My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 574 On the eve of the college entrance examination, Xinyu cried bitterly

After returning home, Chen Yuan has been reading.

But I’m just looking at a small B subject like biology.

In fact, it can't strengthen my memory much, but after all, I have nothing to do. I don't know what to do if I don't read a book.

Xinyu, on the other hand, was working a little hard. At this time, she was still writing math papers.

So Chen Yuan chose not to disturb her.

The two of them were in two rooms, each reviewing.

At this time, a phone call came.

Hey, Su Yuzi.

No, Su Yu is just Su Yu, and Yuzi is just Yuzi. How come it’s Su Yuzi? It’s compared to Han Feizi, Dazai Zi, right?

Chen Yuan answered the phone without thinking much.

"Senior Yu, what's wrong?" Chen Yuan, who was leaning on the chair, asked easily.

"Don't watch Douyin." Su Yu said anxiously.

"..." Chen Yuan paused, and then said, "Senior, please don't look back."

After a pause, he said, "Huh? I looked back and saw nothing. What's wrong?"

"Did I tell you never to look back?"

"But when I look back..."

"Then tell me not to watch Douyin. I can't help but watch it!"

In fact, Chen Yuan could really resist looking at it.

Although he really wanted to know what was being said about him on the Internet, he had already quit the Internet and had no worldly desire for knowledge about what was said online.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I didn't think of this." Su Yu is indeed a student of art, but his brain is really not very good in this area. Only then did he realize how funny his words were.

"Tell me what's wrong." Chen Yuan said comfortingly, "As you know, I have a good mentality and basically no one can get me."

Except for staring at Akali and Zed who he killed.

"It's still the negative impact of the previous incident." Su Yu explained, "Weren't you quite popular for a while, and you slapped so many people in the face, so many people are jealous of you. After all, you said before that you want to You are competing for the No. 1 pick, and many people know that your last score in the joint entrance examination was at the No. 1 pick level, so many people are exposing you on the Internet. Even your examination room, exam number, and current place of residence have been exposed. . It’s just to disturb your state and make you perform abnormally.”

"What kind of sportsmanship does South Korea have?"

Is Chen Yuan really convinced by this group of people? Are they so boring?

"If it doesn't have any impact in reality, try not to read things online. There are also some people who say that your exam number was manipulated by the school, that you have been engaging in privileges, and that you have bullied students, etc., etc. Some so-called black materials..."

"But I really bullied students."

"Huh? Have you ever done this before?"

"I bullied the school bully and asked him to kneel down to me."

"You are really a bit bad...but I know you are definitely not out of bad taste, but others don't know you. Now, many people want you to die...So, you must have a better attitude and don't be affected."

"Thank you, Senior Yuzi, you are so kind."

Think about this kind of thing for yourself. Su Yu is indeed a very good person with a great character.

"Yuzi... is weird." Su Yu didn't pay much attention to this title, and then said with a sigh of relief, "Looking at your state, I'm relieved. If it's okay, you can review it carefully."

"Okay...but wait a moment." After retaining Su Yu, Chen Yuan asked curiously, "Bai Mingze, has he ever looked for you?"

"Occasionally send holiday greetings or something...what's wrong?"

"He has made great progress in his senior year of high school. Shi Yi and I are no match for him. I thought he had the support of his seniors, so that's why he was so aggressive."

"Haha, are you teasing your friends again, right?" Su Yu saw through it immediately and said, "You guys are all kids to me. I can accept whoever takes the first place in the exam. Anyway, I have all taken photos together, so I can accept it." Show it off."

"Then who do you support the most?"

"Since it's in front of you, then it's you."

"...The first half of the sentence can really be omitted."

"Stop engaging in such childish competition and study hard, little brother."

"OKok, thank you anyway."

After Chen Yuan responded very kindly, he hung up the phone.

Then, walk out of the room, go to the balcony, and look downstairs.

However, there are no strange and suspicious people here, ready to interfere with my review state.

It seems that they are just shouting fiercely on the Internet, but they have no ability to take action.


There is no one who has such a real hatred against me that they would not make fun of them.

If someone really made noise downstairs, he would really be a little unable to bear it.

At least, this kind of thing will affect Xinyu.

If that's the case, if necessary, I can only kill him with a thunderbolt.

Go back and read the biology book.

When I was thinking this way, I happened to pass by Xinyu's room.

Just check the ward.

So, he opened the door of Xinyu. Then, I saw her holding her forehead, looking a little troubled.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this, Chen Yuan asked proactively.

"Well..." Xia Xinyu looked back and saw Chen Yuan, smiled and said, "I'm thinking about a somewhat difficult question."

"Do you need my help?" Chen Yuan asked.

"Well... Then come and help me take a look." Xia Xinyu said with a smile.

So, Chen Yuan went to her side, looked at it for a while, and figured it out. Then he took a pen and explained it to her, and she suddenly realized it.

"Is that so... I understand, I didn't react for a while." Xia Xinyu said with a smile.

That's not right.

Such questions should not be difficult for Xinyu.

Although it is a bit difficult, it is not particularly tricky.

Before, the two of them have done a lot of questions of this type.

If she can't do this kind of question, then tomorrow's math test, if it is a little more difficult, there may be problems...

The problem is that math, as her forte, may not be able to stand out.

If Xinyu hadn't been strengthened before, it would actually be acceptable.

However, after adjusting Xinyu's parameters, this kind of question can't be done...

Something is wrong.

Xia Xinyu's state is not right.

"Then I understand, I still need a few questions, I'll tell you later."

Xia Xinyu nodded to Chen Yuan and continued to write questions.

Unconsciously, sweat has already appeared on my forehead...

The hand holding the pen is also a little uncomfortable, and I keep adjusting the posture of holding the pen.

I have done this kind of question before, how can I forget it.

If I can't think of this kind of question, then I will take the college entrance examination...

No, I can write it.

Under normal circumstances, I can write this test paper very well, at least 145 points.

The reason why I chose this set of test papers is to find the feel of the hand and increase a little self-confidence. But why, it is difficult...

Alas! My foundation is still not stable enough. If I study for a few more months, maybe it will be more solid.

But the college entrance examination will be tomorrow...

Frowning, Xia Xinyu shook her head, hoping to adjust her state.

She was anxious.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting on the bed behind her, noticed Xinyu's state.

"Ah, my hair is a little covering my eyes." Perhaps realizing that she was behind, Xia Xinyu immediately made up for her anxious action just now.

It seems that she doesn't want to affect her mood.

But how can I not care about Xinyu.

How could he continue to watch her like this?

After a while, Xia Xinyu finished writing the test paper, and then stretched her body: "OK, done."

"Have you finished writing?" Chen Yuan asked with a smile.


Xia Xinyu stood up and answered Chen Yuan with a smile. Then, she walked in front of him, stretched out her arms, and hugged him: "I can't wait to take the exam."

"Want to fast forward to that time?"

"Yeah, it's really boring to stay at home, let's do something challenging."


Chen Yuan gently stroked Xia Xinyu's back and comforted her with his actions.

"Okay, then I'll look at English words for a while. Or, you sleep on the bed?" Xia Xinyu asked.

"It's okay, I'll go to the room and read a book for a while." Chen Yuan said.

"Yeah, come on."

Xia Xinyu gave a refreshing smile and encouraged Chen Yuan.

Being here seemed to have put some pressure on her. In addition to dealing with anxiety, she didn't want herself to know.

Chen Yuan saw Xia Xinyu's current state, and it was not suitable for him to stay here.

He had to give her some quiet time.

In this way, Chen Yuan left the room.

After he left, Xia Xinyu was slightly relieved.

Then, she sat on the bed, adjusted her deep breath, and calmed herself down.

Without Chen Yuan, she could also show her true state.

After spending a while to calm down, she smiled. Before sitting back in her seat again, she looked at the question again, recalled the idea that Chen Yuan gave her, and nodded: "Yes, if you encounter such a question again, just do it this way."

Re-read this set of test papers.

Sure enough, it's not too difficult.

My skills have not been lost.

"It's okay, it's okay, just don't be nervous."

At this time, her anxiety gradually subsided.

At the same time, she also adjusted her strategy, stopped writing math papers, and looked at some things that didn't require much brainpower.

In this way, the two studied until eight o'clock, then took a shower, chatted for a while, and at nine o'clock, Xia Xinyu suggested going to bed early, so that they would have more energy the next day, so the two went to their respective rooms early, lay on the bed, and went to sleep.

Set the alarm clock to seven o'clock.


Go to sleep.

Xia Xinyu closed her eyes.

Then the process of tomorrow's exam appeared in her mind.

Tomorrow, I will get up, wash, go to the toilet, have a healthy breakfast, take a bus to the examination room, and write the Chinese test naturally...

She is making some plans.

As a result, the brain is very clear.

It should be too early, so there is no sleepiness.

Xia Xinyu took out her mobile phone and glanced at the time. It was 10:12.

It's been an hour.

Go to sleep.

Imagine something else, and you will get tired just thinking about it.

That math problem this afternoon...

Don't think about that.

Just think about the relaxing things of going out to play after the college entrance examination.

However, that math problem kept lingering in my mind.

At this moment, it seemed as if a group of horses were running repeatedly in my mind...

She frowned, not feeling sleepy at all.

She took out her phone, searched for self-hypnosis methods, and followed them...

But she couldn't fall asleep.

Time passed by little by little.

But her mind still didn't feel sleepy at all...

She tapped her temple with her hand, and became irritated. She took out her phone, took a look, and was shocked.


Now, there were less than eight hours of sleep time left.

But she couldn't fall asleep at all.

Even if another hour passed, she still couldn't fall asleep...

It was over.

With only six hours of sleep, she would definitely feel sleepy, her state would definitely be wrong, she would definitely not be able to perform normally, and she would definitely...

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open.

Xia Xinyu was stunned.

"Xinyu, can't you sleep?" Chen Yuan, who was standing at the door, asked.

Because she was sitting and not sleeping, Xia Xinyu smiled and explained: "No, I can sleep, I was woken up by the urge to pee..."

"Then I will sleep with you?"

"No, you should go back to sleep, it's late..."

"Xinyu, are you suffering from insomnia?"

"No." Hearing this, Xia Xinyu was a little anxious. Seeing that Chen Yuan was not sleeping either, she said, "You should go back, go back to your room and sleep..."

Chen Yuan walked in front of Xia Xinyu, looking at this anxious and sweaty Xinyu, he said with some heartache: "I will accompany you..."

"No, you should go back." Xia Xinyu directly pushed Chen Yuan with her hand, and when she touched him, she burst into tears, so she wiped her tears and said in a crying voice, "Oh! Don't worry about me, go to sleep... Go to sleep, don't worry about me, I..."

Bean-sized tears fell.

Xia Xinyu knew that her condition was over, and she also knew that Chen Yuan was also affected by her and would also be over, so she cried more and more sadly: "Please, baby, don't worry about me... Woo, go to sleep quickly, I can fall asleep by myself... I'm sorry... I..."

Gradually, Xia Xinyu was completely speechless and could only sob.

And her hand kept pushing Chen Yuan away.

She knew that she was over, and what she was most afraid of now was that Chen Yuan would fall into the same condition as her for her own sake...

Thinking of this, she burst into tears.

"Xinyu, you can fall asleep."

Suddenly, she heard a very gentle voice that gradually relieved her...

Hypnosis, start.

"Xinyu, you can fall asleep now, enter deep sleep, and sleep for seven and a half hours..."

After using this hypnosis, Xia Xinyu pushed her hand away and gradually became powerless.

The expression on her face gradually softened.

Then, she closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Just like that, Chen Yuan held her in his arms. He took out a wet tissue and wiped the sweat from her forehead bit by bit, and then used a tissue to gently wipe away the tears and tear marks on her face.

Finally, he kissed her forehead gently.

It was really unlucky that this happened before the college entrance examination.

But Chen Yuan knew that what was most tormenting Xinyu was that he saw her like that.

Every time she pushed him away, she was full of apology and anxiety.

It was a deep love.

Fortunately, he did not leave her alone to dissolve herself.

In this way, Chen Yuan princess picked up Xia Xinyu and gently put her on the bed.

Then, he slept next to her, covered her with a quilt, and before going to bed, he gently pinched her smooth, soft, and slightly red face...

"Poor little thing, good night."


Update 8,200 words today, and continue tomorrow!

Brothers, give me some monthly tickets, and win prizes to give away peripherals!

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