My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 564 My No. 11 Middle School, Go Go Go

When Xia Xinyu went to the playground, the camera had already been set up...

In fact, Zhang Jianjun did not want to recruit students in this way.

After all, the combat effectiveness of No. 4 Middle School is well-known.

However, this year’s National Day has too much limelight.

In this freshman year of high school, there was a fourth-ranked student in the city who was supposed to go to his own school, but instead went to No. 11 Middle School.

The No. 4 Middle School, which has always been known for its hard power, was a little anxious.

Therefore, we resorted to such a not-so-glorious method.

Originally, it would have been enough to let Shi Yi, who was number one in the school, give the lecture.

But when I thought of using it as one of the materials for a promotional video, Xia Xinyu's previous effect was so good.

There was no way, this was forced by Chen Yuan.

In this case, let's send Chen Yuan's girlfriend to counterattack.

So, this scene happened.

"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

Xia Xinyu, who was standing on the national flag stage, held a microphone in her hand. When she said this classic line of a top student, she did seem to have such a sharp temperament.

With her high ponytail, very clean school uniform, and generous yet reserved temperament, Zhang Jianjun had to admit that Xia Xinyu was indeed the most outstanding student in his school.

Such a model of a good student, although she took a few detours and fell in love prematurely, but puppy love aside, she is still worth promoting.

Her rate of progress has exceeded that of many, many others.

Maybe there will really be an extra grapefruit this year because of her.

And if she could become Yuzi, it would mean that she was among the top 40 in the school.

No matter what kind of method it becomes Yuzu... As long as the result is good, that's fine.

Xia Xinyu didn't know why she was chosen.

If it was really because, as Qian Duoer and the others said, the school needed a good-looking person to shoot a promotional video, she felt that girls like herself should still have many choices.

There will be people like her who have good grades.

So, maybe there is some other reason.

And this is the source of my confidence.

It must be because I work very hard, and my attitude and progress in learning are worthy of recognition.

In this case, of course she would be happy to speak as a student representative.

In an alma mater like No. 4 Middle School, during the final day of the college entrance examination, she was proud to be able to make her voice heard.

"My speech is over. I am Xia Xinyu, Class 2, Grade 3, come on!"

Clenching her fists and raising them confidently, Xia Xinyu spoke out her voice without any stage fright, full of youthful vigor.

At the same time, it also received the ‘support’ of all the senior students of No. 4 Middle School.

""come on! ! ""


Standing on the national flag stage, holding a piece of paper and a microphone in his hand, Chen Yuan finally became a student representative.

Although he wanted to ask if there was any suspicion of imperial decree...

But since the organizational decision is his, there is no need for him to push back.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. I believe that I will definitely hand in a satisfactory answer sheet in my eleventh high school. I will be worthy of my parents, my teachers, and myself!"

As Chen Yuan spoke, the students in the audience followed suit.

At this time, He Hongtao, who was below, suddenly noticed something was wrong.

My eleventh high school...

I've read the manuscript. It should be about our No. 11 Middle School, right?

Forget it, after all, I haven’t rehearsed in advance, so it’s normal to make mistakes.

And my eleventh middle school also sounds very friendly.

Although this would make Eleven Middle School look like Chen Yuan’s personal property.

With the last "Come on", Chen Yuan's speech ended.

Then, amid applause, he went down to the students and returned to his class.

"Well done, very energetic."

"No points lost."

"Little Yuanzi, you are worthy of being rolled out of a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire."

The abstract boys in Class 18 are all praising Chen Yuan.

And he was finally able to listen to the leader beeping on the stage as one of the ordinary students.

"Who do you think the student representative of No. 4 Middle School will be elected at this time?" Liu Yan next to Chen Yuan asked.

"It should be Shi Yi." Zhang Chao said.

"The two of them are extremely proud, right?" Tang Jian said.

"Who is more proud of him?" Chen Yuan said arrogantly.

Tang Jian said: "The most anti-Tiangang episode."

"The last hundred days are here, no matter how tiring and painful it is. In the end, these are the only one hundred days left."

Standing on the national flag stage, He Hongtao said: "In the past few years, the first-class rate of our Eleventh Middle School has been rising and getting better year by year. You may have heard the teacher say before that you are the worst students I have ever taught. One term. But, I have something different to say.”

When He Hongtao said this, he paused.

And this time, it directly aroused everyone's curiosity.

This kid really knows how to break a story.

So, what is he going to say?

In the midst of everyone's expectations, He Hongtao clenched his fists and said forcefully: "You are the best class I have ever led!"


Chinese-style education has always been suppressive.

This is why many people have heard that you are the worst class I have ever led.

If this is really the case, how bad will it become with each term?

But He Hongtao is different.

He doesn't suppress or push anyone.

You are my cards. You are the best class.

"Today, I am proud of my alma mater." He Hongtao said.

"Today, I am proud of my alma mater!" All the students followed suit.

"Tomorrow, my alma mater will be proud of me."

"Tomorrow, my alma mater will be proud of me!"

There is no doubt that He Hongtao will lead the way. Just a few short sentences directly got everyone excited.

Of course, this is also his heartfelt words.

This class is the strongest one.

There are no borrowed students to interfere with discipline, there are academic masters like Chen Yuan who are challenging the ceiling, and there are top students like Sun Bai who are rarely seen for several years. In such an environment and atmosphere, why can't this famous school be the 11th Middle School?

After saying this, He Hongtao also ended with a rather "young" famous saying: "Young people, go and create miracles."

Then, there was warm and thunderous applause.

At this moment, a particularly familiar melody suddenly appeared on the radio.

Hearing this, everyone turned back to look at Chen Yuan and Zhou Fu.

"Hey, I didn't do it this time... I'm still here." Chen Yuan raised his hands and saluted, denying that he was causing trouble.

So, everyone knew it.

This time, it was a benefit brought by the school on its own initiative.

"Still, all the flowers bloom."

"Distant, clear love."


"I don't want you to leave~"

"Distance can't separate~"

"Missing turns into the sea..."

In this way, following the rhythm of the radio station, the senior students sang "Flower Sea" together.

All the senior students stood in the corridor, watching the seniors downstairs, and sang along.

Although it was daytime this time, the atmosphere of the chorus of 10,000 people was still quite touching.

After graduation, such moments will never be seen again.

With the end of the chorus, the students on the playground gave themselves thunderous applause this time.

"Senior Chen Yuan, come on!" Luo Fan, a sophomore, didn't mind being treated as a traitor at all at this moment, and shouted loudly to the crowd directly.

This also made others follow suit.

"Come on, seniors!!"

"Come on!"

"Come on, senior Zhou Fu!"

"Come on, senior Haiying! Get into a prestigious school!"

Although it was the seniors in the third year of high school who were taking the exam, it would be their turn one day. So at this time, they were not stingy in shouting, so that when they took the 100-day oath, there would be juniors who could lend them strength, just like the light that was lent to Tiga.

"Hey, I heard my name." As a transfer student, Zhou Fu didn't expect that she still had fans, just like the school beauty Cheng Haiying, and she was very happy all of a sudden.

"Milk powder." Chen Yuan said.

"Respect my fans!" Zhou Fu blushed.

What do you mean my fans are milk powder...

You are still chicken fans!

"Teacher Wutang, come on too." Thinking of Yin Yu in Jingnan, Tang Jian was quietly sending spring to himself.

Although studying and taking exams will not directly determine life.

But at this moment, they all have reasons not to lose in this exam.


No. 1 Middle School, in the auditorium.

Their 100-day oath-taking ceremony is relatively formal, just like their suits and uniforms, full of the aftertaste of the old aristocracy.

And at this time, some well-known alumni will be invited to give speeches.

For example, at this moment, the one who gave a speech to everyone was the director of the Xiahai City Public Security Bureau in a white police uniform.

There are many political celebrities like this who graduated from No. 1 Middle School, but not everyone has the opportunity to speak at this time.

This move is also to encourage the proud No. 1 Middle School students to become better people.

After the senior finished speaking, the principal of No. 1 Middle School, Ji Wenxing, continued: "Next, our two outstanding student representatives, Liu Chengxi and Shen Yating, will go on stage to lead everyone to take the oath of 100 people."


"Awesome, a couple, right?"

"But these two are indeed the first and second in science now, and they deserve it."

"It's a bit of a disdain for the first in liberal arts..."

"The school takes the lead in hyping up the CP, right?"

"That's why No. 1 Middle School is the first."

"There's no need to talk about the cjb in No. 4 Middle School who sells students' souls to the devil."

Amid everyone's applause, the two bright and beautiful student representatives slowly walked onto the stage and walked to the center of the stage.

After shaking hands with the principal, they led all the candidates of No. 1 Middle School to take the sonorous 100-day oath.

Originally, this person should have been Zhou Wusheng.

But with hard work, he became me.

Since he represents No. 1 Middle School, I can't give up too early.

At this moment, Liu Chengxi, perhaps infected by some atmosphere, also became full of fighting spirit.

It was not until Shen Yating patted him on the waist, causing the whole audience to boo, that he realized it was his turn to speak...

He nodded and smiled at Shen Yating.

Then, the two of them also led the 100-day oath-taking ceremony of No. 1 Middle School.

The college entrance examination has officially entered the countdown!

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