Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng finish their words. They can't help looking at Shen Yu and me. When they see me, Mo Zhicheng's eyes are a little surprised.

Lin Wan seemed to know what he was thinking. He whispered a few words in his ear, and then Mo Zhicheng resumed his normal color.

I'm not curious about the so-called similar experience between Lu Xinran and me. What I'm curious about is that Fu Shenyan didn't take me to see Lin Wan at first, not to save Muzi, but to give Lin Wan a favor.

He said, "of course not. My mother has been looking for you for more than 20 years, and she won't stick to it for so many years without any clue. Many experiences of you and Lu Xinran are consistent. At the beginning, my mother was not sure who you and Lu Xinran were, so she arranged Fu Shenyan to take you with her, and they met each other separately, and then they had a paternity test."

Looking at him, I said solemnly, "you just stole my DNA to do paternity test just because I have something in common with President Lin?"

I heaped a pile of questions in my heart. I looked at the hall. It was not easy to ask here. I simply dragged Chen Xing to the teahouse on the corridor.

At this point, he was puzzled and said, "I thought it was you at first, but I didn't expect that the result of paternity test was Lu Xinran."

White I look, he said, "that means, my mother has taken your DNA, as well as Lu Xinran's DNA, to do paternity testing."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Oh He despised me a little. "You are lucky to marry Fu Shenyan. I have reminded you before that you are similar to my mother, and so is Lu Xinran. Do you really think there will be people who are similar in the world for no reason?"

At this time, Chen Xing mentioned that I had some doubts.

I don't know, "what do you mean?" Although I was puzzled by the strange questions Lin Wan asked me today, I didn't feel anything wrong.

He's talking about today?

he gave me a look, a bit like watching an idiot, "elder sister, do you really think my mother is very idle, will come to chat with you?"

I was a little confused by what he said, so I couldn't help laughing and saying, "can your daughter be easily recognized?"

He sneered and looked down on the cheese in my hand. He said heartlessly, "I hope that their daughter is you, not Lu Xinran. That woman is too scheming. It's not a good thing to be in the pear garden."

Hearing the grievance in his words, I took a plate of cheese and said, "every child is a treasure in the heart of her parents. After all, she has been lost for more than 20 years, and it's always a joy to get back. After this effort, it's good."

"What are you looking at?" he said. His eyes were a little lonely. "Her heart was on her daughter. I was just an accident."

seeing that he was in a bad state, I couldn't help saying, "your mother's birthday, how are you sick? I just heard that your mother's lost daughter has been found. Why don't you go and have a look?"

See me, Chen Xing tiny a Leng, then light mouth way, "good evening!"

I looked around and saw a familiar voice at the corner of the hall. It was Chen Xing. I couldn't help walking past.

When I was free, I went to find Fu Shenyan for the first time. But just now, after saying hello to Mo Zhicheng, Fu Shenyan didn't know where to go.

Shen Yu let me go and said hello to Mo Zhicheng.

And I, I know nothing about the whole thing.

"Did Lu Xinran know these things in the first place?" When I opened my mouth, I felt a little uncomfortable.

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