My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 556 Results announced, finally on the same level as Shi Yi

"What's wrong with Shi Yi? You look so happy?"

"Yes, have you encountered anything good? Brother Yi?"

"Breaking the score record again?"

When they arrived at the classroom, several classmates asked Shi Yi curiously.

"Ah? Do I have one?" Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, then said with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"It must be true." A boy next to him put his hand on his shoulder and said jokingly, "It's like the girl you like saying hello to you, your face is full of pride."

"Shi Yi has been in a relationship with his beautiful sister for a long time, and he still has his 'girlfriend he likes' here."

"A metaphor, I'm just a metaphor."

"So it looks like the score has exceeded the record again?"

"I don't know the score yet." Shi Yi responded with a smile and then explained, "Maybe it's because the comics I read yesterday were very good..."

"What comic did you read that made you laugh so hard?"

"I-I have to hand in my homework."

Facing the questioning of his classmates, Shi Yi could only use his homework to escape and returned to his position.

Then, hand over the assigned math homework to the front.

Then, I took out my English book and memorized the words.

But what he was thinking about at this moment had nothing to do with studying...

The beating of my heart never stopped.

No, if your heart doesn't move, you'll die.

Even if I hear my heart, I can't keep my heart still...

This was the first time Shi Yi was so nervous and looking forward to it.

At the same time, there is still some fear.

After all, it's the first time...

In this way, as agreed, the two of them arrived at the park where they often walked in the evening.

Then we met at the door.


Wearing a khaki long coat and a red scarf, looking at Wu Wenxin, who was quite ladylike and mature, he waved his hand to Shi Yi and smiled sweetly.

"Your body..." Shi Yi suppressed some awkwardness in his heart and actively praised, "It's very beautiful."

"Really? Wear whatever you want, hehe."

"That's it..."

After Shi Yi approached her, he realized that the other party was not casual at all. Because the body is exuding a good-smelling scented water, which is not pungent at all, rather soft, and smells quite good...

She is obviously a high school student, but she is really very particular.

"Then let's walk for a while."

Wu Wenxin tilted his head slightly and said with a smile.

Then, he reached out his hand proactively.

Shi Yi also stretched out his hand and held it with the other party.

Then, the two of them walked on the trail in the park and talked...

"The weather is very good today." Shi Yi said.

"Ang, yes."

"Is this exam difficult?"

"It feels a bit awkward, but I performed well this time."

"Oh, that……"

"Shi Yi." Just when Shi Yi was still looking for a topic, Wu Wenxin suddenly stopped, turned his head, looked at him, and whispered, "Now... there is no one left."

At this time, the two of them were in a woods.

However, there are some spotlights at the feet, so it is not too dim.

A slight cold breeze blew their hair.

Standing stiffly on the spot, Shi Yi looked at Wu Wenxin's crystal soft lips, and suddenly even breathing became a little unsmooth...

At this moment, her face was slightly rosy and she looked so cute.

It’s as if he’s telling himself: It’s edible, it’s delicious, do you want to try it?

"I want to taste it."

Faced with this temptation, Shi Yi couldn't help blurting out.

"Ah?" I was stunned for a moment and didn't react.

"Oh, that's not what I meant..." Shi Yi's face turned red with embarrassment.

It’s over, I’ve spoken out the theater in my head.

"Then try will be delicious."

After a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Wu Wenxin opened his lips slightly, raised his head, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, her lips were as tempting as a peach.

It also exudes a sweet fragrance.

Therefore, Shi Yi also slowly lowered his head and brought his lips close to it...

Life is not like a movie, there are no naughty children to interrupt, no acquaintances to bump into, this kind of softness that is within reach, and no one will give up.

He kissed me.

Then, began to taste gently...

The two people's hands also hugged each other.

After some negotiation, the two let go briefly, looking at each other with shame in their eyes.

At this moment, the girl continued to seduce the boy with her absolute charm and said: "Come again."

It's a haunting feeling.

After Shi Yi goes back, he will experience this period again even when he dreams at night.

It's really wonderful.

A girl is such a wonderful thing.

When two people talk about this kind of thing on QQ, the feeling is quite interesting and quite emotional.

All kinds of behaviors during the first love period are really too valuable.

The first experience in life is really fascinating.

But this is only the third year of high school, and Wu Wenxin has reached this stage... Wouldn't it be bad?

Well, I can't keep thinking about this.

I still have to fight Chen Yuan.

In the summer after you win him, let's have a good relationship with Wu Wenxin...

Thinking of this kind of thing, Shi Yi was full of energy.

The ultimate freedom of mind!

At this time, the head teacher also came in with the report card and math test paper.

Standing on the podium, his expression was quite natural and without any disturbance.

Looking at it this way, everyone should have done well in the exam.

Otherwise, he would not be in this mood.

"This time we performed so-so. Four of the top ten in the city were in our class."

First of all, it was such a wave of Versailles that made the students below booed.

Then, he started again and said rather arrogantly: "But the gap in high scores is still very big. There is more than ten points between first and second."

"As expected of Shi Yishen."

"Damn Brother Yi."

"There must be 725+, right?"

Everyone is guessing and marveling.

"Shi Yi, 724."

As soon as this result came out, although some people were still a little surprised, it was completely expected after all, so they behaved relatively calmly.

"Second place Ke Jiayuan, 712, his performance is becoming more and more stable, which is good." The teacher said this, and then added, "These are the only two students in our school who have 710 and above, and there are only six in the city."

"What about Chen Yuan?"

A student asked below.

And this question is also the voice of everyone.

Because Genichi's competition represents Xia Hai's highest level.

Even if you can't get in, it's still interesting to watch.

"You are all interested in him."

After the class teacher smiled, he took out a table of the whole city and said: "Of course, he has lived up to your expectations. This time he ranked second, and..."

Chen Yuan is still thinking about it.

Although Xinyu had tutored me once before.

But unlike the step-by-step guidance, this time the feeling is relatively novel...

All I can say is that Yuzi is more or less charming.

Of course, it's okay for her to be charming to her man.

The wife is the guide for the husband, as it should be.

But Chen Yuan is still very ashamed. After all, he is a relatively slow-moving type. Unlike other people, he attacks very quickly and disarms himself in a few rounds. Chen Yuan took a long time to recover...

At the back, Yuzi looked a little tired and his feet were obviously numb.

It's really not a good idea to just pay unilaterally like this.

Let’s wait until summer vacation.

Let her relax a little when the time comes.

I took the initiative to take her to practice!

"Fuck, Don!"

Just when the morning self-study was about to begin, there was such a noise in the class.

Many boys blocked the door directly, wanting to rush that person straight away.

"Tang Jian is back?" Zhou Fu was also surprised.

"I heard that the joint entrance examination results are out." Chen Yuan said.

In fact, their training camp had ended long ago, but because the results had not come out yet, he did not return to school early, but was engaged in one-on-one tutoring.

According to him, if you get a G in the joint entrance exam, why would you come back? It would be so embarrassing.

And looking at him like this, he must have done well in the exam?

"Huh? Where is my position? I will be gone for half a year and my home will be gone?"

Seeing that there was no seat left for him in the class, Tang Jian lost his guard.

"Come, sit on brother's lap." Liu Yan patted his thigh.

Tang Jian was not polite and sat on it directly.

"Why are you so light, you don't have any flesh at all?" Liu Yan mocked.

"Brother, you are quite meaty, but it's so prickly... I won't sit down anymore."

"Zha? What do you mean?"

"You are said to be as thin as a needle."

"Fuck, you kid is still so abstract!"

After Tang Jian came back, he was still the same funny person, without any change.

It seems that people do not become more temperamental after learning music.

Temperament is something you have, but if you don't have it, you can't force it.

"Old Mo is here, Lao Mo is here."

"What should I do if I'm here? I don't have a place."

Tang Jian had no choice but to stand in the aisle, a little further back.

So, he was next to Chen Yuan.

"How was the art exam?" Chen Yuan asked.

"Hey, just so-so." Tang Jian said.

"You're still so-so. If you can do it, you can do it. If you don't, you can't do it."

Chen Yuan felt that this kid was trying to show off, so he was very wary.

We cannot take historical detours.

In the past, every time he got good grades, Zhou Yu and He Sijiao would mock him and pave the way for him.

A very typical villain who was slapped in the face.

"Hey, why are you lying to me? How long have I been studying?" Tang Jian sighed and said helplessly.

Seeing his reaction, Chen Yuan had no reason to doubt him. After all, what he said was reasonable, so he comforted him: "It's okay. Just get more cultural points."

At this time, Lao Mo said: "Tang Jian went back to school today. He just finished his training and art exam. Although he only studied for half a year, he still got 12th place in the province."


For a moment, the whole class was excited.

And Chen Yuan's hand on Tang Jian's shoulder, after shaking for a while, decisively turned into the Nine Yin White Bone Claw!

"You kid, fuck me!"

I have always been the only one who nourishes others, so how can anyone nourish me? !


"Ah, this." Tang Jianze looked surprised, "How could this happen?" He looked very sword-like.

"What a sword, Tang Jian." He Sijiao said.

"Indeed." Chen Yuan nodded.

"Chen Yuan doesn't even have your sword."

"That's true... Hey, just say him, why should I cue you?" Chen Yuan said unconvinced.

"So how did you do in the exam this time?" Zhou Fu asked at the side.

"Hey, just so-so..."

He Sijiao interrupted directly: "When you are born, you two are the same!"

"It's okay, just follow me." Tang Jian comforted Chen Yuan and said.

"The most anti-Tiangang episode."

"And in the past six months, Tang Jian has not given up. He has been learning culture while training." Lao Mo said, "Even with such high-intensity training, his current score is still 520 points."

"Ohhhh! Awesome bro!"

"Isn't this too silly?"

"This score can reach 985, right?"

"Awesome, I didn't expect the third 985 in our class to be Brother Tang Jian."

"Hey, don't bully the young man into being poor."

Everyone was surprised, because basically no one could separate the culture during the training camp.

And most people will lose a lot.

But Tang Jian actually stabilized his performance at the previous level.

At the same time, he ranked 12th in the province in the Music Entrance Examination.

Such results might be even better than Tang Siwen's school.

Lao Mo was also surprised.

It's a bit incredible that the scores are stable.

What’s even more outrageous is that a person who I only started pursuing in the second semester of high school ranked 12th in the province in the music entrance examination...

Now, I have contributed another 985 to the school.

"Come up and share your experience."

Lao Mo said to Tang Jian.

"Huh?" Tang Jian felt a little embarrassed.

"Come up quickly." Lao Mo urged.

"Don't lose your place." Chen Yuan encouraged.

"We have escaped from swords and guns." Zhou Yu also echoed from the side, "Be energetic, good job."


Just like that, this funny character who made people want to laugh when he looked at him walked to the podium. Faced with everyone's booing, he pursed his lips and felt a little embarrassed, but he still said: "In one sentence, Starlight will live up to his mission." People."


"Damn it, Brother Starlight!"

"Brother Xingguang is awesome!"

Tang Jian's spirit of playing with himself made everyone happy.

Only Lao Mo was kept in the dark.

What's the matter? Isn't this a good point? What are they laughing at?

Don't understand.

"Zhang Chao, go and bring a set of seats with Tang Jian." Lao Mo ordered.

So Chaozi and Tang Jian left the office and went to move tables and chairs.

Then, it’s time for the very classic red and black list.

Of course, this is a session where some people are happy and some are sad, so the atmosphere is quite tense.

"This unified examination is for the whole city, and there is a city-wide ranking. Previously, we stopped taking exams after 10,000, and only a few in our class were ranked. This time it is a little better, with four out of 600. indivual."

After leaving enough suspense, Lao Mo announced: "There is one more Zhou Fu than before, 602."

"It's amazing." He Sijiao couldn't help but praise.

"It depends purely on talent in the exam, right?" Chen Yuan complained.

"There is work to do!"

Zhou Fu said sternly.

"As for the number above 720, there is one."

Just after Lao Mo said this, the whole class was excited again.

Who taught you this pretentious reporting of scores?

Then they all looked at Chen Yuan.

Amid everyone's exclamations, Lao Mo announced: "Chen Yuan 720, second in the city."

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