My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 52: Help me steal Yuehuan's formula, I also want to set up a stall to sell

  Chapter 52 Help me steal Yuehuan’s formula, I also want to set up a stall to sell it

  Gu Yuehuan got up the next day and followed Huo Qingyue to leave. Huo Qingyue is a gentleman, and yesterday the two of them just kissed. They didn't do anything. After all, he said he would stay on the wedding night.

   It's just that it was a shallow kiss before, but it was a little more exciting yesterday.

   Now both of them are up, one is ready to go back, and the other is ready to go to the stall.

  There are three children in the village chief’s family. They got up early because they had to go to school, and now they all wash up by the well outside.

   While Gu Yuehuan was washing up, the aunt who lived around asked her curiously why she was here, so she recounted what happened yesterday.

  The aunts are very sharp-tongued. When they saw the village head renting out a room for ten yuan, they laughed and said that only the rich can afford it.

   It is estimated that today, everyone knows that she is the rich man who spends 10 yuan to live in a room in his big bungalow, saying that she has a brain hole!

   After packing up, Gu Yuehuan was ready to go out of the stall. Zhang Shufen and Gu Yuewei got up early in the morning just to see if Gu Yuewei had frozen to death outside.

It rained really hard yesterday, and the pigsty in their house doesn't have very good facilities. If it rains, a lot of water will leak down. The pigsty is dirty, and with the rain, she probably won't be able to do it tonight. better off.

  Gu Yuewei went out happily, only to see that there was no one outside, Gu Yuehuan was not sleeping here, she was dumbfounded, and called Zhang Shufen: "Mom! Gu Yuehuan is not sleeping in the pigsty, not here!"

Zhang Shufen originally wanted to cook, but when she heard this, she came out and took a look, and saw that there was no one in the pigsty. That **** girl was kicked out of the house when she was young, and she lived in this pigsty even if it rained. Why is there no one now? up.

  Zhang Shufen was dumbfounded when she saw it. She didn't know where this dead girl had gone. She couldn't be so shameless and ran to Huo Qingyue's house again, right?

When Zhang Shufen was puzzled, her sister Zhang Ronglan came in and said, "Shufen, your family Yuehuan is so successful? Recently, I heard that she has made a lot of money and can afford to rent a big bungalow from the village chief's house, which is 10 yuan each." She also rents that room in June! There is no shortage of money!"

  Hearing this, Zhang Shufen suddenly yelled: "What? You said that dead girl rented the big one-story house of the village chief's house? Are you sure, why is she so rich?"

  Zhang Ronglan said in a sour tone: "Isn't it? She is rich. I heard that her business in the town is very good recently. She makes a lot of money every day, which is more than your family makes in a month."

   Zhang Shufen was so angry that she lost all color when she heard this, and Gu Yuewei who was beside her was also uncomfortable.

  She couldn't stand such a contrast. Since she was a child, everyone praised her as being smarter than her sister, but now everyone said that Gu Yuehuan could make money!

  She has been compared to this dead girl.

Seeing her distraught look, Zhang Ronglan went over and took her hand and said, "Shufen, can I discuss something with you? My son wants to find a job recently. Seeing how profitable her business is, I want to Selling the same thing as her, since it is your daughter, you must know the recipes she sells, help me steal those recipes from her, then I will give you 20 yuan, I think this business is so profitable, If I make money at that time, I will give you an extra 50 yuan, what do you think? After all, he is also your nephew, so I can do you a favor."

Zhang Ronglan went to the market every day recently, and saw that Gu Yuehuan's stall was really crowded, so many people came every day, at least a net profit of 20 yuan a day, one or two hundred a week, if it was a month then It's not counting in the thousands. If there is such a formula, I will set up a stall and sell it myself, and I will make a lot of money.

  She was greedy and wanted to start a family.

  Gu Yuewei immediately nodded and agreed when she heard this: "Yes! Yes! Auntie, I promise you, I will steal my sister's formula and let you sell it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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