From the other end of the phone came leisurely low laughter, "Xiaoshu, what are you nervous about? If the elder brother has nothing to do, can't he find his younger sister? "

I hate Shen Yu's gloomy smile. I bite my lips and say, "Shen Yu, are we all children five years ago? We all have our own lives now. Please, let us go!"

Shen Yu didn't show up, just arranged a black Bentley for me outside the store. The driver looked very young.

About ten minutes later, it was finished. Looking at myself in the mirror, I frowned and felt unhappy.

Then the man was pressed in front of the dressing table. The blue cheongsam girl looked at me with a smile and said, "Miss Shen, don't be nervous. Mr. Shen has given orders. You just need to cooperate with us patiently."

I'm not stupid. Naturally I know what they are going to do, but what is Shen Yu going to do? My cell phone was taken away for a few days.

She followed her to the VIP room on the second floor. She ordered several people and then took me to pick out the dress.

She said with a smile, "Miss Shen, please come inside. Mr. Shen has already told us. Don't worry. We'll take care of the rest."

I nodded.

With a smile on his face, he looked at me and said, "are you Miss Shen Shu Shen?"

I didn't go in. I found my cell phone in my pocket and called Shen Yu, but the phone didn't get through. A little sister in a blue cheongsam came out of the shop.

The sun is scorching. People come and go on the street. The address Shen Yu gave me is a high-end custom-made dress shop.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

After hanging up Fu Shenyan's phone, I held my mobile phone and sent a message to Muzi. Then I got ready and drove directly to the address Shen Yu sent me.

"It's OK, you have a good rest!" His voice was so low and reserved that he could hardly hear any emotion.

After a pause, I said tentatively, "is the party important?"

I shook my head. "It's not serious. I just don't want to go out."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice, "is it serious?"

Shen Yu made me a little dizzy. After a pause, I said, "is it important? I'm not feeling well today. I want to stay at home and have a good rest. "

It was Fu Shenyan who called. When I picked up the phone, he said in a cold voice, "clean up and accompany me to a party later."

"Wu..." The cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Since I can't avoid Shen Yu, it's better to think of a way to let him take the initiative to stay away from me.

A few words, I hold the mobile phone, forced to calm down, people can't fall in the same pit several times.

I haven't calmed down, I received a message from him, "Guangfu Road 221, 4 o'clock, Xiaoshu, remember to arrive on time."

"You He hung up the phone when he spit out a word.

Like a ghost, his existence can only make people feel scared. Shen Yu is such a person.

I was a little bit broken in my heart. Holding the phone, I said hoarsely, "Shen Yu, what do you want?"

"Xiaoshu, we are brothers and sisters. How can we let you leave me? Without you, my life alone is not life. I need you! " Obviously, it can make people feel warm, but it's cold from his mouth.

He gave me hell. I don't want to touch it again.

I didn't want to get on the bus. I just looked around at the man and said, "where's the address? I drove the car and I can go by myself!"

"Does Miss Shen distrust me?" The man opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

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