Pregnancy: six weeks

When I saw the B-ultrasound report, I was stunned by these four words. Only once, how did I get pregnant?

What now?

Tell Fu Shenyan, will he not divorce? No, on the contrary, I will feel shameless and threaten him with children.

Depressed, I stuffed the B-ultrasound report into my bag and then went out of the hospital.

Outside the hospital building, the window of the shining black mabahri was opened by a third. From the outside, you can vaguely see the clear and cool eyebrows and eyes of the man in the driver's seat.

Beautiful men in luxury cars have naturally attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Having money and a face is the standard configuration of Fu Shenyan. For so many years, I have been familiar with it, ignored the eyes of passers-by, and I got on the co pilot.

Originally, the man who closed his eyes and rested himself noticed the movement, but frowned slightly, didn't open his eyes, but said in a low voice, "have you handled it?"

"Hmm!" I nodded, handed him the contract signed with the hospital and said, "President Lu asked me to take him to say hello to you!" today's contract was originally signed by myself, but I met Fu Shenyan on the way. I don't know why, he will send me on the way.

"You are responsible for the whole process of this case!" Fu Shenyan always said little and didn't accept the contract. He just gave a faint explanation and started the car.

I nodded and said nothing.

I've been silent for a long time. I don't seem to know anything except obedience and doing things.

The car drove to the city center. It was already evening. He didn't go back to the villa. Where were he going? Although I was confused, I would never take the initiative to ask about him, so I was silent.

Thinking of the B-ultrasound sheet, I didn't know how to open my mouth to him for a moment. I glanced at him and looked ahead with sharp eyes, as cold as ever.

"Fu Shenyan!" I opened my mouth, and the palm of my hand holding the bag was a little wet. I thought it was nervous, so I sweated.

"Say it!" said the cold words, without superfluous emotion.

He always treated me like this. After a long time, I was relieved. I pressed down my uneasiness and took a breath. I said, "I......" I was pregnant.

No more than three words, but his cell phone rang and the words were swallowed back.

"Xinran, what's the matter?" the tenderness of some people is destined to fall on only one person, or affectionate, or happy, and finally give to one person.

Fu Shenyan's gentleness is prepared for Lu Xinran. You can know from his dialogue with Lu Xinran.

I don't know what Lu Xinran at the other end of the phone said. Fu Shenyan suddenly stepped on the brake and comforted the phone, "OK, I'll be there in a minute. Don't run around."

After hanging up the phone, he recovered his cold and fierce spirit, looked at me and said, "get off!"

A command without leeway.

This is not the first time. I nodded, swallowed all my words, opened the door and got off.

The marriage between Fu Shenyan and me was an accident and fate, but it had nothing to do with love. Fu Shenyan put Lu Xinran in his heart. My existence was just a decoration or an obstacle.

Two years ago, master Fu had a myocardial infarction and forced Fu Shenyan to marry me in the hospital bed. Although Fu Shenyan was reluctant, he married me back because of the old man. There has been an old man for two years. Fu Shenyan just thought I didn't exist. Now the old man is out of breath, so he can't wait to find a lawyer to write a divorce agreement and wait for me to sign it.

Back to the villa, it was dark. The huge house was as empty as a haunted house. It was probably due to pregnancy and no appetite. I went directly back to my bedroom, washed and slept.

Before he fell asleep, he vaguely heard the sound of the car stalling from the yard.

Fu Shenyan is back?

Didn't he go to accompany Lu Xinran?

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