cakes for the students.

But it was obvious that no one came here for this matter.

To put it bluntly, everyone is basically trying to support their respective squad leaders. Otherwise, who would be willing to come here and be prostituted for free on such a hot day?

"The milk tea ordered by the school for the students is in the guard room. Remember to pick it up when you leave school."


This sip of milk tea was much more substantial than just painting cakes, and everyone was still very satisfied.

In this way, the group of people went to the guard room to receive their own milk tea one after another.

Then, say goodbye at the school gate.

The Xinyuan duo, who had already decided to have lunch nearby, held hands with milk tea and walked around the area openly.

"There's still a while before dinner, what should we do?" Xia Xinyu suggested as it was rare to get together with Chen Yuan.

Do something better...

When Xia Xinyu asked this, Chen Yuan thought of his super power.

In fact, this week, I also refreshed a very useful super power, which started yesterday.

But since I was at school yesterday, it was of little use.

And this superpower is to be able to see the price of something.

And this price is still floating.

For example, the price of a bottle of Coke in the refrigerator is 2.5 yuan.

But the price of the same Coke in the supermarket becomes 1.83 yuan.

It seems that on different occasions, there will be different prices.

Also, there is no automatic depreciation.

He took a look at Chen Yuan's mobile phone and found it was more than 5,000, which was the price he paid for it.

In other words, the value he can see is a value with a prerequisite.

The Coke you see in the refrigerator is the money spent when buying it, and the Coke you see in the supermarket is the purchase price of the boss.

If you can go to a Coke factory, you can probably see the truest cost price.

What Chen Yuan is currently thinking about with this ability is to expose some pretentious criminals who buy A-grade products...

No, it seems to have other uses.

"Why don't you go shopping for clothes?" Chen Yuan suddenly suggested.

"Hmm..." Xia Xinyu didn't quite understand, "Why pinch it?"

"It's already summer, so it's time to give Xia Xinyu some new skins." Chen Yuan's reason was very good.

But Xia Xinyu felt that it was not enough.

I always feel like I am spending money that is unnecessary.

"I go to school every day, so there seems to be no need to buy clothes." Xia Xinyu said in a persuasive tone, "right, there is no occasion to wear it."

"I want to see."

Then, Chen Yuan responded with three simple words.

Hearing this, Xia Xinyu was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Yuan's face, and then nodded: "Okay."

She can refute any other reasons.

Only this, there is absolutely no way to refuse.

Besides, boys all need freshness. We rarely see each other once a week, and they look the same every time. I always feel a little insecure...

Although Chen Yuan will definitely not get tired of it, he will even say the bastard words, ‘If it’s our heartfelt words, even if you don’t wear anything, you’ll still look great’…

In this way, the two people went to a small women's clothing store next to the school, which may be targeted at college students.

At first glance, they are basically all summer clothes.

There are low-cut dresses that look very cool, and there are small skirts that are elegant and quiet.

In Chen Yuan's eyes, all the clothes were marked with purchase prices.

"Would you like to show your girlfriend some clothes?" The store manager came over immediately with a smile on her face.

"Yeah." Chen Yuan nodded.

"Then what do you want to see?" The store manager just glanced at Xia Xinyu and said, "I feel like my girlfriend will suit the skirt very well."

Xia Xinyu herself also likes skirts. After all, they are comfortable, cool, and really look good.

"What do you think?" But she still thought about asking Chen Yuan's opinion, after all, it was for him to see.

Hey, such a respectable boy?

It's rare for the store manager to see a boyfriend who is not a tool.

"It's all fine, it depends on what you think." After Chen Yuan said this, he suggested, "But it seems that you don't have jeans."

"There are long ones." Xia Xinyu replied.

But her jeans were worn as casual pants, which did not count as her elaborate dress.

A very casual state.

"Then look at these, denim shorts, they look very good on you." The store manager quickly recommended, "And the beauty's legs are so thin, they must be suitable."

Following her recommendation, after looking over, there was a row of ultra-short denim shorts.

They are all what Chen Yuan likes to watch in the summer.

But I like to see other people’s girlfriends wearing it.

This, I miss too much of Xia Xia’s heartfelt words...

"Hiss." And Xia Xinyu didn't really like shorts that tightened her thighs, and then got shorter and shorter, and finally leaked out of her buttocks, so she shook her head.

Then, I saw a pair of very good-quality, black, high-waisted, rolled-up jeans with a small belt.

The pants are quite loose and short, but they can completely cover the thighs without revealing anything at all.

Of course, a pair of big white legs will also be exposed...

However, Xia Xinyu has always wanted to try this style, which is a bit more energetic and less plain.

"This one is good, the best sold here." Seeing this, the store manager hurriedly sold it.

"I think that's okay too."

Chen Yuan felt that Xinyu still needed to change her style a little bit, and it would be okay if she missed her legs a little bit.

"How about matching this shirt?"

Then, the store manager picked a khaki striped shirt.

A more classic combination, with a college style.

I always feel that after wearing it, I will suddenly mature a lot.

Like the college girl next door.

Very good.

"The changing room is over here." The female store manager smiled and stretched out her hand.

Xia Xinyu, who was holding the clothes, glanced at Chen Yuan, and then reminded him nervously with her eyes: I just looked at the price, it was a bit expensive.

"Go and change."

Chen Yuan just made an OK gesture and let her go, seemingly not caring.

However, after Xia Xinyu went to the changing room, she sent herself a message.

Xinbao: 399 for shirts and 299 for jeans. Let’s buy them online.

The quality of this clothes is indeed good, but the price is a lot exaggerated.

However, bargaining is possible in places that are not brand stores.

Even the weakest college student can cut dozens of them at a time.

So Chen Yuan replied: The labels are all randomly marked, not the price.

Xinbao: But it won’t be much cheaper.

Chen Yuan: It’s okay, I’ll negotiate the price

Xinbao: Can you still bargain?

Chen Yuan: It’s all cut.

Chen Yuan really doesn't know how to bargain.

However, if he could see a purchase price, he might have some confidence.

In this way, Chen Yuan waited for the words from his heart to come out.

After a while, a pair of fair, well-proportioned, delicate and smooth legs, comparable to those of a supermodel, stepped out...

Then, with her long hair down, she wore a khaki college-style shirt with loose cuffs and loose jeans, showing off her perfect slim waist and legs. Her whole person became lively and cute, with a hint of Xia Xinyu like a little hottie. (Summer only)…

The first time he saw her, the store manager knew that this set of clothes was going to be sold.

"Wow! She's so beautiful. She could be a model." Although it was a compliment, she really felt that the little girl was a bit too beautiful.

And, this is without makeup at all.

As expected of being 17 years old, the invincible beautiful girl is in an invincible age group.

"Very beautiful, really great." Chen Yuan also gave an expression of approval.

"Really?" Xia Xinyu asked with a hint of embarrassment, then stood in front of the dressing mirror, leaning slightly sideways, looking at her own appearance...

It is indeed good-looking and youthful.

My legs are so beautiful too...

Eh? Why are you bragging?

But it’s not bad to change your style occasionally.

OK, it can be replaced.

Just remember the pattern and place your order online.

"Boss, how much does this set cost?" Chen Yuan asked.

"698, I'll give you a 10% discount, that's... 628, just give 620." The store manager said.

Hearing this, Xia Xinyu shook her head towards Chen Yuan, saying no.

The shop owner also noticed her actions, so he said: "It's your first time here, you can have a little less."



Why is it that the products sold cheaper are more expensive?

And it’s so much more expensive.

You just put it here and marked it randomly, right?

So the purchase price of these two pieces together is 205.

Chen Yuan remembered a quote from Das Kapital.

Once there are appropriate profits, capital becomes bolder.

If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere.

With 25% profit, it becomes active.

With 50% profit, it takes desperate risks.

Then if you go further, 100% profit will start to trample the law, and 300% theory will risk being hanged.

Therefore, how much benefit will a person be satisfied with?

Listen to your heart.

[High school students don’t have much money, so if they talk about five hundred, just sell it]

A byd, starting to trample on the law, right?

So, back to that theory.

The profit from taking risks is 50%.

Therefore, this should be a satisfactory scale.


"One set, 307...maybe."

After Chen Yuan thought for a while, he decided to erase 5 cents.

When the price came out, both of them were stunned.

Xia Xinyu and everyone were stunned.

Bao, your bargaining is even better than the aunties in town!

The boss, on the other hand, was suddenly confused.

Then, do the math quickly.

Because the quality of this set is very good, the purchase price is quite expensive. The shirt costs 95 and the pants cost 110. It is the most expensive among this wave of summer clothes.

And because college students have very average purchasing power and like to sell online, not many are sold...

This set costs 205.

Then 307 is...

Really, why is the number 307?

So the profit is 102…

"This won't work. I've never sold it like this before." The store manager responded with a smile.

This price is impossible!

"Is that so?" Chen Yuan asked.

It turns out I don’t know how to bargain...

Only then did Xia Xinyu realize that Chen Yuan didn't have any bargaining power.

So he took the initiative and said, "Okay, let's take a look."

Very simply, the girl decided to leave.

The boy continued to look at him, waiting for her response.

"Handsome guy, this price is really not good."

The female store manager smiled very reluctantly and was unlikely to agree.

But she doesn't know why...

She seems to be just fine with this profit.

Very magical.

A set of clothes priced at 700 was cut in half, but after calculating the cost, she actually thought she could sell it.

"Then I'll change it." Xia Xinyu smiled at Chen Yuan and prepared to go to the changing room.

Chen Yuan also stood up, looked at his phone, and said, "We came in for exactly ten minutes. If we sell it now, your hourly wage will be profit x6."

The hourly wage is 600…

After being reminded like this by Chen Yuan, the female store manager immediately got into trouble. Regardless of the store's rent, water and electricity, and the fact that she might only be able to sell a dozen pieces a day, she quickly shouted: "Then 400." Block, okay?”


However, Chen Yuan didn't even think about it and said directly.

No, why do you have to worry about this number?

I can understand even if you say 300!

It was obviously a very unreasonable bargain, but the store manager didn’t know why, but he found the profit acceptable...

After all, they decide really quickly.

"Okay then." In the end, the store manager had no choice but to agree, "Then you have to ask your girlfriend to take a few more photos for me to post on Moments..."

"Then give me a pair of socks."

"Okay, okay."

With such a good upper body effect, the income from posting it on Moments is definitely higher than a pair of socks.

"Then don't change it, just cut the tag and give us a packing bag to put our school uniforms in," Chen Yuan said.

So, the female store manager did so.

When she went to help pack the school uniforms, Xia Xinyu looked at Chen Yuan in amazement: "How did you know that the bargain was successful?"

"Foolish." Chen Yuan said.

"It's amazing..." Xia Xinyu marveled at Chen Yuan's strength and sighed at the same time, "But it feels like it will be cheaper online."

"Natsumi, downtown, physical store."

But when Chen Yuan said these three keywords, Xia Xinyu accepted them all at once.

In the past, she didn't dare to go to a physical store to buy clothes.

Even if it’s a small store, because of the random prices listed on it and the fact that it doesn’t know how to bargain…

But now, Chen Yuan has easily broken his bones at the outrageous price.

What else can this person not do?

"She's so beautiful. Your girlfriend is the school beauty, right?" Looking at Xia Xinyu, the female store manager couldn't help but praise her.

How could there be such a beautiful little girl...

"There are some school beauties from several schools." Chen Yuan said.


The female store manager was amused, and then took out her mobile phone. Just when she was about to let the female model show off, the girl in front of her stood back slightly, hugged the arm of the boy next to her, and looked at the camera with a youthful and energetic smile...

Compared to someone who says they are alone when they are clearly together, or who never has any photos of her boyfriend in their circle of friends, this girl who even takes beautiful photos with her boyfriend does not look like a contemporary beautiful girl...

how to say.

The love of high school students is indeed too pure.

But after this age, particularly outrageous values ​​will appear.

It’s also because I read too much online and have been brainwashed in a way that benefits me.

Even college students are not as innocent as these two people.

Just like that, the store owner took this photo.

It can already be made into a film without paging at all.

Therefore, the fact that the relationship between the two of them is so "sci-fi" probably has something to do with the fact that the boyfriend is very handsome.

"Okay, thank you both, the photo was very good."

After paying the bill, Chen Yuan took over the school uniform that Xin Yu had put on, and the two of them walked out of the clothing store hand in hand.

"Does the deception trick you just used apply to bargaining anywhere?" Xia Xinyu asked curiously.

"No." Chen Yuan said, "If the price is lower than the cost price, it will be forked."

"Then how do you know it's higher than cost price?"

“It always feels like the cost is very low.”

"That's it!" Xia Xinyu understood a little and nodded.

At this time, an oncoming girl glanced at them, a little subtle.

"What are you doing?"

So, Chen Yuan took the initiative to ask.

When the girl was asked, her body tensed up and she shuddered. Then she looked at the frank Chen Yuan and hesitated: "Eating...what are you doing?"

"Go shopping with Xinyu," Chen Yuan said.


The girl suddenly smiled and relaxed. After nodding, she waved her hand and said, "Bye."


In this way, the two said hello.

"Are you a classmate? Why did you react like this?" Xia Xinyu was very puzzled.

Then, Chen Yuan looked at Xia Xinyu and joked with a wicked smile: "She thought I was leading someone else's girlfriend."

"Ah? How can you hold someone else's girlfriend?"

When Xia Xinyu said seriously, she came to her senses and asked, "By the way, have I changed so much?"

"Actually, it's okay, but when compared with you in my school uniform, I look very much like a female college student going shopping with her elementary school chicken." Chen Yuan said.

With a preppy style, beautiful legs, and long hair, she really does look a few years older.

Of course, it just looks mature in comparison.

If Zhou Fu leads her out, what the hell is the difference between her and her stepson?

Wait a minute, is the female anchor wearing a stepmother's skirt and roasting chicken that I used to watch before actually just a girl of Zhou Fu's age?

I was born to eat the Internet.

"Oh~ That's it."

Xia Xinyu thought of something, smiled sweetly, and then she and Chen Yuan went to a Korean restaurant with many students, and found the last seat to sit down.

A girl like Xia Xinyu will attract a lot of people's attention even if she doesn't wear makeup at all.

In the summer, those beautiful legs are so dazzling.

At the same time, Chen Yuan was also noticed by some people.

Still wearing school uniform...

He's a high school student.

So what's going on with this pair?


At this moment, the girl suddenly spoke.

Many people in the store also looked over with concern.

So, I saw the girl put the straw from which she drank milk tea into the mouth of the boy in school uniform...

After Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, he opened his mouth.

At this moment, Xinyu's eyes seemed to be filled with stars. She looked at herself lovingly and said softly, "Do your best for the college entrance examination tomorrow. My sister is waiting for you at the university."

I'm super! ! ! !

Immediately, all the boys in the store, even those with girlfriends, felt the volcano in their hearts explode. They all looked at Chen Yuan, as if they had drunk freshly squeezed lemon juice, and were so jealous that they were separated from each other...

Horse riding!

If I had a senior like this when I was taking the college entrance examination, even if it was Huaqing, I would have passed the exam for you!

It’s great.

Chen Yuan didn't know why, but as the leader of the earth, he was so happy by this kind of pleasure.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but said: "Yes, senior sister, I will write it well."

"I'll prepare delicious food for you tomorrow. Let's eat together when we come out at noon." Xia Xinyu continued to dote on her.

Now, the people around him became even redder.

Both men and women are extremely red and warm.

"Well, thank you, senior sister."

"Why are you thanking me? Isn't this what I should do?"

Xia Xinyu lowered her head and poked Chen Yuan's face with a smile in her eyes: "Next time, don't say thank you."


At this moment, I don’t know who broke the defense, who was crying, who was anxious...

But Chen Yuan's lips curled up in an uncontrollable arc, and he couldn't help but beg for mercy.

Senior Yuzi, stop acting, stop acting, I feel so good that I’m about to come out, woo hoo...

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