My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1116: Will you marry me?

  Chapter 1116 Will you marry me?

  Jiang Lu saw how they cared about her so much, and was amused by them, thinking they thought she took this matter to heart. So I smiled and said: "No, you don't really think that I am sad, I can't give birth to a son, what is there to be sad about, I don't want to have a son yet, I have two precious daughters, how many Okay, can it be born? Son, it’s nothing to me, I just won’t let me go after hearing that bad guy say it, I’m a little scared, and I don’t know how long his sentence will be.”

"What if the sentence is only one or two years, then what should I do? Do the children and I have to hide? You see, this scoundrel is already in this state now. If he comes out, he must be killed. My child, I'm done for that person. I don't worry about anything else if I worry about this."

Hearing this, Huo Qingyue smiled coldly, and comforted her, "It's okay, Sister Jiang Lu, leave this matter to me, he won't come to harass you again, because he was sentenced to confiscation, maybe after he is released from prison If you want to come to find you, you have to travel all over the world, and it is not certain whether you can come back alive."

But it is indeed to destroy a person. It is not difficult for them. At first, Jiang Lu was quite worried about whether she would come back for revenge after she was released from prison. Now she is relieved when she hears this. of.

   "Then thank you."


Jiang Lu and the child were back on track two days later, the child had nothing to fear, the child was indeed normal, and Jiang Lu was relieved, now that the bad guys have been arrested, naturally there will be no more revenge and settlement, so the store also Rest assured that it is open for business.

  Zhaodi has been able to take care of herself these few days. She manages the shop here, and the business is pretty good.

When Gu Yuehuan came here today, she took a look at Jiang Lu, whose face had returned to normal, and went to ask her: "Sister Jiang Lu, I think you are in a good mood. Let me ask you something. Li Hui told me that he told you I proposed to you with a gold ring, but you didn't agree. And you didn't intend to give him an explanation. He wanted to ask you if you want to marry him. What's wrong with you two? What happened, after going through so many ups and downs, why didn't you marry him? Don't you like him? How he treats you and your children, after this incident, you can also see that he has been by your side He is a good man worthy of entrustment, why are you still unwilling to marry him and make him feel wronged?"

Jiang Lu felt a little aggrieved when she heard this. It's not the same thing. He proposed before. Suddenly one day before the two of them got off work, they gave her a gold ring and proposed to her. What did you say marry me? I don't know where to learn it, or it would just pop up like this, embarrassing her to death.

I don't know what to do, and no one has proposed. Her first marriage was introduced by her family. If it is suitable, she will get married directly. There is no such complicated thing, so now she is proposed for the first time, and she also don't know what to do.

  She felt fortunate that no one saw it, otherwise she would be ashamed if someone saw it, and asked him, "Where did you learn this? How did you learn to propose with a gold ring?"

"I don't think that all the young boys in their village are like this. Before proposing to others, they ask their girls to marry him. He is going to propose with a ring. This is the gold ring that I bought for you with my wife's money." , this is pure gold, do you like it or not, if you don't like it, I will change it for you, will you marry me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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