June 26th.

This is a very special day.

The day after the college entrance examination results came out.

In the office, the leaders of each school were very nervous.

In fact, we already knew the scores of many people yesterday. Some candidates had already checked their scores and told their teachers.

But this morning, we were going to see the entire school’s senior high school entrance examination level.

Yesterday, He Hongtao already knew the top test scores for liberal arts and science.

To be honest, he expected it.

But there are some surprises.

That is, everyone performed very smoothly, and no one's level was abnormal.

And this is very rare.

Logically speaking, among the top few in the school, there will always be one or two people who fall over.

Surprisingly, there should be three students who can reach the grapefruit line this year based on their scores alone. Qiang Kun plans to take another one, so there will be four.

Completely reaching the average level of previous years.

Although it was a junior year for the college entrance examination, there was nothing special about it.

And it has been said before that this year's competition is very weak, with the highest score including bonus points not even 700, but this time the first place was actually stuck at '700' points.

This is a life saver.

There is not much difference between a score of 699 and a score of 700 for students, but for the school's publicity, it is a huge difference.

Why, your Haijing District Gemini doesn’t have 700 points?

"Not bad, still good."

He Hongtao had a smile on his face and looked very happy.

This feeling is like, you didn't have any expectations at first, and you even started to give up, but the final result: Oh, I'll go, it's pretty good.

That kind of feeling is much better than being full of confidence and then falling short.

Looking at the score sheet, while nodding in relief, he suddenly discovered that the results of Class 1 seemed to be quite stable this time.

For this reason, he also deliberately compared the last city-wide unified examination before the exam.

In other words, basically no one pulls their hips.

This is rare.

It shows that the students in this class are not only strong in ability, but also have a good attitude towards taking exams...


He Hongtao suddenly recalled it and realized that Class 1 had performed any rituals before the college entrance examination?

Thinking of this, he called the class teacher directly.

The head teacher should also be looking at the results at this time.

After a while, the other party answered: "Xiao He, what's the matter?"

"Didn't we do that activity where the sophomores wrote letters to their seniors?"

"Ang, yes."

"What is the name of the student in your class who got Chen Yuanxin?"

"Well, let me think about it...it seems to be Zhuang Fan?"

"Zhuang Fan..."

He Hongtao is looking for it.

Look for it in the previous unified examination.

Then, found it.

Zhuang Fan: 661

This score is okay.

In Class 1, he is considered to be in the middle of the pack, even a little above.

What about the college entrance examination?

He Hongtao was very anxious, very anxious.

Because he always felt that destiny really existed.

And as long as he gets real evidence, he will be even more superstitious than Zhang Jianjun!

In this way, he found Zhuang Fan's college entrance examination results.

Zhuang Fan: 679

"18 points!"

He Hongtao was stunned by this huge increase.

You know, in the late third year of high school, the grades are basically stable.

Especially for high-level players, the difficulty is very high, even if it is only 7 or 8 points, let alone 18 points.

This result has directly risen a big notch!

If this kid had extra points in the competition, he might even have the slightest chance of hitting Huaqing University.

"He, Principal He, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, no, just be busy."

With a smile, He Hongtao hung up the phone.

Then, he leaned back on the chair, put his feet on the table, put his hands on the back of his head, and showed a healing smile...

There is one person with a score of 700 in the high segment, and there are about 4 Yuzu players, and the first-run rate is estimated to have increased by two points.

Is this the junior year of the college entrance examination?

This momentum is very good!

Our No. 11 Middle School is booming jpg.

Just a little bit of Chen Yuan's luck can lead to such a big improvement.

This is a lucky general.

Then by the time Chen Yuan was admitted, wouldn't his halo have blessed the entire Eleventh Middle School Examination?

I really didn’t expect that just when Secretary Han was about to retire and the school had only been in his hands for a few years, he would be able to achieve such great results.

The whole cigarette!

After snapping his fingers happily, He Hongtao took out one of the bonus sticks in the drawer, lit it, and then slowly blew out a mouthful of the most refreshing white smoke...

In the corridor, Chen Yuan and Zhou Fu each held twin popsicles in their hands, sipping while looking at the endless stream of high school seniors coming out of the teaching building downstairs.

"Everyone was smiling happily. It's because they did well in the exam, right?" Chen Yuan said.

"Why do you sound like a homeroom teacher..." Zhou Fu complained.

"He has turned into a bastard who betrayed the working class." Tang Jian came over and said.

Because it was between classes, everyone came out to relax.

The main reason is that the liberation of the third year of high school makes these people unable to calm down again.

"I thought of a great business opportunity."

Zhou Yu also came over, grabbed the handrail with both hands, and joined in the conversation: "Now that new energy vehicles are developing so well, there are no new energy motorcycles on the market. How about it? Have you started?"

"It's pretty good." Looking downstairs, Tang Jian said calmly, "Just name it an electric car."


"Isn't Old Mo here?" Zhou Fu took out her phone after looking around, then pulled up a picture and showed it to Chen Yuan, "My mom's friend posted it on Moments. It's too pretentious."

Chen Yuan looked over.

Then, I saw what the circle of friends looked like.

Yun Dan Feng Qing [Rose]: My son’s results gave me a heart attack when I saw them, but it’s okay [laughing and crying]

A screenshot shows that the college entrance examination score is 0 points.

Then, there is a line of small print below: The student’s score is ranked among the top 50 in the province, and the score information has been blocked.

"The top 50 scores in the province are indeed blocked. It seems to prevent those universities from grabbing students in advance." Tang Jian said, "Also, high schools are not allowed to publicize the top picks in advance..."

"That's it?" Chen Yuan didn't feel pretentious at all, "Just average."

"But I think it's a bit of a hate-mongering thing, and he's quite handsome." Zhou Fu said.

"As long as you have hands."

"Okay, when the time comes, I will also show off your achievements in my circle of friends."

"You can show off."

Chen Yuan agreed casually, continued to chew the popsicle, and then suddenly reacted and looked at Zhou Fu: "Hey you!"

Riding on the horse, Xiao Heizi is hiding more and more secretly.

"Hey, there are a few people taking pictures." Zhou Yu suddenly saw a few people standing under the school's wall of honor, holding transcripts in their hands, taking pictures together.

"Fuck, this is a bit pretentious." Tang Jian got it quickly.

These people should have been on the honor roll in their previous photos, and all four of them did well in the exam, so they took this kind of high-level group photo.

"If you do well in the exam, you must want to show off." Zhou Fu was looking forward to posting a good admission notice in her circle of friends.

And with her strength, it should be possible.

Get a 211 call.

"Brother, will you shoot with us then?" Zhou Yu looked at Chen Yuan.

"Is the suspicion of bullying too great?" Chen Yuan asked.

"You like to humiliate yourself, don't you?" Tang Jian mocked.

"What the hell, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi..."

"At this moment, the seeds of unwillingness, shame and anger are buried in Zhou Yu's heart."

"You even added a narration!"

Zhou Yu didn't care about Chen Yuan's attack. On the contrary, he was very motivated: "I feel that I have understood the way of learning."

"Do you want to set up a flag this time?" Tang Jian asked.

"Okay, I'll eat it if it doesn't reach 550!"

"He started cheating on food and drink again."

Tang Jian didn't quite believe it, because his goal was at least 550+, and he also passed the school exam, so he knew how difficult it was.

"Let's open a market and see how much Yuanzi gets this time." Zhou Yu directly brought Chen Yuan in.

And because everyone was curious about where this person's limit was, they all looked over to see how he was going to show off.

Then, Chen Yuan held the wooden stick of the popsicle upright.

"710?" Zhou Fu felt a little confused, "Didn't you say 708 last time? Why are you so conservative?"

"I said, number one."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he turned around, threw the sign into the trash can, and then went to the classroom.

The people who stayed there were just looking at his back. Among them, Tang Jian and Zhou Yu's cheeks were slightly red...

This kid is really handsome when he pretends to be B.

Chen Yuan didn't want to keep his hands until next year, when he would have a decisive battle with Shi Yi.

Now, he feels that he is very strong and has reached the peak of a student.

If Yakushi Kabuto were to reincarnate himself from the dirt, he would have to choose this period of his life.

Therefore, we can no longer treat the mere Sun as our opponent.

Shi Yi and Bai Mingze are the people he needs to chase.

At this time, the bell also rang.

Then, Lao Mo walked into the classroom, and before class, he informed: "The time for the final exam has been set. On July 2 and 3, the city's unified exam will still be held."

Just one week after the college entrance examination scores are released...

That's good, we can't let these senior high school seniors always be in the limelight.

It’s our next generation’s turn to show off.

"And this time, when the total score is ranked, the bonus points will not be counted, only the bare points will be considered." When Lao Mo said this, he looked directly at Chen Yuan.

After all, there is no point in saying this to others.

But just after he finished speaking, he saw Chen Yuan's gaze and glanced slightly to the side, as if to remind himself...


Lao Mo was stunned for a moment and looked over.

Then, I saw Tang Siwen sitting at the door with his head lowered and a gloomy look on his face...

Ah, I forgot!

In an instant, Lao Mo was filled with guilt.

Tang Siwen in the class also gets extra points!

I had always liked Tang Siwen the most before and always gave her fruits, but now that Chen Yuan is here, I seem to have neglected this child...

My bad, my bad.

After giving an awkward smile, Lao Mo continued: "The direction of the questions for this unified examination may be somewhat based on the content of the college entrance examination. So tonight in self-study, we did the mathematics test paper for the college entrance examination."

Damn it, just do the questions and lay the groundwork.

Cunning man.

"Students who have done college entrance examination questions before, please do some other questions." Lao Mo asked, "Chen Yuan, Tang Siwen, have you all done it?"

Chen Yuan could tell that he was trying to make up for it.

Hum, this belated tenderness is worthless than grass, Wenzi, don’t forgive him!

Chen Yuan thought so, but when he looked over, he found that Tang Siwen's eyes suddenly lit up, because he got Lao Mo's attention, and the gloom was swept away.

Look, we Haidong girls are all so easy to coax.

"Teacher, I did it too..."

At this moment, He Sijiao raised her hand timidly.

Because her grades were so bad, she still felt a little embarrassed about leaving the exam.

And her worry is justified, because many people looked over, as if they were surprised: Even you?

"Oh, okay. Who else did it?"

So Tang Jian, Zhang Chao, and Zhou Yu also raised their hands.

"Then I'll give you other questions."

After Lao Mo nodded, he then criticized the others with some dissatisfaction: "It has been so long since the college entrance examination, and papers are flying all over the Internet. What are other people doing? Are they so busy?"

This scolding made everyone lower their heads in shame.

In Class 18, only the people around Chen Yuan are conscious...

Of course, not entirely.

Everyone looked at Zhou Fu unanimously.

The person closest to Chen Yuan.

Holding her forehead, she lowered her head and looked at Chen Yuan. Zhou Fu blushed and said with her lips: "When I was born, you are messing with your mother..."

No, why are you still swearing?

Zhou Fu rarely uses bad words.

Damn it, Xiao Heizi leaked chicken feet again!

"The learning atmosphere in Class 1 is good, so they all get high marks in the exam." After scolding him, Lao Mo said directly, "The learning atmosphere in our class is not very good, but the best role models are around us. I don't know what to do. Just do it.”

Everyone knows who the words "best role model" refer to.

Therefore, the attention was focused on Chen Yuan.

Lao Mo's words are undoubtedly trying to bring trouble to Chen Yuan.

But Chen Yuan didn't care, and a calm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Let’s not talk about strength, but in terms of resistance to pressure, Chen Yuan is definitely worthy of being the best in the world.

Anyway, the big talk has already been released, so why be afraid of being slapped in the face?

As long as I remain invincible.

"That's not good?"

In the dormitory, Su Yu received the phone call, and the expression on his face gradually became a little worried.

And she unconsciously changed from sitting to standing.

But the explanation on the phone was very clear, and it was also said that the decision was made unanimously by the leaders, which made her feel very conflicted.

"But, won't this put too much pressure?" She continued to fight.

"But the broadcast date has been set, there's really no way around it."

After hearing this, she could only accept it.

So, after hanging up the phone, she gradually became sad.

The original schedule was not at this time, but because the college entrance examination scores have just been released, it is a very hot spot, so for the sake of ratings, the TV station plans to broadcast it in advance.

This also leads to the fact that the four young men at this time will become the focus of public opinion.

Every time they take an exam, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at them.

There are even people who commit cyber violence.

If everyone performs poorly in the next exam...

I don’t know how much pressure from public opinion I will receive!

People in society only consider interests when doing things.

But some things cannot be changed.

With the mere Su language, I could only express my concerns.

So, with some guilt, she dialed Chen Yuan's number.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Chen Yuan asked.

Then, Su Yu felt very guilty and said, "I'm sorry, Junior Brother Yuan, are you scolding me?"

"Huh? This, isn't this appropriate?"

Although he said this, he felt a little eager to try in his tone...

Ah, have you wanted to scold me for a long time?

"The TV station said that the documentary will be broadcast in advance." Su Yu said very worriedly, "Is your final exam coming up in the next few days? I'm really worried that you will be affected by some comments on the Internet and you will be too stressed. big……"

Then it went haywire.

Then, the pressure from public opinion increased.

Then, continue to perform abnormally.

The Internet can easily destroy a person.

"Indeed, the final exam is next week." Chen Yuan said.

"You should stop paying attention to the Internet. I'm really afraid of hurting you." At this point, Su Yu felt aggrieved. "I also suggested it, but the TV station wants to ride on the popularity of the college entrance examination..."

"Oh, by the way, did senior ask me to scold you just now?" Chen Yuan interrupted.


Su Yu sat upright, got ready, and said bravely: "It's really unkind to change the date. Junior, you can scold me."

At Su Yu's request, Chen Yuan calmly said the strong man's line with a smile: "Idiot, who do you think I am?"

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