"No!" Mu Shen said, "after a while, I'll ask someone to set up a bed. Just lie down and sleep for a night. It doesn't affect me. I'm worried when I go home, but I can't sleep!"

Speaking of this, he looked up at me and said, "in addition, if you don't go back at night, it's estimated that Fu will be even more pressing on the case of lanxicong. Then I'll be dead tired, and I can't make it!"

After taking a bath, I sat in front of the dresser and wiped the skin care products. I thought too much about it in my mind. Fu Shenyan walked into the master bedroom with light steps, but I didn't find it.

The more this happens, the more difficult it is to solve.

Maybe the environment is too quiet. I can't help thinking about the recent Lanxi village project. I always feel that things are too strange, but I can't think of any specific problems.

Maybe Fu Shenyan had something to do. I went back to my bedroom, cleaned up everything and went to the bathroom to wash.

Originally, I thought Fu Shenyan had come back, but when I came back to the villa, I saw that the house was dark and the lights were not on. It seemed that he had not come back.

It took a long time in the hospital. When I returned to the villa, it was already dark.

I nodded, took a taxi and went straight back to the villa.

He nodded, "it's hard for you!"

After a moment of silence, I said, "Mr. mu, I will find a way to get information from Fu Shenyan about this matter!"

What Mu Shen inquired from me was Fu Shenyan's current attitude.

Moreover, the project has not yet started. At this time, Fu has every reason to find new partners to reduce losses.

But since the beginning of the project, there have been several accidents in a row.

The project of Lanxi village was snatched by Mu from many excellent competitors. To be exact, it should not be wrong.

I was stunned for a moment. I had been working on the project for so long that I could not fail to understand what he meant.

He smile, "of course not, Lanxi village case, Fu Shenyan and you mentioned how to deal with it?"

I smile, opening a way, "calculate be, Mu always won't specially send me down, is to say this matter?"

, as like as two peas Ouyang!

Er ER!

With his hands in his pocket, his face became serious, and he said, "are you and Fu Shenyan reconciled?"

I looked at Mu Shen and said, "Mu always has something to tell me?"

Outside the hospital.

I smile, it is agreed!

I was stunned, looked at Ouyang Nuo, she nodded, "mm-hmm, let Mu Shen see you off, you didn't drive, let him give you a taxi!"

Mu Shen got up, looked at me and said, "I'll see you off!"

Thinking about this, I ate a few mouthfuls, and then said, "OK, I'm almost done eating. Why don't you go first, and you two chat slowly?"

I help the forehead, these two people are feeding me dog food?

Then Jiao didi took Mu Shen's next door and said pitifully, "I shouldn't bother you so much!"

Ouyang Nuo for a time also nodded and said, "well, that's right. Shen Shu, if you make fu Shenyan happy, things will be easier to do. Our Mu Shen is considerate, but it's too hard for you to accompany me. I'm too distressed."

I don't know what to say for a moment.

Until he picked me up, I suddenly recovered and exclaimed, "what are you doing? When did you come back? How can you walk without a sound? "

"I've been in for a long time. Can you blame me for not seeing me in the mirror?" Fu Shenyan sat down, put me on his leg, raised his hand and stroked the broken hair behind my ear, "what do you think? Why are you so absorbed? "

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