With that, the old man choked, slightly bowed his head, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes without any trace, and said, "I know that this bracelet is not worth money compared with those gold and jade, but it is the thought of our older generation, so I want to give it to you. I hope you will understand each other no matter how hard life is or how difficult things are So that we can live on. Money, to a certain extent, is not so precious. What is really precious is the love in your hearts. "

Fu Shenyan took my hand, crossed his fingers, looked at Ouyang Zhang and said, "grandfather, we will!"

What the old people give us is simple and warm. In this world, there are many people who have a lot of money, but not many people who can make their hearts peaceful.

If I don't mention it, I almost forget it. I can't help nodding and looking at Ouyang Zhang, "grandfather Ouyang, I want to ask you something!"

Everyone was sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting. Ouyang Nuo looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, you mentioned something to me before. You said you had to ask your grandfather about something. What's the matter?"

After a meal, it was completely dark.

Take the bracelet, everyone is happy, the old man asked to eat more.

Ouyang couldn't help laughing, took the bracelet, looked at me and said, "well, after that, our two families will become one family."

Ouyang Zhang a Leng, then laughed out, looking at Ouyang Nuo way, "Nuo Nuo, you made a good friend ah!"

Ouyang Nuo slightly Leng Leng, then look to Ouyang Zhang.

I nodded and opened the box. The bracelet was a pair. I took one out of it and looked at Ouyang Nuo. "Grandma wants us to take one back. I believe she's happy. If you can, will you join me in completing my grandfather's advice? Let's pass on this bracelet together. Later, two families will be one family! "

The old man nodded, his face showed a smile, "well, the days after that depend on you young people."

My heart a warm, some sour nose, took the box nodded, looking at Ouyang chapter way, "grandfather, we will certainly pass it down from generation to generation."

Ouyang Zhang touched the bracelet, and his black eyes were full of missing. A moment later, he handed the bracelet to me and said, "girl, my grandfather is old. All the sufferings and blessings that he should eat and enjoy have passed. In this life, all the people he missed have gone. There's nothing to worry about. He just wants to finish the old lady's wish. Take this bracelet and let it go from generation to generation It's passed down from generation to generation. "

He hopes that we can still face life with gentleness and easygoing after we have seen the dirty in the messy world. This kind of mentality is more difficult than anything.

The old man was very happy. He ate a lot tonight. He leaned on the sofa and looked at me. He nodded and said with a smile, "you girl, you're welcome. If you have anything, just ask."

"When I had dinner with you in the hotel before, you mentioned a person named Shen Linfeng. I want to ask about her!"

Hearing grandma's name, the old man couldn't help sitting up, looking at me and saying, "who is she to you?"

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