My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 527: Applying for the exam because of Chen Yuan? He Hongtao's shock


Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Then, his face soon...


Can't blush.

Chen Yuan tried his best to control his blushing temperature, so that he didn't look so angry.

Then, looking at this boy who was still smiling and very polite, he said: "Drink Coke...Why are you holding it in your hands?"


Gu Chuan agreed immediately, then pulled the pull ring and started drinking the little sperm-killing water.

At this time, Chen Yuan also tried to understand that sentence...

But no matter what, he couldn't understand it.

You came to this school because of me?

Is it equivalent to Su Yuzi's senior sister to Bai Mingze?


Forcefully suppressing his wild thoughts, Chen Yuan brought the topic back and asked, "What do you mean?" Seeing that Chen Yuan was a little puzzled, Gu Chuan quickly explained, "After the high school entrance examination, the admissions offices of No. 4 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School called me and asked me to apply for them. Personally, I prefer No. 1 Middle School because the school atmosphere is a little more relaxed, but before that, I know some of the deeds of the seniors. I thought that since you can stay in such a school without affecting your academic progress, then No. 11 Middle School might also be a good choice." "Just because of this?" Chen Yuan felt a little hasty. According to him, it was as if he didn't want to go to that kind of college entrance examination factory and wanted to have an open school atmosphere. After comparing, No. 11 Middle School is more open. No. 11 Middle School, you are really undisciplined. "Well..." Putting down the Coke in his hand, Gu Chuan hesitated for a while and said, "When I was threatened by those gangsters, I backed off. So every time I think of this matter... I feel a little embarrassed, and every time I review it, I feel that I am too weak." At this point, Gu Chuan seemed particularly resentful. If it's because of this... it's not that serious, right?

But if Luo Fan is replaced by a woman, when she was bullied, Gu Chuan didn't stand up, and he regretted it afterwards, it's understandable.

Fight for love.

But he is a man...

Why can't a man stand up for love?

Ji Shuai is born with the ability to love!

"I heard about what the senior did when he faced this kind of incident, and another person went straight to those gangsters, and I felt it was so cool."

When he said this, Gu Chuan showed a face of admiration, and said with great yearning: "If possible, I also want to be as handsome as the senior."

"No, no, you are suitable for the cream style."


"I mean..."

Since the other party said so, Chen Yuan also encouraged as a senior: "This is a good choice, No. 11 Middle School is really not worse than those schools. If it is you, even if you are in this school, it will not affect your grades."

To be honest, Chen Yuan agreed with Gu Chuan's reason.

Since you can also do well in No. 11 Middle School, why not choose a school that makes you happy?

Moreover, there is a man I am interested in in this school.

It is indeed a double happiness.

"Some time ago, I saw that my senior donated money to the countryside online, and I was really moved."

Talking about this, Gu Chuan really felt it was wonderful: "Then, I became more certain of the correctness of my choice. I also wanted to get in touch with my senior as a person."

"...Have you always been so straightforward?"

"Ah? Is that true?"

"Yes, a little."

"This may be because I stayed abroad in elementary school... But what I said was all true and sincere." Gu Chuan said.

It was indeed too true and sincere.

He said what he wanted to express in his heart openly, and it made people feel several times stronger.

Another ninja who said what he wanted to say directly.

"Thank you, thank you."

He said so, and Chen Yuan could only express his feelings in a slightly friendly way.

The two of them fell into a brief silence.

Damn, I am such a good chatterbox, but you made me speechless!

"By the way, what are you doing in school today?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

"It's a meeting of students who signed contracts for the high school entrance examination." Gu Chuan said.

"What do you mean by students who signed contracts for the high school entrance examination?"

Chen Yuan felt that this term was unfamiliar.

"Oh, it's this senior."

So, Gu Chuan explained to Chen Yuan: "Before the high school entrance examination, some students with relatively good grades will have schools looking for them to sign an agreement. It's similar to recommendation. No matter what the score is in the high school entrance examination, you can directly enter the school... Hey, senior, don't you know?"

"You are pretending here, right?" Chen Yuan said half annoyed.

If I knew, I would ask you?

"No, no." Gu Chuan waved his hand and explained, "I'm not pretending. I saw that the senior's grades were so good, and I thought that the senior also signed a contract to enter the 11th Middle School."

"I'm not from here, I got in through connections."

"Do you need connections to get in even if your grades are so good?"

"Is it possible that my grades were not good before?"

"..." Gu Chuan suddenly realized, "I thought that although the senior made rapid progress, he would not be less than 630."

This guy is a bit naive.

"Then are you a contract student?" Chen Yuan asked.

"No, I was admitted directly." Gu Chuan explained, "Today was supposed to be a meeting for contract students. It should be related to class division and major selection. I don't know why I was also called."

Isn't this simple?

Because of your bad grades, the 11th Middle School didn't even think of recruiting you, and then you directly applied for the 11th Middle School. They must treat you like a father, right?

The top four draft picks in the city, the 11th Middle School has never seen such a monster since its establishment.

Pure pie in the sky.

Lao Tao's luck is not ordinary.

God is chasing after him to reward his career.

"So what did he talk to you about in the meeting?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

"Well..." Gu Chuan thought for a while and said, "It's probably telling us that we can go directly to Class 1, or we can choose a dormitory with four people in advance, and then let us choose science when we are divided into classes, not liberal arts..."

"Ah, there is this persuasion session every year."

Because the 11th Middle School emphasizes science over liberal arts, every time when choosing between science and liberal arts, students will be asked to choose science, and even if there are too many people who choose liberal arts, some people will be assigned to science according to the test scores as a warning.

Of course, it can also be said that liberal arts are still very important - if the grades are not good, you are not worthy of studying liberal arts.

Among the famous schools in Xiahai, the only one that truly achieves a balance between arts and sciences, or is also famous for its arts, is No. 1 Middle School, which ranks first in the province in terms of faculty strength.

This is the leeway of the old nobles.

"So are you guys done with the meeting? Are you touring the school?" Chen Yuan asked.

"Now they are choosing a school building. Since I don't have any requirements for the dormitory, I didn't follow them and slipped out on the pretext of going to the toilet." Gu Chuan said.

"Is that so."

Since he came to find me and regarded me as someone he admired, Chen Yuan was much more pleasing to this kid Gu Chuan.

Just then, a phone call came in.

After Gu Chuan looked at the unfamiliar number, he said to Chen Yuan: "Sorry, I'll take a call first."

"Yes." Chen Yuan smiled.

Then, Gu Chuan answered the phone: "Hello."

"Is that Gu Chuan?"

A familiar voice came from the other end.

Oh, isn't this He Bao?

"I am, who are you?" Gu Chuan asked.

"Ah, I'm the principal."

"Hello, principal, are you looking for me... I'll be right over." Gu Chuan realized that he had been absent for a long time, so he said immediately.

"No, it's okay, it's all over now, the students have all gone back, are you still visiting?" He Hongtao asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm..." Gu Chuan paused for a while and saw Chen Yuan. Seeing that Chen Yuan was very casual, he said, "I'm here in senior Chen Yuan's dormitory."

"Huh? Chen Yuan?"

When He Hongtao heard this name, he was stunned.

Because Gu Chuan and Chen Yuan were connected together, this matter really confused him.

What's going on?

"Yes, I'm here with the senior. I talked to him for a while. Do you have anything to do? I can come right over now." Gu Chuan said.

"It's okay, you can chat." He Hongtao responded with a smile.

After talking for a while, he hung up the phone.

At this moment, He Hongtao suddenly realized something.

Eleventh Middle School is a school that is determined to make progress. The admissions office is very active every year and recruits people everywhere.

This year, a lot of good students were recruited.

In order to form the strongest class.

These people are very good players in the whole district.

Ranked within 100.

The strongest one ranked 48th in the city during the high school entrance examination.

This ranking is also in the upper middle of the top classes of No. 1 Middle School and No. 4 Middle School.

As a weak school, it is already quite good to have such student resources.

This is also why No. 4 Middle School can brag about itself.

Under the premise that the source of students is obviously not as good as No. 1 Middle School, it can actually hand in a similar answer sheet.

But what shocked He Hongtao was that in the ranking of entering the school, there was a dazzling No. 4 in the city!

Eleventh Middle School has never had such a great student.

Moreover, it was not recruited.

The seedling that Secretary Han recruited back then was because he had a falling out with No. 4 Middle School, so he had the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity.

But this No. 4, it was really inexplicable...

How inexplicable?

Just like there was an extra three million in his account for no apparent reason.

Of course, He Hongtao was only horrified by the extra money in his account.

But the arrival of such a student in the school was a surprise to him.

He originally thought that his luck had come and he was going to be rich.

A suddenly rising Chen Yuan and an inexplicably applying for the 11th Middle School Gu Chuan made the 11th Middle School completely join the ranks of famous schools in his hands.

But the phone call just now made him realize one thing - damn, it's related to Chen Yuan again!

With this idea, he went to the teacher's dormitory.

After going upstairs, some teachers took the initiative to greet him, and he responded with a smile.

Then, he knocked on the door of Chen Yuan's dormitory.

"It's okay, sit down, it should be my eldest son who is back."

Then, the voices of Chen Yuan and Gu Chuan talking came from inside...

With his head down, He Hongtao was thinking of a way to make the door opening later less embarrassing.

Until Chen Yuan opened the door, he smiled and hesitated to say: "Hello, teacher, please come in."

Damn, I almost started a "thief"!

I didn't expect it was Xiao He who came.

"Let me take a look." He Hongtao smiled and walked into the dormitory.

Seeing this, Gu Chuan immediately stood up: "Hello, principal."

"Just call me teacher, there are teachers in the school." He Hongtao said in a friendly manner.

"Hello, teacher." Gu Chuan also changed quickly.

"Okay, you guys sit down and talk."

He Hongtao saw that Gu Chuan was a little reserved, so he fully showed his "kindness" to the students.

Of course, he wasn't always nice.

Before meeting Chen Yuan, he was at best 'somewhat kind'.

Now he is as amiable as an octogenarian.

"Have you known each other before?"

He Hongtao asked.

"I know the senior, but the senior doesn't know me." Gu Chuan replied.

Chen Yuan also explained: "A friend of mine went to the same school as him, and they talked about me."

In order to appear closer, Chen Yuan also commented on ‘knowledge’.

It's not like I met them online, but they have mutual friends.

"That's right." He Hongtao nodded understandingly, then looked at Gu Chuan and asked the question that made him suspicious, "Then why did Gu Chuan enroll in our eleventh high school?"

"Ah, yes." Gu Chuan said generously, "It's also to meet the senior."

"Also, he also likes No. 11 Middle School." Chen Yuan reminded.

"Ah, yes, that's right."

This detail made Gu Chuan realize Chen Yuan's high emotional intelligence.

But I am no longer good at this.

"You won't regret your choice to come to No. 11 Middle School." He Hongtao said.

From this point of view, he came to No. 11 Middle School entirely because of Chen Yuan.

Otherwise, it would be ranked 4th in the city, so why should we come to a school that is not ranked among the top five in the city?

I didn't expect that the Chen Yuan effect would be so useful.

With Chen Yuan, the school's development has been doubled, and one year is worth ten years.

"Um, Gu Chuan. Why don't you go check out the dormitory?" He Hongtao reminded, "It will still be quite hot when school starts. Now you can try the air conditioner or something."

"Well, no need." Gu Chuan said casually, "For me, anything is fine."

This brat doesn't know how to use any of his privileges.

Can't you learn from me and gather all the wool that can be harvested in the eleventh grade?

"What about the teachers' dormitory? There will be some available when the academy starts."

He Hongtao knows that there are some things that can do big things with a small amount of money.

Besides, I can treat these top students well without spending any money.

Even if the other person's desire to study harder only accounts for 1% of his subjective emotion because he 'wants to repay the favor', it's not a loss.

"Well...I really don't have any requirements for the dormitory."

But Gu Chuan still had no idea.

"After school starts, a senior will go to the training camp." After talking about this, Chen Yuan took the initiative to mention, "Would you like to be in our dormitory..."

Before Chen Yuan could finish speaking, Gu Chuandang showed such joy that He Hongtao felt a little confused: "Is it really possible?!"

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