My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 518 Post a video and amuse the entire network (Thanks to Chen Yi III leader)

At home, Chen Yuan and Xia Xinyu were waiting at their desks for their results to come out.

He Hongtao said that he will tell himself the results as soon as they come out.

Therefore, both of them are feeling quite nervous now.

Although I have checked the answers and calculated the scores, I feel a little confident, but after all, the teacher's correction and my own correction are two different things.

Perhaps, it is that subtle difference that determines the outcome.

As for the outcome.

Chen Yuan already had the answer in his heart.

So what he is looking forward to is another victory or defeat.

What he really cares about is winning or losing.

In the time since he came back from studying, Chen Yuan has definitely reached his limit.

Every night under the stars and moon, I suppress my sleepiness and write sexy questions about riding a horse!

Therefore, if I had a heyday, it would be now.

He might be stronger in the back.

But now, I am definitely in the happiest state of my life so far.

Will it win?

will win.

At half past five, He Hongtao sent the document.

Then, he sent two straightforward Chinese characters - Awesome!

Taotao is very excited now and is typing.

But Chen Yuan ignored him and clicked on the document directly.

The two of them showed surprise expressions simultaneously and gave each other high fives.

However, it is very regrettable.

"One step away, what a pity!" Xia Xinyu sighed.

"Although it is one step away, there is still a gap. All I can say is... come back next time."

Chen Yuan was very clear-headed and faced his own shortcomings.

After all, that person is him.

The highest mountain and the longest river are all one person.

"Then let's start shooting the video." Xia Xinyu said excitedly.


Before Chen Yuan was about to start, he looked at her and asked again: "This is ours, and you also have the right to decide. I ask for your opinion on what to do."

In response, Xia Xinyu just smiled lightly and said quite freely: "I just want you to be happy."


On the subway during rush hour, the seats are already full of people.

In the aisle, there were also people standing.

At this time, a male college student's mobile phone suddenly showed a video that had just been released.

Then, he was surprised and said: "Damn it, Chen Yuan posted a video!"

Hearing this, many people looked over curiously.

And his girlfriend next to him chatted: "Oh, is it the high school student who was mentioned in the documentary as being the number one pick? Today is the time when the results are announced."

People who have watched this video can be said to be all over the country.

On this subway alone, only half the people in the carriage know it.

The passengers beside the male and female college students, including those who were standing, also moved closer.

"Is he the fake academic who was said to have fallen in love prematurely, and then his grades suddenly dropped a lot?"

"I thought watching Chen Yuan was a very niche thing."

"The results are announced today. Are there still many Hirokos?"

"Here I go, is this my girlfriend's appearance?"

Others also took out their phones and started watching the video.

Then, these people were watching the newly released results announcement video almost simultaneously, as if they were watching a live broadcast.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

And when they saw in the video, a girl with a ponytail wearing a different school uniform from the boys, everyone was very envious.

"She's so beautiful. This girl is as pure as the moonlight."

"It's the picture that was circulated earlier. It seems that the rumors of cheating have been disproven."

"Where are these two people? How does it feel like they are in the same room..."

"Hey, with a girlfriend like this, can you really study hard?"

Still questioning.

But the two people in the video are very relaxed.

"I am Chen Yuan from the 11th Middle School, and this is the ponytail girl." Chen Yuan extended his hand and introduced himself.

"Ang." Xia Xinyu smiled shyly and introduced herself, "I am the girl from the school next door, and now we are teammates in the study group."

"Then let the female classmates announce the results to us." Chen Yuan said.

Then, Xia Xinyu took a screenshot of the results of that line of the document, coded everyone else's results, and showed off Chen Yuan's results alone.

However, I blocked the screen with one hand.

"Since it is a unified examination, the results should not be faked, right?"

"All students have just finished their exams. Who dares to fake it at this time?"

"After all, 100,000 high school sophomores in Xiahai have taken the unified examination, so there is no way to fake it."

Everyone thinks so, after all, it is more logical.

For something that can be exposed so easily, the risk of fraud is too great.

"Before announcing the results, let's have a quick... meeting."

Chen Yuan took out a pack of crab roe crispy noodles, opened it directly, and then handed it to Xia Xinyu's mouth.

Then, she opened her mouth with a slight 'Ah' and took a bite.

"How's it going?" Chen Yuan asked.

"Well, it really tastes like crab roe. It tastes really good. It feels like eating crispy noodles when I was a kid!"

Xia Xinyu quickly nodded in approval, then frowned slightly, stared at the prompt paper, and read: "Wow, such delicious crispy noodles really contain crab roe, they must be expensive, right?"

"19.9, a box of 40 bags can be taken home directly. Each bag costs no more than 50 cents. There is a link to the yellow cart below." Chen Yuan pointed downwards and said.

Everyone just looked at him, stiffly promoting...

Although I don’t know if it tastes good or not.

"But his girlfriend is really cute."

"It's less than twenty, it's really not expensive, if he doesn't play with labor."

"It's time to reveal the results."

"OK, let's start to reveal the first Chinese language scores."

"Gan! You're so cunning."

"He can whet your appetite."

"If his girlfriend hadn't been cute, I would have jumped right away."

There was no way, everyone just looked at him and slowly announced the results.

Xia Xinyu's hand moved slowly under his command.

Then, the score under the Chinese language was slowly revealed - 131.

"Damn it, my Chinese language level is 130!"

"A score I've never had before."

"It's a bit embarrassing, but if you say you want to take the No. 1 exam... that's a bit of a stretch."

"Indeed, it doesn't feel that powerful."


The response to this achievement was mixed.

This result is indeed very good, but it is not very good.

In other words, it’s a bit of a waste of expectation.

"Oh, it seems normal." Chen Yuan said.

"You are already very powerful, don't say that." Xia Xinyu looked at him and said with a smile.

"OK, cheer up. Let's reveal the second result, mathematics."

With that said, Chen Yuan took out the second product.

Durian Thousand Layers.

"Here, let's try it." Chen Yuan dug out a piece with a spoon and handed it to Xia Xinyu.

Xia Xinyu opened her mouth slightly: "Ah..."

"If you eat with a big mouth, open your mouth wide."

Xia Xinyu had no choice but to open her mouth wide.

Then, he fed it in one mouthful.

And, he nodded with great satisfaction.

Chen Yuan, on the other hand, took a tissue and gently wiped the corners of her mouth, making her cheeks blush slightly...

"No, is this just a show of affection?"

"That blush was so real, it turned red instantly."

"This is absolutely pure love. Those who spread rumors should be punished."

The rumors were debunked in this way.

After Chen Yuan's guidance, the math score was slowly announced - 150.

"Damn it, full marks!"

"Now he looks like the top pick."

“The top scorers in science subjects usually get full marks in mathematics!”

"Dang, this is not bad."

"Anyone who can get full marks in math is definitely a master in science."

Seeing this, everyone in the carriage became excited.

There is no doubt that he is a real academic master.

Because of Chinese and Mathematics, he only deducted 19 points!

Next, it’s time to bring the goods.

Next, another show of affection.

But no one skipped.

After all, his girlfriend is really cute.

"English score 144!"

"It's not English that's awesome, it's Chinese and English that's awesome!"

"This score seems to have exceeded 700, which is a slap in the face of the entire network."

"Damn, he deserves this traffic and this money!"

Everyone was completely convinced now.

No one dared to question it anymore.

Even middle-aged people who have never taken the college entrance examination know the value of these results.

After all, there are usually children at home, and there are also other people's children around.

Then, it was interspersed with Hiroko's announcement of scores.

Physics, 106

Chemistry, 95

"The last advertisement is my eleventh grade."

At this time, before announcing the biology results, Chen Yuanli said: "This is a school with good-looking uniforms, a very positive school spirit, and a very warm school. The whole school can sing "Sunny Day". From the principal to the teachers in No. 11 Middle School, everyone is very good." The provincial model high school has once produced a top scorer in the college entrance examination, and it is expected that there will be another one next year. The success rate is much higher than the admission score of the high school entrance examination. Junior students are welcome to apply. "

After promoting the school, Chen Yuan asked Xia Xinyu to slowly announce the bio.

90 as it should be.

"That's it. The total score is 716, ranking second in the city. There is a certain distance from the top pick, so I am really bragging."

After Guangzi finished playing, Chen Yuan was in no mood and said calmly: "Of course, it's less than the 600 posted on the Internet, but it's still a little more."


"But it's really awesome."

"It's really unpleasant to be spread rumors."

"The most awesome way to respond to online violence, hang on!"

Everyone was convinced and felt that he was awesome when they saw him showing off.

That's what tailwind groups are like.

If you can't beat it, then join.

At this time, Chen Yuan also looked at the camera and said: "At first, I didn't plan to respond because these rumors and attacks were too weak."

"But later, it gradually affected my life and made my friends and teachers worried, so I took action."

"The purpose is just to play monkey tricks."

As soon as these words came out, basically everyone in the carriage was affected by AOE.

"Those who step on horses have such low quality."

"How crazy."

"A bit down."

It can be said that everyone is in a very unhappy mood.

There is a feeling of being disgusted.

If he gets good grades, what does it have to do with me?

If you play on the Internet, you are like an emperor. Why should you be so angry?

"Report this basket."

"And the one who stepped on the horse made money by carrying the goods. It's really disgusting."

"That's very condescending. I'm just trying to piece together the pieces of a Lamborghini."

Everyone watching this video feels very uncomfortable.

But Chen Yuan didn't seem to care.

"Of course, the talent that I tricked was the monkey. Just like when I released the video, many people said that I was in a hurry, and the dog barked when the stone was thrown. So, I also threw the stone, don't bark."

It's AOE damage again.

The person who was hit was really numb.

In the face of the foreseeable anger, Chen Yuan became more and more calm: "But some people say that I do this purely for the sake of making money. In essence, I am also a monkey who has been brought to the forefront by the Internet. There is no need to have a sense of superiority. . Not worthy of standing on a high point and pointing fingers.”

"But what if I can prove that I am different, that I am not a monkey?"

While everyone was staring at the screen with complicated emotions, Chen Yuan took the mobile phone in Xia Xinyu's hand and pointed the account balance at the camera.

"This is all the proceeds from this promotion, 600,000. I will donate all of it to Shaoxiang City, Jingnan Province, and it will be used for the construction of five rural libraries."


In one sentence, everyone was stunned.

And taking advantage of this confusion, Chen Yuan made a fool of the whole world, and completely removed himself from being a "clown". Chen Yuan, who was completely dismissive of this kind of bad traffic money, smiled and gestured. Silas clicked: "I have withdrawn from the Internet. See you in the college entrance examination."


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