I nodded, looked at her face of doubt, can not help but also followed seriously up, said, "you ask!"

She thought for a moment and said, "when you and Fu Shenyan lived as husband and wife before, were there times when they couldn't do what they wanted?"

"When we were in Australia before, he bought them for us. We all had similar styles, but there were differences between accessories and patterns. Your one was put in the company's rest room by Mu Shen. Last time my clothes got wet accidentally, he lent it to me. Later, I gave it back to him after I washed it. It's estimated that he put it away again."

She a Leng, strange looking at me way, "what clothes?"

Thinking of the clothes last time, I couldn't help saying, "he kept all your clothes before. You said that a big president has nothing to do with keeping a woman's clothes for what?"

I looked at her, a little surprised, Leng Leng way, "you didn't think so before, ah, you are really trapped, now will think the problem so complex! Whether a man loves a woman or not is an undeniable thing in bed. But most of the time, he is also in life. These days, I think he is very careful with you. "

She sighed and said, "Shen Shu, do you think it's the only way for him to treat me like this? In fact, he doesn't like me at all. He just feels comfortable with me. He's just about the same age. He just happens to meet me. Everything seems to be the same, so he'll let it be. "

After thinking about it, he said, "if you don't want to go to the hospital together, this kind of thing, after all, is a matter of two people. If you really want to consider getting married in the future, the problem is still very big. Moreover, you can go to have a look. It's generally psychological and physiological problems. As long as you solve them, they will be normal!"

I shut up and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm not sure. Anyway, it's my first time, but if it's not his first time, why would it be like that? The point is, I don't think he's a problem! "

The corner of my mouth twitches a little, looking at her way, "are you sure Mu Shen is the first time?"

Seeing me thinking, she said, "Fu Shenyan and you have been together for the first time before?"

This is the first time I've seen such a situation. To be honest, I'm not sure.

"We have both!" She said seriously, "he was bleeding once before. I don't know that time. Later, we tried several times, but they were very embarrassed. Anyway, they just couldn't do it!"

I raised my hand to touch my nose and thought, "are you or mushen?"

She pursed her lips and said, "it's just that two people are already dead, but they are always one step away at the critical moment."

But looking at her so serious question, I had to seriously answer, "what do you say is not enough?"

I was stunned for a moment, involving gender issues, more or less embarrassed, and my face was a little hot.

Finish saying, I see her eyebrow is frowning, the facial expression is a little not quite right, can't help a way, "how?"

She looked at me, and her puzzled face became a little sad. "That dress is not mine. Since we came back from Europe, I have put it in the wardrobe without touching it. Mushen has never been to my home or touched that dress. How can he put my dress in his rest room? That dress is not mine!"

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