My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 582: College Entrance Examination is over, bold words

I slept okay this noon.

But there was no deep sleep, Chen Yuan even had a dream.

I dreamed that I was downloading a dungeon, opening treasure chests, and collecting a harem.

I've really been slacking off a bit lately, why would I have such a dream...

But this also foreshadows something, that is, after the college entrance examination, I can finally play games, read novels, and binge-watch.

What, the summer vacation for the college entrance examination is the most important summer vacation. Do you need to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination in advance?

You really think I love studying, don’t you?

Concerning the misunderstandings between bad students and top students - top students will write a set of test papers for fun when they are bored.

The fact is that Chen Yuan doesn't like studying at all.

It's just like treating a job, it's just a responsible attitude.

After waking up, Chen Yuan rubbed his eyes.

At this time, Xia Xinyu was already standing at the head of the bed and starting to get dressed.

This reminded Chen Yuan of a picture...

Xia Xinyu put her bag on her back, took out a wad of money from the bag, threw it on her quilt, then turned around and left.

But there is no logic to this fantasy.

How could Xia Xinyu be so poor that she could afford herself.

"I feel a little sleepy." Xia Xinyu said tiredly while getting dressed.

"Indeed, it is a season where we are easily tired when we are tired in spring, tired in summer and dozing off in autumn."

"...According to what you said, there is no season when you are not tired."

"Come here, let me give you a rub." Chen Yuan waved to Xia Xinyu.


Xia Xinyu obeyed, walked over, stood in front of Chen Yuan, and lowered her head slightly.

So, Chen Yuan dipped his hands into some mineral water and performed a very authentic massage on Xia Xinyu's temples, forehead, and eye sockets.

Of course, this has no effect.

Hyperon, start.

"Hey... I suddenly felt refreshed, and my consciousness suddenly became clearer." Xia Xinyu felt magical.

It seemed that I had been massaged like this by Chen Yuan before and suddenly became sober.

He really has something.

"Did you learn this technique online?"

"Learned Massage for the Blind in Hawaii."

"I feel like this state is really good. I have a particularly calm state of mind." Xia Xinyu was sleepy at first, but now she seems to be more energetic.

Chen Yuan smiled lightly and then also got up.

After the two people tidied up for a while, they took the things they needed for the exam and left the room.

At this time, they happened to meet Tang Siwen and Zhou Fu who were walking together.

"Hey, you two." Chen Yuan greeted him proactively.

"Xinyu." Tang Siwen took the initiative to speak after seeing Xia Xinyu.

"Why did you still make an appointment?" Xia Xinyu asked curiously.

"My mother will see us off later, so I'm going with her." After Zhou Fu finished speaking, she looked at Chen Yuan again, "I was about to call you, let's go together."

"Okay, let's take a ride on Aunt Fu's luxury car." Chen Yuan said.

"That's great. You are all in the same examination room." Xia Xinyu was a little envious of these people.

"Anyway, what I heard is that those with slightly better grades will try their best to be placed in our school. If they are exiled, then they will feel aggrieved." Zhou Fu said.

"There is such a thing." Xia Xinyu heard about it for the first time.

Anyway, she only knows that No. 4 Middle School is a big examination room, and most students from No. 4 Middle School will be assigned here.

"Then let's go."

Just like that, the four of them pressed the elevator button together.

After entering, he happened to meet He Xuan.

"Ah, princess." Zhou Fu said in surprise.

"It sounds weird." He Xuan touched her neck a little embarrassed, and then said, "What are your plans after you finish the exam?"

"Have you already started planning?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

"Everyone has started to make appointments..." He Xuan said, "After all, there is only the last one left, and there are no big variables."

"Don't set a flag like this." Zhou Fu said, "What if the English test is extremely difficult this year."

"Ah, don't. My English is a little weak, and I only memorize the vocabulary necessary for high school."

"Basically, they are all necessary words for high school, but there are still 15% new words. And the difficulty of English depends on these 15%." Chen Yuan said.

As Chen Yuan is the strongest English speaker here, he actually hopes to be a little more tricky.

Because of those days of ‘working’ at the radio station, his vocabulary became very large.

Moreover, it is big and powerful.

Not the ordinary big one.

Anyway, it is very complex, spiral, very granular, and very deep vocabulary.

For him, even if his English is simple, he still cannot get full marks for his composition. It's better to make it a little more difficult and screen out all those parallel import experts.

But this time, the master of parallel importing is not specifically Ke Jiayuan. I heard that his English is very good, at the level of a translator.

"Try to make my English test as high as possible. I have been tortured by mathematics this time." He Xuan clasped her hands together and prayed seriously.

"After the exam, do you want to do some activities?" Zhou Fu said.

"I'll go to your house then and let's think about it together." Chen Yuan said.

For Chen Yuan, the dinner party after the exam should have these three waves.

First, the collective teacher appreciation banquet of Class 18.

Second, Zhou Yu and Tang Jian became friends with each other.

Third, there is Brother Yi, Cheng Xi and the others.

Oh, by the way, there is another wave in my hometown, Chen Bo and Yang Qiqi.

"OK OK."

He Xuan made a gesture.

Then after leaving the hotel, she went to the examination room of No. 4 Middle School with Xia Xinyu.

Chen Yuan and Fu Wen took Zhou Fu's mother's car and went directly to the No. 11 Middle School for the college entrance examination.

"Come on!" Zhou Fu's mother in the car waved to several people.

"Yes, I will. Goodbye, aunt."

Under the car, Zhou Fu and Tang Siwen just watched Chen Yuan respond to Fu's mother...

"Anyway, I recognize your politeness to my mother." Zhou Fu couldn't comment.

"Inside the politeness, there is a bit of enthusiasm for making friends." Tang Siwen commented.

"What are you talking about? Come into the examination room quickly."

Chen Yuan entered the school with the class beauty and deputy class beauty of Class 18.

Shirley Liu was in the flower bed outside the school, cheering up the students in the class for their exams.

When I saw the ‘Yu Sanjia’ in my class, I immediately became energetic.

Except for He Meng, the English class representative, these three people are the strongest in English in the class.

Therefore, she took the initiative to shake hands with these boys one by one.

"Zhou Fu, English has always been your strong point. You are the best spoken English speaker in the class, so do your listening well."

"Siwen, your English level is a little worse than that of science, but you are very good at solving questions. If you are not sure about a question, trust your first impression and don't change it."

"Chen Yuan, be more steady and play to your usual level."

After giving instructions to the three people, Shirley Liu nervously watched them go to the examination room.

Then, he sat back on the flower bed again, holding a bottle of water in his hand, and drank it tremblingly.

"You're too nervous, relax a little." Liu Fang sat next to him and said comfortingly.

"Are you not nervous? If Chen Yuan fails in the English test, He School will kill me." Shirley Liu said extremely seriously.

"..." Liu Fang was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the side.

Liu Xin doesn't know that all the teachers are here to take the final exam of the college entrance examination?

Shirley Liu paused, then turned her head and saw He Hongtao.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

"What did you say?" He Hongtao said seriously.

"Xiao He, this is not what I am..."

"Come on, bah, bah, bah, how could Chen Yuan fail in the exam!"

"...Bah, bah, bah, touch the wood, touch the wood." Shirley Liu quickly touched the herbs in the flower bed.

Good guy, this was what originally excited him!

"Xiao He, are you here too?" Lao Mo came over and asked He Hongtao with a smile.

Usually the teachers are waiting, rarely the principal waits in person.

"It's the last test, and I want to see how the students did in the exam." He Hongtao's tone was obviously a little nervous.

Because Chen Yuan's mentality could not be manipulated during the exam, he did not directly ask Chen Yuan anything in the past few days. He only asked and conveyed questions through teachers of various subjects.

Also, just watch the news.

As a result, I saw statements like "the teacher who set the questions is very good, but I am better" and "you are guaranteed to win".

Simply, arrogant.

At the same time, he was also inspired and very excited inside.

You know, Chen Yuan would never say such things.

Under what circumstances would this happen?

That is, I really did very well in the exam and I am very confident.

He Hongtao's confidence comes from Chen Yuan. Therefore, he is full of confidence now.

As long as the level of the final joint entrance examination is good, the city's number one pick will not be able to escape.

"You guys sit down."

Seeing several teachers standing, He Hongtao said.

So, several people sat next to him.

In fact, there are many teachers waiting in the school, and they are basically organized according to classes.

If there are two classes taught, go to the class where you usually have better fun.

That said, there are a lot of cliques.

But He Hongtao was next to Class 18. Rather than being the strongest teacher team in the school, this kind of favoritism is too obvious.

Class 1 is the class that produces 90% of the top students in the school.

"During the Chinese language test yesterday, there seemed to be a student in class one who handed in his paper early." Shirley Liu said.

"Yeah, it's too impetuous." He Hongtao knew this and said, "What's the point of leaving the examination room early?"

"Maybe I want to rush for the interview..." Shirley Liu said.

"Anyway, I told the teachers in Class 1 yesterday that they are not allowed to leave the examination room early." He Hongtao said.

"There is no time to hand in the papers in advance for the comprehensive mathematics courses." Lao Mo said.

"But in English, there is really no guarantee that some people will come out early." Shirley Liu said.

"Why?" He Hongtao asked.

When asked, Shirley Liu replied: "Because if English becomes simpler, you will write very quickly."


He raised his head and looked at the clock on the blackboard.

There are still thirty minutes left in the exam time.

He lowered his head and looked at the test papers on the table.

Bai Mingze found that he had finished...

Moreover, I checked it again.

There were no wrongly transcribed answers to multiple-choice questions or crooked answers written on the test paper.

The difficulty level of English this time was really average.

It can even be said to be a bit simple.

It can't match the intensity of mathematics and comprehensive science at all.

It seems that this time the exam... the top scorer will get a very high score.

Of course, my score will be very high.

What else can you do...

Because the composition has been completed, there is no way to add more to it. After all, adding symbols to mess up the paper will only reduce the score. As for other places, there is indeed a question in the listening test that is a bit uncertain, but that is the listening test, and it has been completed and there is no way to go back.

As for the other parts, Bai Mingze is sure that what he wrote is correct.

Maybe there will be suspense in a few cases, but at this time, you can only trust your first impression, otherwise it will go wrong.

In this case, then hand in the paper.

At this time, Bai Zeming raised his hand.

The invigilator was stunned after seeing it, and then walked over.

After hearing the other party say that he wanted to hand in the paper, he looked at the time and saw that there were only 28 minutes left, which met the conditions for handing in the paper in advance.

In this way, the invigilator allowed it.

And Bai Mingze stood up with his stationery bag and left the classroom in full view of everyone.

The reason why everyone was not too nervous was that this time's English was really not that difficult, and it was not surprising that someone could finish it so quickly.

Of course, if someone who finished it so quickly is a master, then he is too confident.

Bai Mingze is not confident.

He just finished writing.

After reading it several times and finding nothing to change, there was no point in staying any longer.

My college entrance examination, just end like this.

He slowly walked out of the examination center.

But he found that there were people who were earlier than him.

And they had already started to be interviewed.

He had no choice but to stand behind that person and wait in line.

"Strengthen the Leopard Girl, strengthen the Leopard Girl!"

After the dagger was revealed, the last student waved to the camera and left.

Then, Bai Mingze automatically came over.

Before the reporter asked, he said, "I am Bai Mingze."

"... Oh, hello, classmate Bai Mingze." The female reporter responded with a smile, and then asked, "The college entrance examination is over. You handed in the paper very quickly. Do you have anything to say?"

However, as if he didn't hear the reporter's words at all, he continued to talk to himself in front of the camera: "I am Bai Mingze, I am this year's science champion."


In the last eighteen minutes, Chen Yuan finished the English test paper.

Logically speaking, he could have finished this level of test paper half an hour in advance.

However, he followed Liu Xin's advice and wrote the listening questions that could not be traced back with 100% correctness after thoroughly understanding the questions.

Although each multiple-choice question was worth 1.5 points, even if he was serious, the upper limit was only 30 points if he answered all the questions correctly, but the final victory or defeat might be just this one and a half points?

He also wrote the other questions very seriously.

Because there was more time left, he first wrote the English composition in Chinese on the draft, then translated it into English, and finally polished it with high-end vocabulary before writing it on the answer sheet.

There are difficult questions to write, and of course there are simple questions to write.

Just like respecting ghosts and gods, respect the exam.

Chen Yuan took every point very piously.

In the last 18 minutes, Chen Yuan checked again and again.

There were no basic mistakes.

Then it was time to look at the controversial questions.

Consider, consider carefully.

At this time, there were already students in the examination room who handed in their papers in advance. And there were several of them.

It seems that these people are really satisfied with this simple question.

But Chen Yuan is different.

No matter how simple it is, he will wait until the end of the exam before leaving.

Even if nothing is checked in the last 18 minutes.

And the result is indeed so. At the end of the exam, Chen Yuan's paper is no different from 18 minutes ago.

After the bell rang, Chen Yuan's college entrance examination was over.

The moment he walked out of the classroom with everyone else, Chen Yuan also felt unprecedented relief.

I have worked hard all the way.

Cheers to Chen Yuan.

Cheers to myself.

There are too many people in the school, and it is impossible to meet by chance. So Chen Yuan left the examination room directly.

Then, the first wave of people he met was He Hongtao and others.

"Chen Yuan, how is it!" Shirley Liu hurriedly ran up, looking forward to it.

And Chen Yuan raised his hand and said confidently: "Shirley, give me 5."

Seeing the other party's smile, Shirley Liu jumped up and high-fived Chen Yuan: "Dear, you are great!"

The three words dear made Lao Mo look at it.

Liu Fang on the side helped to speak: "American style, American style."

"Chen Yuan, how is it?" He Hongtao came up and patted his shoulder.

"Very good, it can't be better." Chen Yuan responded to He Hongtao in a clear way.

Indeed, in these exams, except for the comprehensive science exam, which was a bit nervous and stressful, the rest were almost all within his range.

So, he could talk big directly.

"Great, well done." He Hongtao clenched his fists and was very happy.

What could be more reassuring than being able to get such a clear response?

"Principal He..."

Chen Yuan was about to say something, but he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. So, he walked forward and raised a finger directly to the media camera with a firm look in his eyes.

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