My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 543 Save He Hongtao Again

After making this call, Chen Yuan felt He Hongtao's current mood.

He was a little too excited.

But fortunately, he was the only one who knew his results.

Chen Yuan meant that, except for his classmates.

As long as it was not spread to other schools, he would not panic.

At this time, Chen Yuan discovered some of his noble qualities - not vain.

If someone else got this score, they would probably want to let many people know, after all, it was really awesome.

Of course, Chen Yuan was mainly guilty.

If Shi Yi and others knew about this, they would definitely be stressed out.

What? You are still making progress? !

No, I have to work harder, there are monsters in the eleventh grade!

If my results inspire them, it would be a pure side effect.

It can be said that Lao Ting is doing me a disservice.

Forget it, I can't say that about her.

After all, she just disappeared.

But what Chen Yuan needs to pay attention to is that he seems to have really encountered a bottleneck.

This time, everyone's average score should have improved.

Apart from the Chinese language that Lao Ting wrote for him, he only improved by two points in the rest of the subjects.

Everyone improved, but he only improved by two points.

Doesn't that mean he is standing still?

For two whole months, his progress...

is zero.

Damn, Shi Yi is so cruel.

He can't be as ambitious as Hong Tao. He should realize that without the blessing of his martial soul, there is still a big gap between him and Shi Yi.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan did gain something from Zhu Tingting's teaching for more than ten classes before she left.

Then, let's gradually shorten this distance.

While he was still reviewing the test paper, He Hongtao sent another message.

He Hongtao: Xuanxuan's coming-of-age ceremony invited you all, you must come at that time

Chen Yuan: Yes, we will all go

This wave is considered Taozi's in-laws.

He Hongtao: I have actually thought of a gift for her, but I don’t know if it suits her. If you guys are chatting, please help me find out a little bit, but don’t say it was me who asked.

“…” Looking at this long string of text, Chen Yuan sighed at the stubbornness of middle-aged men.

If you have thought of a gift, why would you ask a kid like me?

He Hongtao is just being stubborn.

If you can’t think of it, then don’t think of it. Just do whatever you don’t know. He even said: I have thought of a gift, but I don’t know what she likes.

If I have a daughter with Xinyu in the future, I must be a qualified father that my daughter will adore to death.

If it doesn’t work, then listen to the voice of the heart critically.

Chen Yuan: Okay, I’ll see if I can get a few girls to talk, and try not to expose the teacher

In this way, Chen Yuan responded to He Hongtao.

Then, think about how to implement this matter...

So, he thought of it.

Instead of asking such things, it’s better to just peek!

So, Chen Yuan went to the bedroom, lay on the bed, and said to the other roommates who were browsing their phones on the bed: "I'm a little sleepy, take a nap."

"Okay, you sleep." Zhou Yu said.

Everyone had agreed that when they were in the dormitory bedroom, they would wear headphones unless they were playing games together to avoid being disturbed.

In this way, Chen Yuan lay on the bed. In order not to look too much like a corpse, he lifted the quilt up, and then leaned against the wall.

Then, the soul left the body!

Then, it floated out like this.

Just before leaving, he saw Zhou Yu's mouth curled up a smile, and he was happy here by himself. I don't know what he was doing?

Hiding in the dormitory to watch reeds?

So, he went straight over and saw a pair of white and slightly fleshy beautiful legs, right on the screen.

Good guy, you still look at beautiful thighs when you have Jiaozi?


Chen Yuan observed and criticized at the same time.

At this moment, Zhou Yu exited the photo.

Then, the contact on the opposite side was revealed.

Jiaojiao baby.

Shit, it's Jiaozi's legs!

Zhou Yu: Slurp, slurp! I licked them all!

Why are you so silly, Yuzi? Are you sure Sister Jiao won't think you're a silly little monkey when you chat like this?

Jiaojiao baby: Then come on [stretch out]

"..." This almost made Chen Yuan's soul famous.

Damn, it's Wen Ai!

The king of Wen Ai!

Forget it, slip away.

I didn't expect Jiaoyu to play so big in private.

But it's true that during the period of ambiguity, even a girl like Wutang teacher who is a little bit pure will send Tang Jian a photo of her legs.

So, what's the ice girl?

It's just to see if you want to spend time on boys.

Guys, remember, it's a basic item for girls to send leg photos, not a bonus item.

Bonus item?

Big thunder.

Next, the two of them probably talked about some sexy topics again, and Zhou Yu smiled more and more realistically.

Why do I feel that Jiaoyu has surpassed him...

These two people made rapid progress at the beginning.

Forget it, the more I think about it, the more heartbroken I feel.

Of course, I am not heartbroken because of Jiao, but I feel sorry that the night was not smooth for me. Don't mess with that cow!

Just like that, Chen Yuan floated out of No. 11 Middle School.

Then, he went to No. 4 Middle School.

At this time, No. 4 Middle School was still in evening self-study.

Before they replied to me, it should be during the break before the last evening self-study class, when they could take a short break.

At this time, playing with mobile phones in class is basically not easy to be discovered, because most teachers have already left work, and only the teachers on duty for the evening self-study class are left.

In this way, I slipped into Class 1.

Chen Yuan easily found He Xuan in the classroom.

And Shi Yi.

Go to see what Shi Yi is doing.

After he walked over, he saw Shi Yi doing questions.

It was the national math test.

It seems that even a god has to adapt to the version.

From this point of view, Shi Yi's speed of writing questions does not seem to be fast, and there is no feeling of "writing quickly".

But he can always finish the questions no matter how difficult they are, and leave a certain amount of time for checking.

Oh, he is skipping steps.

Moreover, he still uses university formulas.

As a contestant, this is very common.

Because in the Mathematical Olympiad Knowledge Competition, you can use knowledge points beyond the syllabus, such as some formulas and theorems that may need to be proved in high school, but can be skipped directly in college.

This is also involved in the second test of the Mathematical Olympiad.

Chen Yuan just watched Shi Yi solve these multiple-choice questions very easily, slowly and calmly.

And the time he spent, in total, was indeed less than his own!


Because for him, the ideas of difficult questions and simple questions are the same, and he can determine the "true" at a glance. The reason why he seems slow is probably just to avoid reading wrong and choosing wrong, saving some time for checking.

In Chen Yuan's opinion, Shi Yi does not need to check time at all.

The score was easily won, with basically zero mistakes.

Damn, the most oppressive villain.

In some anime, the audience will worry whether he will beat the protagonist to death.

The most frightening episode.

I won't watch it anymore.

Just like that, Chen Yuan still floated to He Xuan's side.

At this time, she was also doing questions.

But she was writing biology.

Moreover, it was obvious that she was a little absent-minded.

What's going on? My birthday is coming soon, and my heart is starting to drift?

Humph, not stable enough.

But the soul can't listen to the voice of the heart, what should I do?

Do I really have to ask directly on WeChat: What do you want from Dad? Say it.

Not appropriate.

Then, let's wait for her to finish class. It will be her coming-of-age ceremony in two days.

In this way, Chen Yuan waited quietly by the side, and like an invigilator, he wandered around to understand the strength of this class.

Then he unexpectedly discovered that although it was as strong as the strongest class 1 of No. 4 Middle School, it didn't seem to be as invincible as imagined.

Or, not all of them were as god-like as Shi Yi.

Except Shi Yi, all the rest didn't seem to have such an exaggerated level as him.

It seems that I have indeed become stronger.

I am no longer an ordinary self.

Okay, you and I are the only heroes in the world.

The bell rang like this.

Everyone got up and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

He Xuan also took the initiative to walk to Shi Yi's side and said, "It seems that everyone will be here."

"Well, after all, everyone has a holiday." Shi Yi said.

"What about the other person?" He Xuan asked jokingly with a smile on her lips.

"...She hasn't replied to me yet, but she will come." Shi Yi promised shyly.

"Hehe, that's good."

Just like that, after waving to Shi Yi, He Xuan went back to the dormitory with her friends.

"Speaking of your coming-of-age ceremony, did you get any amazing gifts?" The girl next to him asked curiously, "The term 'coming-of-age ceremony' is already exaggerated, and the coming-of-age gift must be even more amazing."

"...It's just a birthday." He Xuan responded.

"My birthday is just eating cake at home, who has an coming-of-age ceremony, young lady." The girl asked in a begging manner, "Let me take a peek into the upper class, please."

"Hey, we are all gay, don't say that." He Xuan reminded righteously.

After all, his father is a state official.

"Then what kind of coming-of-age gifts will gays like you who have coming-of-age ceremonies receive?" The friend asked again.

"Well... usually some jewelry, watches. Or maybe a car, etc., and it will become her own after she gets a driver's license..."

"Ah, when will my birthday gift be a car?" The friend was full of fantasy.

"That's not me..."

"But if your father gave you a car, would you be happy?" the friend asked, "The recently released Xiaomi car that is sun-proof and has many colors."

"Actually, it's okay, but for me..." He Xuan shook her head and said negatively, "It may not be too surprising, and it's a bit exaggerated."

"Then what kind of gift is thoughtful and satisfying?"

Good question.

I didn't expect to talk about this topic.

But it's also expected.

After all, everyone will make associations and have curiosity. Since there is a coming-of-age ceremony, isn't it normal to have some very expensive gifts?

After being asked this question, He Xuan, who was already looking forward to her father's gift, smiled and said, "I like surprises. It's better not to ask me and give it directly, otherwise it feels a little bit lacking in flavor."

"Then your father didn't ask you?"

"No, and he looks very confident, so he should be ready." He Xuan has full trust in He Hongtao.

Good guy, if she knew that his father was not only unprepared, but even almost forgot when he just started thinking about it, and if her mother hadn't reminded him, then the father-daughter relationship would collapse.

"What do you want?" asked the girl next to her.

"I like it to be beautiful and good-looking, preferably a little flashy, and more suitable for my dress that day..."

He Xuan expressed a princess's simple but somewhat expensive wish.

"Bracelet, ring, necklace?" asked the girl next to her.

"It's all right, I like them all." After He Xuan finished speaking, she shrugged slightly, "But it should be difficult for Dad to think of this aspect..."

Just like that, the two walked away.

And Chen Yuan also roughly understood the princess's idea.

OK, just help Taozi, a daughter slave at the department level.


Sitting on the sofa, He Hongtao had a headache and kept holding his forehead.

Send Su 7?

But if I go to pick up the car now, if it is a specific color, I still need to wait. The coming-of-age ceremony will be in a few days, so there is no rush...

Give her a digital product?

She seems to be more interested in photography. Buy her a SLR?

I don't know anything about this.

But it's OK.

Or give her some jewelry...

But this is a bit flashy.

Then give her a gold bracelet, which is value-preserving and sincere (costly).

Just when he was thinking this, Chen Yuan sent a message.

Chen Yuan: Teacher, I thought about it. No matter how I ask her questions, she should be able to detect it, and then the surprise of the gift will be discounted.

Chen Yuan: I think it's better to come up with an original idea.

Of course I know that originality is better.

But I can't do it!

But he is right.

No matter how I ask her questions, as long as I give her a gift according to her ideas, she will know that it is not what I thought.

And now it's almost the day of the coming-of-age ceremony, and I'm just starting to ask questions...

It's obviously a bit hasty, and she can guess that I even forgot the gift these days.

He Hongtao: That's right

Forget it, let's think about it ourselves, what's the use of bothering students

Just when he gave up asking the children for compensation, Chen Yuan sent a message

Chen Yuan: But, based on my previous interactions with classmate He Xuan, I have a little understanding of her personality, and I think she might like some beautiful, sparkling things

"..." He Hongtao fell into deep thought.

Is there?

He Hongtao: What are those things?

Chen Yuan: Rings, bracelets, necklaces (non-gold)

He actually provided a plan directly, and it was very specific.

But, is it really better than what I thought?

In terms of price, it is not as good as Su 7, in terms of practicality, it is not as good as SLR, and in terms of value preservation, it is not as good as gold.

For Chen Yuan's plan, his evaluation is-not as good as his own.

But Chen Yuan is such a smart kid, can he be right?

He Hongtao: Will she like these things?

He Hongtao was very hesitant.

But Chen Yuan was especially sure.

Chen Yuan: I guarantee she will like them.

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