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Chapter 576: Perfect performance of language

The top science students compete with each other in terms of Chinese scores.

Although Chinese is the least important subject in practical science, and even worse than English.

But in science exams, Chinese is basically the one that distinguishes the rankings.

Just like in liberal arts, math is always the one that pulls up the scores.

After all, there are too many liberal arts experts in liberal arts.

Unlike the postgraduate entrance examination in politics, there are many people who can get high scores in high school politics. And liberal arts students basically (not all) like history. So, any top student who chooses liberal arts will not pull up in liberal arts, otherwise there is no point in choosing liberal arts.

In other words, the college entrance examination is about the weak points.

Chinese is not an easy subject for most science experts.

The first exam determined the pattern.

The time when my score exploded was because Lao Ting helped me take the test, so my Chinese score exceeded 140.

Similarly, Liu Chengxi became the top student of No. 1 Middle School because his Chinese composition suddenly became clear, so he made great progress.

As for Shi Yi, his Chinese has always been stable and fierce.

Of course, he was able to be surpassed, and there was a little flaw, because his Chinese was not so strong.

If he had obtained the power of Lao Ting, then the finale could be announced directly.

So, here comes the battle to decide the outcome!

After waiting quietly for a long time, the teacher began to hand out the papers.

Now, you can't write when you look at the test paper.

So Chen Yuan went directly to see the ancient poetry dictation.

Generally speaking, this score must be obtained.

It would be a pity to lose such a dead point.

In fact, if you lose points here, it is equivalent to directly losing the game with Shi Yi.

After all, he is the kind of terrible opponent who will be "killed" if he reveals a little flaw.

When Chen Yuan saw these ancient poems dictation, he found that they all knew it.

Yes, these points should be taken away.

Then, go back to the first question and read the popular science article on modern Chinese reading.

Read slowly and grasp the key information. Then, underline some defined content.

This is still a test of logic.

Chen Yuan, aside from his tendency to get stuck in a rut, is still very logical.

He completely understood this popular science article.

His level is OK.

It was over in five minutes.

The bell for the start of the exam rang!


The first thing to do is to put on the barcode and write the name and test number!

After writing it, I checked it by the way.

No problem.

Then, I wrote down the ancient poems that were just scored six points!

17, 1. Sima Qian said in "Report to Ren An" that when he was writing "Records of the Grand Historian", he "…" encountered the disaster of Li Ling, and because he regretted that the book could not be completed, he "…".

Before the draft was completed, he was executed without mercy.

This is not bad, within the range.

17, 2, the question is about Li He's "Li Ping's Introduction to the Konghou", which shows that there is another possibility for the number of strings of the vertical Konghou, which is even simpler.

Directly mark which poem it belongs to. If you can recite it and don't write the wrong words, there will be no problem.

Twelve gates melt cold light, twenty-three threads move the purple emperor.

Yes, that's it.

17, 3. Xiaogang copied a portrait of Zhuge Liang and wanted to write two poems on it, but he couldn't think of it. Teacher Wang thought it might be better to use ancient people's sentences directly, such as...

This is a relatively rare question situation, that is, there is no unique answer.

So the safer way is to directly write a high school must-have ancient poem about it.

A true name for the world after leaving the army, who can be compared with it in a thousand years.

In this way, Chen Yuan spent two minutes to write these poems.

After checking it again, he concluded that there was no problem.

6 points in the college entrance examination were taken first.

Then, he started to write.

Maintaining a high level of tension, Chen Yuan was very focused while writing these questions.

The first modern Chinese reading, several multiple-choice questions, are quite clear, there is no possibility of error, because the questions are very high-level, basically there is no ambiguity, and the logic is rigorous, which Chen Yuan recognizes.

At present, it is still 0 points.


Questions 4 and 5 are subjective questions, which are the first modern popular science reading.

However, Chen Yuan can still present the standard answer to question 4 as if he is doing science.

Question 5, what kind of argumentation method did the author use to prove that the conclusion of the report is wrong? According to the summary of this article.

1. With the help of celebrity opinions and facts. (Combined with the content of the article)

2. With the help of your own field investigation.

3. With the help of conventional logical cognition for analysis and criticism.

This is the power that Lao Ting left for herself!

She said that this kind of reading comprehension has a formula.

Even if it is changed to the national volume, it still has its own internal logic and can still be applied.

Such popular science essays are generally divided into three steps. First, it is generally recognized by academic authorities. Second, the author's own personal experiment. Finally, sublimate it and guide readers to analyze and refute.

So clear, my thoughts are so damn clear!

At present, it is still full marks.

Keep moving forward!

Chen Yuan realized that after several years of training, he had mastered the subject that he was most afraid of, and finally, under the transmission power of Lao Ting, he had mastered it to a great extent.

My condition today is very good.

In this way, Chen Yuan went all the way down.

Even the classical Chinese reading, which was not stable at ordinary times, felt quite good when doing it today. For example, the sentence punctuation was very easy to be self-consistent.

Keep writing, keep writing.

In this way, within an hour and a half, Chen Yuan completed all the 90-point content except the composition.

This time, the feeling is even similar to Lao Ting's!

It is slightly better than the last joint examination in the third year of high school.

The main reason is that the questions encountered are quite suitable for his appetite.

Chen Yuan is quite sure that he has completed the non-composition part very well.

All the deductions should be within ten points!

As long as the last composition exceeds 50 points, it will be 130+.

After adjusting and taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan looked at the last question, which was worth 60 points.

In the ancient imperial examinations, composition was basically required.

If a person wants to be an official, he must have a fairly high level of writing skills.

It is still the same today.

Writing documents well is the key to promotion.

And Chen Yuan has always been more confident in writing essays.

So, let's take a look at the topic!

A good story can help us express and communicate better, touch the soul and inspire wisdom. A good story can change a person's fate and show the image of a nation... Stories are powerful.

Chen Yuan immediately grasped the key when he saw these words.

Because he had been trying to figure out the ideas of the questioner and the direction, and guessed the general direction very early, he downloaded a software - Learning to Make China Strong.

This thing is really helpful for college entrance examination essays.

And doesn't this material correspond to - telling a good Chinese story?

Note that this material talks about the role of storytelling, the benefits to individuals, and the benefits to a nation, so the pattern of this essay must not be small.

Chen Yuan dares to be sure that if he starts from "a person should be able to tell a story", he will definitely not get a high score.

Starting from "I tell a story", it is off topic.

How to write?

It is necessary to combine the five thousand years of heritage, reflect the nation-state, and combine the present to show that a good story can show the glory of China.

After thinking for a while,

Chen Yuan, began to write.

I think you must have heard such a story.

A scorching sun hangs high in the sky, burning everything, destroying crops, scorching dead wood, and drying up rivers. Under the sun, a giant chases desperately, and finally turns into mountains and rivers, benefiting all things.

You have also heard that the Taihang and Wangwu Mountains, which are seven hundred miles square and ten thousand feet high, block traffic and require roundabout ways to enter and exit. Then an old man said: There will be endless generations, and the mountains will not increase, so why not level them?

Also, a cute little blue bird, carrying wood and stone, shuttles through the sky, back and forth...

Western myths promote that gods create everything, and tiny humans can only look up. And the Chinese mythology, countless chapters, all clenched their fists, telling you in a sonorous and powerful voice: Although human beings are as small as dust, they can also fill the ocean...


In this essay, Chen Yuan took the traditional Chinese story as the starting point and focused on writing the spiritual core of the Chinese nation. And returning to the modern era, it is the new Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative, the great rejuvenation, and the continuous export of cultural soft power.

The final ending:

The Chinese people who have come along this road are all storytellers. And our good stories are still endless...

There is no doubt that the topic is relevant.

Moreover, the pattern is also open.

There should be no problem.

After completing the last essay, Chen Yuan also completed his Chinese test paper.

And this essay has neat and beautiful handwriting, from beginning to end, there is no erasure, no error correction symbol, and no wrong word. Those ancient "top scholar articles" should be no more than this.

I am invincible in terms of paper score.

In the last ten minutes, Chen Yuan was checking the questions.

From beginning to end, there were basically no problems.

For him, the self-examination was a success.

Of course, he did not relax.

Although many people handed in their papers early, he was not such a frivolous person.

In this way, until the bell rang, everyone stopped writing, and then was asked to leave their seats and leave the examination room, and the invigilator came down to collect the test papers.

After putting down his test paper, Chen Yuan took his stationery and went outside.

At this time, it was noon.

The campus was full of discussions about this Chinese language test, and there were some students from the first examination room of No. 11 Middle School that he knew.

But he knew that he would forget one subject after taking the test.

Chinese language, it's over.

Next one, continue to fight!


I wanted to follow the time, but I couldn't hold it anymore, otherwise I would just follow this year's test questions...

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