My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 71 Remarks on the launch

Hello everyone, I am a piece of snow cake.

Although I didn't interact with the guys in the PS at the end of the chapter before it was put on the shelves, the author's identity should have been completely exposed, and he will be investigated to the end.

So let’s talk about this book.

It was originally born out of an idea that Xue Ping had - is there a possibility to write a Chinese-style youth campus love story?

I have discussed this with several friends.

They find it incomprehensible.

Then he asked me, is it a love story with a college campus setting?

I say that true youthfulness cannot be written on a university campus.

Is that a love story with a Chinese name in a Japanese comic background?

I say this is a bit too outdated and will definitely not work in 2023.

Is that a romance novel about youth pain literature?

I said don't send it, it's disgusting.

Then you really don’t want to write about the kind of Chinese-style campus where you wear sports uniforms, write Huanggang secret papers, are not allowed to use mobile phones, leave early and come back late, wear stars and moon, and have puppy love that has to be reviewed by the whole school, right?

As written.

Seeing that I had this idea, they all tried to persuade me: Don't mess with me, you'll end up in trouble. Let's fall in love in Tokyo. This is how everyone behaves. It's important to have a good meal.

Although they are not optimistic about the prospects, after all, there is no real theme of the same type, but they also feel that if Mr. Snow Cake can really create a love story suitable for Chinese babies' physiques, this will be really cool!

Then, the first chapter of the book appeared.

This also sets the tone of the book——

The writing is light-hearted, but the plot is radical.

Although it is classified as "light novel", the text should not be too frivolous, like some children's books about toilet paper. At the same time, it should not be too arrogant (you just want to use this word, right?), which will lead to putting the cart before the horse. After several attempts, Xuefeng grasped the right scale - the writing style does not need to show off skills, just be enough. . But when the plot reaches the climax scene, the text description cannot stretch the crotch.

The radicalness of the plot means that although it is light-hearted in style, it also has some main lines that are actually heavy at the core, so that the overall plot is not boring and gives people a vulgar experience of "a cricket with a rotten stem and a story stitched together".

So after a certain proportion of debugging, this cup of milk tea came out.

Personally, I think the content and pacing of the book were appropriate right up to the time it hit the shelves.

Of course, a very small number of people think I am stupid because I write M instead.

For this, super invincible bounce (I used super invincible bounce and you can't bounce anymore).

The vast majority of people who are following this book are satisfied with this book, which means that I have achieved my goal, which is very good.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, there will definitely be more updates than now, and the number of words in each chapter will be more than now.

Then we will start updating after 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and try to release five chapters tomorrow.

This is my last ripple, I hope brother Meng can also get some gold coins.

Regarding the book club I have been mentioning, I will also build one, with a threshold of about 100 fans, but it will be released after it is put on the shelves.

I can't help it, I love Shuiqun so much. If I built it today, I would have fainted because I was having so much fun chatting with the group friends that I forgot the most important code word. I'm sorry.

At that time, I will also set up some management, an operations officer, and friends with operational experience can join me through the group.

(As a cuckold, we sincerely invite the little crocodile to join the group.)

Finally, there is a special acknowledgment section for this book.

Thanks to my wife, Teacher Yuan.

I published the first chapter of this book only after getting her approval, and she also gave me great encouragement: This is good, I like to read it.

During the serialization period, she would read every chapter and provide some opinions. Many plots in the novel came from her suggestions, either directly or indirectly.

One time, I suddenly heard a complaint of "Ahhhhh" coming from the kitchen, and then I ran over from the study room and found her looking at the trash can with a frown. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she was unlucky. She hit her four times. The first three eggs were all good, but as soon as the fourth one was cracked open, the loose yellow immediately flowed in.

I said, yes.

She asked, why, is there any way to solve this?

I said, today’s chapter is ready.

She said, huh?

Teacher Yuan is a person with a great literary aesthetic. I have asked for her opinions on many of my descriptions, and she also guided the wording and sentence making of some paragraphs.

She deserves three-ninths of the credit for this book.

And nine-ninths of the royalties.

When this book was on the list, some very hostile negative reviews suddenly appeared, attacking book friends and the author indiscriminately.

Teacher Yuan said she wanted to open an account for me to be a troll. I said no, if they scolded me, I would be fine. She said it would be fine, the success does not belong to me.

I asked, the success does not have to be yours, but what about the royalties?

She said, you also coded the words, and you also want to get the royalties. All good things are yours?

I said, OK, OK.

Of course, brothers, don’t ask people just because someone praised me for the new chapter - if you defend the author so much, are you the wife of a snow cake?

Snow cake is a straight man, not gay at all.

Then, I would also like to thank Ziliang, the editor of this book.

Thank you Ziliang for giving me comfort when I was feeling anxious.

Ziliang: It’s okay. The data is very good and the reading is pretty stable. Just write well. Tell me what you're worried about.

This is the first novel I've read...

Ziliang: This is the first book, which is very good.

Wouldn’t it be too embarrassing to not get the first order for a campus romance article?

Ziliang: Where the hell do you think the starting point is? !

He advised me to calm down and said that if I kept updating steadily, I would become famous sooner or later.

I asked, can’t we make a name for ourselves today?

He said: 6

Finally, and most gratefully, I would like to thank everyone who reads this book.

Thank you for your kind praises, your compliments that are not too big a deal, and your encouragements that will make you blush. Now all you have to do is step on them without any difference, and you can finish the book of Snow Cake. of a lifetime.

However, there are really a few things I want to ask you about regarding the rice circle.

It's the end of the month, don't waste your cute monthly votes, vote for "My Super" (my super powers are refreshed every week).

And then, the most important thing.

When we click on Xia Xinyu's character, scroll down and there will be a star value. After reaching the second-level star, we will organize a birthday event for the character.

If you reach 200,000 Star Points before October 24th, you will be able to catch up with this event.

The way to add star points is to give likes, with a daily limit of 1,800.

Giving gifts, that is, giving rewards, this adds a little more. If Brother Meng wants to give a reward to this book, just give it to Xia Xinyu directly. There is no difference, and it can also add a lot of star points.

Adding tags, adding memorabilia, fan creations, dubbing, etc. can all increase the star value.

From now on, as long as you have 6,000 star points every day, you will be stable.

So please, brother Meng, lend the power of the King Grandmaster to "Wo Chao".

Let Qidian celebrate this birthday for Xia Xinyu.

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